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发表于 2004-9-26 19:06:00 | 只看该作者


173  Researchers have found that when very overweight people, who tend to have relatively low metabolic rates, lose weight primarily through dieting, their metabolisms generally remain unchanged.

They will thus burn significantly fewer calories at the new weight than do people whose weight is normally at that level. Such newly thin persons will, therefore, ultimately regain weight until their body size again matches their metabolic rate.

The conclusion of the argument above depends on which of the following assumptions?

(A) Relatively few very overweight people (who have dieted down to a new weight ) tend to continue to consume substantially fewer calories than do people whose normal weight is at that level.


如果是改写,按照原文,就会复胖啊,而A却说"相对较少的人才这样(复胖)”,怎么会是原文的 assumption呢?

所以A选项是不是有点小错误, 消耗较少的calories, ----->应该是消耗更多的calories 或者是 few 应改成 many吧?

发表于 2004-9-26 23:06:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用tweib在2004-9-26 19:06:00的发言:

173  Researchers have found that when very overweight people, who tend to have relatively low metabolic rates, lose weight primarily through dieting, their metabolisms generally remain unchanged.

They will thus burn significantly fewer calories at the new weight than do people whose weight is normally at that level. Such newly thin persons will, therefore, ultimately regain weight until their body size again matches their metabolic rate.

The conclusion of the argument above depends on which of the following assumptions?

(A) Relatively few very overweight people (who have dieted down to a new weight ) tend to continue to consume substantially fewer calories than do people whose normal weight is at that level.


如果是改写,按照原文,就会复胖啊,而A却说"相对较少的人才这样(复胖)”,怎么会是原文的 assumption呢?

所以A选项是不是有点小错误, 消耗较少的calories, ----->应该是消耗更多的calories 或者是 few 应改成 many吧?

consume substantially fewer calories : 是消费比较少的calories, 就是吃的比较少

 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-26 23:26:00 | 只看该作者

根据原文里的burn calories,即 burn calories(烧耗热量)与consume calories(摄取热量)是一对反义词?

consume vt.

1. 消耗,花费;耗尽

She consumed most of her time in reading.


2. 吃完,喝光

The kids soon consumed all the food on the table.


3. 烧毁,毁灭

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-26 23:26:57编辑过]
发表于 2004-9-26 23:36:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用tweib在2004-9-26 23:26:00的发言:

根据原文里的burn calories,即 burn calories(烧耗热量)与consume calories(摄取热量)是一对反义词?

consume vt.

1. 消耗,花费;耗尽

She consumed most of her time in reading.


2. 吃完,喝光

The kids soon consumed all the food on the table.


3. 烧毁,毁灭

使用解释2 : "吃, 喝", 不是吃光, 喝光, 我在国外生活多年, 对好多词的意思理解来自生活, 不是来自字典. 字典的中文解释不够恰当. 又, GMAT逻辑是理解意思, 然后按common sense解题(引自我最崇拜的总教头---mindfree), 我不用大家常用的那些方法解逻辑题目, 所以无法参与学院派的讨论. 对于此题, 我坚持我的看法:consume是吃的意思.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-26 23:40:19编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-26 23:43:00 | 只看该作者

Calories are the units of energy contained in the food and drink we consume.

Calories are either burned to produce energy or, if excess to requirements, stored as fat.

例句:If you get an M&M® McFlurry™ with it for dessert, you'll get 630 more calories, so you are already consuming almost 2,200 calories just at this one meal!


发表于 2004-9-26 23:47:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用tweib在2004-9-26 23:43:00的发言:

Calories are the units of energy contained in the food and drink we consume.

Calories are either burned to produce energy or, if excess to requirements, stored as fat.

例句:If you get an M&M® McFlurry™ with it for dessert, you'll get 630 more calories, so you are already consuming almost 2,200 calories just at this one meal!


非常佩服tweib的钻研精神, 马鱼老了, 不过"尚能饭"
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-26 23:51:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用horsefish在2004-9-26 23:36:00的发言:

使用解释2 : "吃, 喝", 不是吃光, 喝光, 我在国外生活多年, 对好多词的意思理解来自生活, 不是来自字典. 字典的中文解释不够恰当. 又, GMAT逻辑是理解意思, 然后按common sense解题(引自我最崇拜的总教头---mindfree), 我不用大家常用的那些方法解逻辑题目, 所以无法参与学院派的讨论. 对于此题, 我坚持我的看法:consume是吃的意思.


学院派的大帽(提醒horsefish JJ)已给我戴了几顶,也不在乎多一个

发表于 2004-9-27 00:12:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用tweib在2004-9-26 23:51:00的发言:


学院派的大帽(提醒horsefish JJ)已给我戴了几顶,也不在乎多一个

出来后吃不饱, 没有中国食品, 老外的东西吃你个胃倒, 然后还噌,噌地涨重量. 我要是回国, 先找tweib请我吃中餐
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-27 08:47:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用horsefish在2004-9-27 0:12:00的发言:

出来后吃不饱, 没有中国食品, 老外的东西吃你个胃倒, 然后还噌,噌地涨重量. 我要是回国, 先找tweib请我吃中餐


是我的错,调侃得多了些,让大家分心了,帖子主要还是用来 檄文招讨ETS的,请组织放心,horshfish绝不请,我保证只去horshfish那花dollar

发表于 2004-10-3 15:05:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用tweib在2004-9-26 23:26:00的发言:

根据原文里的burn calories,即 burn calories(烧耗热量)与consume calories(摄取热量)是一对反义词?

consume vt.

1. 消耗,花费;耗尽

She consumed most of her time in reading.


2. 吃完,喝光

The kids soon consumed all the food on the table.


3. 烧毁,毁灭


consume calories是摄取(吃)的热量,

而 burn calories 是消耗的热量。

增重 = consume-burn

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