以下是引用携隐在2005-10-19 16:50:00的发言:chris大哥,谢谢你的热心解答。我今天看主页,突然有个疑问,不知道TUCK的图标代表什么意思呢?我看着觉得像个房子,代表世界各地同学老师在一个家庭里和乐融融?1900是建立时间。再下面是代表水?学校附近有著名的湖泊? 瞎猜的,不要笑我啊。 [upload=gif]UploadFile/2005-10/2005101916502358195.gif[/upload]
hoho.. I think the building is Tuck Hall, the main building at Tuck. It is like an ancient shrine. The water?? I think it is river connecticut. It runs just right next to Dartmouth campus. Just my guess!!!! Dartmouth has a beatiful campus, not as breath-taking as Cornell though. Tuck is small!! It took me half an hour to finish the campus tour. But people are nice, it is a very intimate environment. |