【已确认】 by irenezlc 不长,不到一屏,好像是谢美国历史研究中,一直都忽略有关对有钱黑人的研究,就算是在1970s(不记得是不是)对黑人研究最兴盛时期也没有过。。其中有巨多人名,都好像是美国历史学家的名字。有一题高亮问高亮出来的人与前文提到到的人有什么关系,。对不住大家,脑子实在不好使。。。如果有神N可以考到古的话,我可以来确认。。
V2760 Notwithstanding 谁谁谁A和谁谁谁B开始关注,most historians 都没有关注过19世纪的南方黑人as landholder的繁荣和财富。一些scientific school 的 Dunning就ignore黑人的财富这一问题,but this ignorance is true, in part, of the critism from 谁谁谁and 谁谁谁,revolist school – mary…, 谁谁谁,谁谁谁..- attack the assumption of Dunning School . 但事实上,(这种忽略也是情有可原的),因为黑人的affluence有多少,… 甚至没有demon graphic survey indicate 主旨题我选的是追溯不同的学者是怎么参合某一历史问题development的考究的(E) 还有个问题是notwithstanding后面的谁谁谁和谁谁谁会同意…以下哪个 其实这篇做的有点稀里糊涂...因为谁谁谁太多了...欺负中国人记不住外国人的名字么... 不过大家可以搜一下关键词比如affluence,American African, Dunning(这个名字我记住了!),scientific school,也许能有背景资料 背景文根据JJ八成来自于这篇论文。但是原文很长,我感觉和考试相关的部分就是前三段。 http://libres.uncg.edu/ir/uncg/f/L_Schweninger_Prosperous_1990.pdf
For many years, historians paid only slight attention to blacks who reached the upper economic levels in the nineteenth-century South. In 1905, amateur historian Calvin Dill Wilson wrote a ten-page essay in the North American Review called "Black Masters: A Side-Light on Slavery," and a decade later John Russell added a brief article in the Journal ofNeg;ro History on the same subject.2 The "scientific historians" of the William A. Dunning school-Walter Lynwood Fleming, Mildred Thompson, James G. De Roulhac Hamilton, James W. Garner, among others-almost com pletely ignored black landholders and prosperous black business people, but to some extent this was also true for a later group of historians whoattacked the racist assum ptions of the Dunning school. The books and articles of Carter G. Woodson, Abram Harris, Merah Stuart, Luther Porter Jackson, John Hope Franklin, Vernon Lane Wharton, and other revisionist authors included only brief notations of blacks who had acquired substantial amounts of property. Even with the explosion of research on various aspects of the black experience during the late 1960s and 1970s, historians seemed more interested in racial exploitation, black culture and black consciousness, and the political activities of blacks during Reconstruction than with those who achieved financial success.