Ap下降,因为在过去50年里,臭氧层被不断耗尽,导致对UV-B的BLOCK下降,这个UV-B会伤害GENE。同时,这个AP没有啥保护措施,AP的蛋也没啥保护措施,所以很容易被这个UV-B伤害,故此得出结论,就是这个臭氧层下降导致AP下降。 EXCEPT题就是不加强,无关或者削弱两种可能的答案都应该被选出。 A. Of the various types of radiation blocked by atmospheric ozone, UV-B is the only type that can damage genes. 支持,强调UV-B的作用。 B. Amphibian populations are declining far more rapidly than are the populations of non-amphibian species whose tissues and eggs have more natural protection from UV-B. 支持,确实没保护 C. Atmospheric ozone has been significantly depleted above all the areas of the world in which amphibian populations are declining. 支持 D. The natural habitat of amphibians has not become smaller over the past century. HABITAT跟这个推理其中的几个要素都无关,保护无关,UVB无关,时间无关,所以根据最初分析无关的哪项就是EXCEPT要选的。所以选D E. Amphibian populations have declined continuously for the last 50 years. 时间对的上,支持。 |