To lazy cat, Have you ever read a book on Ipad for more than 3 hours. Tell me how your eyes feel? Or you just use it to play. -- by 会员 zombiee (2012/6/10 23:50:53)
In fact, I don't have an ipad, but I know my eyes will hurt if I spend several hours, reading a book. ER.....if you want to buy e-readers that have similar visual effects as books, why not just buy books?.... er.....I know it may be more portable to read books on e-reader, but I don't think the price of the books I buy will exceed that of the e-reader. er.....If you really need one, buy kindle. I'm not really confidence with the e-products made in China. -- by 会员 clover928 (2012/6/11 9:12:56)
Omg, you are really a fighting cat~ Reasonable argument, high score in AWA, give you a 6~~ -- by 会员 zombiee (2012/6/11 11:41:22)
haha, plz give me a 7 in my ielts So, have you make up your mind? -- by 会员 clover928 (2012/6/11 13:11:46)
yep, I think maybe the new ipad (resolution ratio: 2048×1536) can solve this problem. But only have to buy from Hongkong via Taobao. Open to discuss. LOL Definitely worth 7 according to your reasonable, decent, thoughtful argument if you take IELTS. -- by 会员 zombiee (2012/6/11 14:41:24)
er...I heard that there's sth wrong with fever plate of the new iPad. The temperature of the new ipad increases by 5 C every 28 minutes. btw, WIll the new ipad become your recreational machines??.... -- by 会员 clover928 (2012/6/11 15:11:57)
I just read an article about all this stuff. E-reader wars: does the iPad's retina display measure up to e-ink? as to reading, ipad 2 and the new ipad is the same. Besides I already have a kindle3. So you know... btw, unlike you, I am a grown-up , keep your mommy preach.LOL -- by 会员 zombiee (2012/6/11 15:24:45)