今天选的这几篇文章,是我最近读过的感触颇深的…… 小时候学数学,我只记住了斐波那契数列( Fibonacci sequence) 就是1,1,2,3,5,8,13,…. 我只懵懵懂懂地知道,与此相关的那个黄金分割的比例很神奇。大一时候学物理(我们用的教材就是那本我在RC 版强推过的Fundamentals of physics),我很兴奋地发现——在音乐里:一个音与高八度的音,所对应的弦长之比是2:1 ;而1 (哆)和5 (嗦)的弦长之比,是3:2…. (当天上课回去我就抱起我的琵琶来测量,果真如此!)推而广之,斐波那契数列,就是大自然的音韵 - our nature’s harmonics. 前段时间学股票的technical analysis ,学到那个著名的Elliott Wave Theory ,它的数学量化,the sizes of the waves, 正是满足斐波那契数列。 世界真奇妙,对吧? 而我想,这奇妙的万千世界,正是——如演讲者Margret 所说——“the embodiment of abstract concept” 。而 数学,恰恰揭示了大自然内在的美。 特别喜欢这么几句话,和大家分享: Disciplinary boundaries are preventing us from getting a full view of its role. Cosmetic differences may hide revealing parallels. (来自越障) But what we want to propose, is that the highest levels of abstraction, things like mathematics, computing, logic, etc. -- all of this can be engaged with, not just through purely cerebral algebraic symbolic methods,but by literally, physically playing with ideas. (来自Margret 的那段演讲结尾)-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/4/9 9:56:48)
baby今天推荐的文章看的我心花怒放,又增长了知识~~ 要像baby学习,baby懂得好多,惭愧~~ |