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塔克中国人---0. 塔克介绍 1. 万里来相逢(录取背景) 2.寻他千百度(就业情况)

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发表于 2005-10-30 14:52:00 | 只看该作者



        1025日中午12点半,结束了痛苦万分的Decision Science期末考试,匆匆拎上头天准备好的行李,在滂沱的大雨中登上了开往纽约的大巴。



        放好行李,整理好西装和领带,满脸的微笑,走进宴会大厅。瑞银的新老板是塔克的校友,去年一下招了十来个塔克毕业生,大家兴致勃勃,端着酒杯和校友们畅叙投行的酸甜苦辣和学校生活的多姿多彩。高兴啊,见到了这么多事业有成的前辈,知心的话说也说不完。当然群众也没忘了抽空填饱肚子。就这样,晚上快9点半的时候,第一场networking 曲终人散。

发表于 2005-10-30 20:04:00 | 只看该作者
多谢CHRIS! 顶一下

发表于 2005-10-31 08:42:00 | 只看该作者

About Tuck Interview

Great job, Chris!

I am a second year student at Tuck, hope to bring some help to those interested in Tuck.

To answer your question about interview, some tips for Chinese students as reflected by second year interviewers:

1. Answer the question FIRST. Do not give three minutes context first (my company is xxx, the largest in China.. my role is xxxx.) Whatever he/she ask, give an answer first. I take this as a key lesson even for my job interviews.

2. Try to have a conversation rather than Q&A with the interviewer. For example, 'tell me about your leadership style". You could give an answer and then explain why. "I am a xxx leader. during the process of applying to bschool, I thought about leadership. What kind of leader I want to be, what leader I am and what I need to improve. Here is my understanding.....'So that you show who you are, what you know about leadership and what you know about how to improve.

3. Do research into Tuck. Deep!

Attaced one picture taken this weekend. Hanover is beautiful!


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-31 9:02:59编辑过]


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发表于 2005-10-31 17:42:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用dreamland在2005-10-31 8:42:00的发言:

Great job, Chris!

I am a second year student at Tuck, hope to bring some help to those interested in Tuck.

To answer your question about interview, some tips for Chinese students as reflected by second year interviewers:

1. Answer the question FIRST. Do not give three minutes context first (my company is xxx, the largest in China.. my role is xxxx.) Whatever he/she ask, give an answer first. I take this as a key lesson even for my job interviews.

2. Try to have a conversation rather than Q&A with the interviewer. For example, 'tell me about your leadership style". You could give an answer and then explain why. "I am a xxx leader. during the process of applying to bschool, I thought about leadership. What kind of leader I want to be, what leader I am and what I need to improve. Here is my understanding.....'So that you show who you are, what you know about leadership and what you know about how to improve.

3. Do research into Tuck. Deep!

Attaced one picture taken this weekend. Hanover is beautiful!


Thanks a lot for the tips. I am trying to google Tuck MBA one more time.

发表于 2005-11-1 06:50:00 | 只看该作者
请问CHRIS大哥, TUCK第一轮录取是准时在12月16日那天通知, 还是有可能提前分批发出.

发表于 2005-11-1 10:11:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用dreamland在2005-10-31 8:42:00的发言:

Great job, Chris!

I am a second year student at Tuck, hope to bring some help to those interested in Tuck.

To answer your question about interview, some tips for Chinese students as reflected by second year interviewers:

1. Answer the question FIRST. Do not give three minutes context first (my company is xxx, the largest in China.. my role is xxxx.) Whatever he/she ask, give an answer first. I take this as a key lesson even for my job interviews.

2. Try to have a conversation rather than Q&A with the interviewer. For example, 'tell me about your leadership style". You could give an answer and then explain why. "I am a xxx leader. during the process of applying to bschool, I thought about leadership. What kind of leader I want to be, what leader I am and what I need to improve. Here is my understanding.....'So that you show who you are, what you know about leadership and what you know about how to improve.

3. Do research into Tuck. Deep!

Attaced one picture taken this weekend. Hanover is beautiful!



Hi, Dreamland, thank you so much for the tips. They are very helpful.

I will have my phone interview in a week, and the interviewer is Jonathan Michaels, a second year student. Any specific advice for me?

发表于 2005-11-1 22:46:00 | 只看该作者

Phone interview is tough because they cannot see you smile. In addition to the three above, I'll suggest the following:

1. Find a quiet 30 minutes, no interruption. Nothing but your resume and a piece of paper

2. On that piece of paper, list 5 key selling points you want Jon to remember you about. Whatever the question and challenge, remind yourself to go back to them.

3. Smile to the telephone

4. Practice, practice, practice. For example "walk me through your resume" "tell me a leadership story"."why tuck" "why MBA" know yourself cold. and keep your answer no longer than 3 minutes

5. Prepare wise questions to show that you've done your research

Good luck!

发表于 2005-11-1 23:35:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用dreamland在2005-11-1 22:46:00的发言:

Phone interview is tough because they cannot see you smile. In addition to the three above, I'll suggest the following:

1. Find a quiet 30 minutes, no interruption. Nothing but your resume and a piece of paper

2. On that piece of paper, list 5 key selling points you want Jon to remember you about. Whatever the question and challenge, remind yourself to go back to them.

3. Smile to the telephone

4. Practice, practice, practice. For example "walk me through your resume" "tell me a leadership story"."why tuck" "why MBA" know yourself cold. and keep your answer no longer than 3 minutes

5. Prepare wise questions to show that you've done your research

Good luck!

发表于 2005-11-2 23:36:00 | 只看该作者

Had on-campus interview today. The interview foused on resume, why MBA,career goals, why Tuck, how to contribute to Tuck, and why job change, how to handle team work problems in study groups. Audited one class and saw top professor students. Had lunch with 1st year students, tour with second year student. It is surprising to notice how these students have expressed the pride of the school and the strong loyalty of the alumni, and even the newly admitted 1st year students have had quite a few chances so far to experience the true loyalty from the alumni. Looks there are endless information sessions, chats/ lunches/dinners with visiting companies, alumni, and executives. It's a great place for networking, and during the first year, about 60 students take several courses together first, then it is broken down to form another 60 students to take the rest of courses, which means students will have different peers in the study groups in the first year. It's no wonder why one can know every else in the two years time. Quite a few native students prefered Tuck for they want to get out of city life for two years and to experience in a rural area as Hanover. Besides participating clubs, sports, and community services, students get nothing else to do except to study and network. It's a small place, one can hardly find excuses not to attend meetings in study groups. :-)

Asked about the decision making process, and I was told that two admission officers will review a package independently, and then the director will go through it, after that, it will be brought to the admission committee for discussion. Personally I think ranking will be done among different international groups (eg. Chinese, Japanese, Indians etc.)then for shortlisting candidates. The results will not be released until the deadline (16 Dec for ED).  

Good luck to all.

发表于 2005-11-3 00:11:00 | 只看该作者
very informative review, thanks for sharing and good luck to you too.

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