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发表于 2012-6-18 09:59:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-18 11:33:29 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-6-18 11:56:44 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-18 12:37:47 | 只看该作者
楼上长江的同学说话太冲了,看不下去出来说两句。ucb是uc berkerly吗?英属哥伦比亚的副教授就敢说秒杀中欧有全部教授,我觉得就是陈教授本人也不敢这么说吧,而且陈教授是长江的教授吗?网站上说的是访问教授,怎么就能让你产生这么大的优越感
-- by 会员 arish (2012/6/18 8:35:31)

是指出不同。长江通常是第一年访问, 第二年转为正式,转正在进行中。

很多从国外刚回来的教授,他们需要时间适应给中文讲座。Full time是英文教学,效果会好一点。副教授没错但是他有讲席,这个是不容易的。
发表于 2012-6-18 12:39:56 | 只看该作者

陈歆磊是UBC的讲席教授。 中欧没有一个教授的研究比他好的,长江的教授要有第一流的研究, 这和中欧是不一样的。

Rui Zhu, Utpal Dholakia, Xinlei (Jack) Chen and Rene Algesheimer, “Does Online Community Participation Foster Risky Financial Behavior?” Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming
Hai Che, Xinlei (Jack) Chen and Yuxin Chen, “Investigating Effects of Out-of-Stock on Consumer SKU Choice” Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming
Lan Luo, Xinlei (Jack) Chen, Jeanie Han, and C. W. Park, “Dilution and Enhancement of Celebrity Brands through Sequential Movie Releases” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 47, Issue 6, 1114-1128
Chen, Xinlei (Jack), Om Narasimhan, George John, and Tirtha Dhar, “An Empirical Investigation of Private Label Supply by National Label Producers” Marketing Science, July-August, Vol. 29, 738-755
Nitin Mehta, Xinlei (Jack) Chen and Om Narasimhan (2010) “Examining Demand Elasticities in Hanemann’s Framework: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis,” Marketing Science, May-June, Vol. 29, 422-437
Chen, Xinlei (Jack), George John, Julie M. Hays, Arthur V. Hill, and Susan E. Geurs (2009), “Learning from A Service Guarantee Quasi-Experiment” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 46, Issue 5, 584-596
Zhu, Rui (Juliet), Xinlei (Jack) Chen, and Srabana Dasgupta (2008), “Exploring the Effect of Trade-In Value on Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for the New Product” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 45, Issue 2, 159-170
Mehta, Nitin, Xinlei (Jack) Chen and Om Narasimhan (2008), “The Role of Informative and Transformative Effects of Advertising on Brand Choice Decisions” Marketing Science, Vol 27, Issue 3, 334-355
Chen, Xinlei (Jack), George John and Om Narasimhan (2008), “Assessing the Consequences of A Channel Switch”, Marketing Science, Marketing Science, Vol 27, Issue 3, 398-4161.

陈歆磊这样的教授是全球所有顶尖商学院都要争抢的教授, 他曾经得到过Stanford, Michigan这样商学院的讲席教授聘书,也就是说你去Stanford, Michigan这样的地方遇到的教授往往都是像陈教授这样的。长江和中欧不一样,强调研究型教授,各个学校的品味不同。可以不客气的说中欧没有一个能去得了顶尖商学院的营销教授, 除了蒋炯文。

-- by 会员 grossman (2012/6/17 19:09:05)

-- by 会员 xenddy (2012/6/18 0:36:08)

google scholar 很容易查, Lydia Price有一篇不错的期刊论文,别的都不行

A cross-cultural study of interpersonal information 中的 [PDF]
…, PM Parker, LJ Price - Journal of International Business Studies, 1996

Charles Waldman 只是Affiliate Professor 是不做学术的。

中欧厉害的是 蒋炯文
发表于 2012-6-18 12:59:42 | 只看该作者
中欧营销学系主任蒋炯文研究很好“Price Competition with reduced consumer switching costs: The case of "Wireless Number
Portability" in the Cellular Phone Industry” with Mengze Shi and Byong Duk Rhee, Management
Science, 2006, Vol 52(1), pp. 27-38.
"roduct Innovation Strategies for Established Market Pioneers and Later Entrants," with W. T.
Robinson, Strategy Management Journal, 2002, Vol 23(9), pp 855-866.

"The Decomposition of Promotional Response: An Empirical Generalization," with D. Bell and V.
Padmanabhan, 1999, Marketing Science, 18:4, 504-526. (Finalist of 2009 “Long Term Impact
Award”, INFORMS)

"Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Models of Consideration Set and Parameter Heterogeneity," with S.
Chib and C. Narasimhan, 1999, Journal of Econometrics, 89:223-248.

"Are Sutton's Predictions Robust?: Empirical Insights Into Advertising, R&D, and Concentration,"
with W. Robinson,1996, Journal of Industrial Economics, 44 (December), 389-408.
"Competing Coupon Promotions and Category Sales," 1995, Marketing Science, 14:1, 105-122.
"Discrete/Continuous Models of Consumer Demand With Binding Non-Negativity Constraints," with
L.F. Lee, 1992, Journal of Econometrics, 54, 79-93.
"A Simultaneous Approach to the Whether, What and How Much to Buy Questions," 1991,
Marketing Science, 10:4, 297-315.

"Transportation Costs in International Trade Theory: A Comparison With the Analysis of Nontraded
Goods - A Note," with C.C. Mai, 1983, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2 (May), 349-352.
发表于 2012-6-18 13:10:17 | 只看该作者
中欧 Kwaku Atuahene-Gima 也有很多A/A-类的文章

Journal Articles

Rebecca Slotegraaf and Kwaku Atuahene-Gima (2011), Project Team Stability and New Product Advantage: The

Role of Decision-Making Processes. Journal of Marketing 75 ((Jan ), 96-108

Luigi De Luca and Atuahene-Gima, K. 2007, “Market Knowledge Dimensions and Cross-functional Collaboration:

Examining the Different Routes to Product Innovation Performance”, Journal of Marketing 71(January), 95-112

Atuahene-Gima, K. 2005 “Resolving the Capability–Rigidity Paradox in New Product Innovation” Journal of

Marketing, 69 (October), 61-83.

           * AMA Tech Sig Best Paper Award 2007

Atuahene-Gima, K. and Janet Murray. 2004. Antecedents and Outcomes of Marketing Strategy Comprehensiveness”

Journal of Marketing, 68 (October), 33-46.

Atuahene-Gima, K. and Haiyang Li. 2004. Strategic Decision Comprehensiveness and New Product Outcomes in

New Technology Ventures Academy of Management Journal, 47 (4), 583-597.

Atuahene-Gima, K. 2003. Effects of Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces on Product Development Speed and Quality:

How Does Problem Solving Matter? Academy of Management Journal, 46 (3), 359 - 373.

Atuahene-Gima, K. and Haiyang Li, 2002. “When Does Trust Matter? An Empirical Analysis of the Antecedent and

Contingent Effects of Supervisee Trust on Sales Performance in Selling New Products in China and the United

States”, Journal of Marketing 66 (July), 61-81.

Haiyang Li and Atuahene-Gima, K. 2002. The Adoption of Agency Business Activity, Product Innovation, and

Performance in Chinese Technology Ventures, Strategic Management Journal 23 (June), 469-490. [Lead article]

Haiyang Li and Atuahene-Gima, K. 2001. “Product Innovation Strategy and Performance of New High Technology

Ventures in China”, Academy of Management Journal 44 (December), 1123-1134.

Atuahene-Gima, K. and Anthony Ko. 2001. An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Market Orientation and

Entrepreneurial Orientation Alignment on Product Innovation. Organization Science 12 (1), 54-74.

Atuahene-Gima, K. and F. Evangelista. 2000. Cross-functional Influence in New Product Development: An

Exploratory Study of Marketing and R&D Perspectives. Management Science 46 (October), 1269-1284. [Lead

发表于 2012-6-18 21:00:03 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-18 23:07:47 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 wanghongliang (2012/6/18 9:50:33)

发表于 2012-6-18 23:16:58 | 只看该作者
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