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本贴相关题目 OG (CBPX)


Spending on research and development by United States businesses for 1984 showed an increase of about8 percent over the 1983 level. This increase actually continued a downward trend evident since 1981 – whenoutlays for research and development increased 16.4 percent over 1980 spending. Clearly, the 25 percent taxcredit enacted by Congress in 1981, which was intended to promote spending on research and development,did little or nothing to stimulate such spending.

The conclusion of the argument above cannot be true unless which of the following is true?

正确答案: D









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发表于 2004-10-5 01:07:00 | 只看该作者


对于OG104,  我对E选项感到很疑惑:E中specific investments我是认为包含有spending on research and development,所以选了它,为什么不对呢?
虽然搜索了,但对这个解释还是感到不准确"The conclusion is  25 percent tax credit *** did little or nothing to stimulate the R&D spending by US business. E中是说tax credit 对business很少有效,等于没说。这里问的是一个specific case, 它回答一个broad possibility."

以下是引用seanql在2003-11-28 17:22:00的发言:
104. Spending on research and development by United States businesses for 1984 showed an increase of about 8 percent over the 1983 level. This increase actually continued a downward trend evident since 1981 – when outlays for research and development increased 16.4 percent over 1980 spending. Clearly, the 25 percent tax
credit enacted by Congress in 1981, which was intended to promote spending on research and development, did little or nothing to stimulate such spending.
The conclusion of the argument above cannot be true unless which of the following is true?
(A) Business spending on research and development is usually directly proportional to business profits.
(B) Business spending for research and development in 1985 could not increase by more than 8.3%.
(C) Had the 1981 tax credit been set higher than 25%, business spending for research and development after
1981 would have increased more than it did.
(D) In the absence of the 25% tax credit, business spending for research and development after 1981 would not
have been substantially lower than it was.
(E) Tax credits market for specific investments are rarely effective in inducing businesses to make those investments.

这道题是问assumption,E中specific investments我是认为包含有spending on research and development,所以选了它,为什么不对呢?

发表于 2004-10-5 05:33:00 | 只看该作者

Assumption is a required condition that has to be true. A-->B ==> -B-->-A. B is required condition. E does not have to be true in this case. E is related as it talks about tax credit and investment. I agree with you that R&D could be one type of investment (even though R&D is rarely capitalized as other investments).

The argument can be condensed as: "a" does not work and required condition is that "A" does not work, in which "A" is a large group that consists of "a". For example, Tom does not like his teacher. For this to be true, is it necessary that everyone in Tom's class dislikes the teacher? Apparently not.

In the question, it is not necessary for other tax credit not to work to reach the conclusion that this specific tax credit does not work. The fact could be that all other works while this alone does not work.

As you can see, E can be an asnwer for strengthen question.

 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-5 23:30:00 | 只看该作者

茅塞顿开啊.  真的好兴奋看到你来回答我的问题!!

anyway, thank you!!

发表于 2004-12-11 11:04:00 | 只看该作者

If the tax credit was ineffective, some other factors must determine the level

of spending, and could lead to much higher levels of spending in 1985 (against choice B), and

could render a higher level of tax credit ineffective (against choice C), but it could be that

credits are generally effective (against choice E).?????

有那位NN能帮忙解释一下OG的解释到底是什么意思?也太偷工减料了吧. " but" 在这里转折是什么意思? 是其它因素的影响导致的??

BTW, 对总教头的举例, 还不是特别明白, 用部分与整体的概念怎么来解释E错了呢? 虽然E没有D好,只是加强, 但 是不是对加强的选项取非, 也会消弱原文的结论?

The argument can be condensed as: "a" does not work and required condition is that "A" does not work, in which "A" is a large group that consists of "a". For example, Tom does not like his teacher. For this to be true, is it necessary that everyone in Tom's class dislikes the teacher? Apparently not.


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