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发表于 2012-4-19 19:31:48 | 只看该作者

-- by 会员 wanghongliang (2012/4/19 17:51:09)

Loser的定义也是很主观的, 我喜欢偶尔叫自己和知心的朋友Loser. 经常只是用来提醒自己离确立目标和实现目标还有很大的距离. 人生到此, 还是会有困惑和迷茫, 就调侃一下而已.
发表于 2012-4-19 19:47:46 | 只看该作者
大家聊到FT MBA, PT MBA, EMBA的时候很容易有分歧, 主要是我们缺乏统一的分类和定义.

很多PT MBA项目本身是为了挣钱, 但也有很多认真做PT MBA的学校, 一杆子打倒或者一口气认同都不合适.

FT MBA, EMBA 也有类似的问题,但是可能常常不是太显著.

我认为国内容易做烂的项目按照概率是 PT MBA > EMBA > FT MBA. 没有数据支持, 凭主观经验罢了.

发表于 2012-4-19 19:53:25 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-4-19 19:56:50 | 只看该作者
说的不是 WayneCH2012, 是bolan.

见识不够宽, 背景不够强, 经历不够丰富, 还见不得人家好. 鉴定完毕.
这点完全同意, 雇主不会舍近求远的.
-- by 会员 WayneCH2012 (2012/4/18 13:58:47)

No need to do a personal attack.

You have the right to disagree

He has the right to speak, although I do not agree with him most of the time
-- by 会员 gina2012 (2012/4/19 17:06:17)

发表于 2012-4-19 20:02:03 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 bolan (2012/4/19 19:09:25)

发表于 2012-4-19 20:09:25 | 只看该作者
说的不是 WayneCH2012, 是bolan.

见识不够宽, 背景不够强, 经历不够丰富, 还见不得人家好. 鉴定完毕.
这点完全同意, 雇主不会舍近求远的.
-- by 会员 WayneCH2012 (2012/4/18 13:58:47)

No need to do a personal attack.

You have the right to disagree

He has the right to speak, although I do not agree with him most of the time
-- by 会员 gina2012 (2012/4/19 17:06:17)

-- by 会员 ericzy (2012/4/19 19:56:50)

I know, still.

You do not know Bolan, you do not know his background, and he did not even ask you to evaluate him.
发表于 2012-4-19 20:15:21 | 只看该作者
Yeah, intelligence or IQ is pretty much determined by your genetic heratage, there's not much we can do now to dramatically change that. EQ, sadly is highly corelated with IQ. The view is that it's half decided by gene and half by your upbringing (early life experience or how you grew up), personality is also the same. Potential is two parts, one is the emotional capability to effectively deal with new situation, the other is the IQ to analyze the situation and reach solutions. That means it's equal parts IQ and EQ. Other capabilities like creativity is more or less related with personality.

Don't be sad about that, it's actually age old truth. It's more important to actually know yourself than blindly believe your potential. The important thing is to know what you do best and beat everyone else on that thing, and know what you don't do well and avoid that like a plague (or find ways to cover your ass)

On the other hand, there are also ways or mental training exercises to develop almost all skills. It may or may not develop your capability dramatically (more likely not dramatically). Also, all developmental efforts has cost (time and effort) and risk involved. So there is also the problem of do you really want to make the investment
-- by 会员 Xylus (2012/4/19 18:50:45)

I do not like to give my personal story to disapprove your theory.

I think my after-20 experience changed me a lot. My EQ really comes later in my life.

I strongly feel that chinese thinking differs western thinking hugely, especially on encouragement.

I will remember today's conversation and work on my 20% and turn that figure to 100%

And by the way, to yourself and Bolan,

Are you doing a MBA or already completted one?
发表于 2012-4-19 20:17:13 | 只看该作者
Just finished my 2nd term at CEIBS
发表于 2012-4-19 20:21:34 | 只看该作者
Just finished my 2nd term at CEIBS
-- by 会员 Xylus (2012/4/19 20:17:13)

Great ! But I don't see your point.
发表于 2012-4-19 20:22:19 | 只看该作者
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