Scientists have recently discovered what could be the largest and oldest living organism on Earth, a giant fungus that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and rootlike tentacles spawned by a single fertilized spore some 10,000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest.如果这个句子要翻译成中文去理解,我无法想象有多么困难。
Scientists have recently discovereddiscovered what?
what could be the largest and oldest living organism on EarthUmm... interesting! What is it? I can't wait to learn!
a giant fungusI don't know this stuff, please explain...
that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and rootlike tentaclesWell that makes sense, but I'd be appreciated if you could provide more information.
spawned by a single fertilized spore some 10,000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest.Okay I'm clear now.

其实英文思维就是这么回事啊,非常的直接。为什么modifier要尽量靠近它所修饰的对象?为什么前置和后置的v-ing as an adverbial modifier都能表示很自然的因果关系?.....掌握了英文思维,就仿佛是limbic brain拥有了一种正确的judgement.
Scientists recently discovered
what is (__est and __est) organism
A giant fungus
that is an aggregation of mushroom and X
spawn and extending
(imagine a huge picture...)以上我可以不看原句写出来,因为每一点信息量都很小,人脑的记忆单元可以容纳(不包括细节,比如我用X表示的东东,然后把原文中那些复杂的词,比如我不认识的filigree,转化为自己能接受的词,或者首字母提炼,总之知道大意就行)。然后这5点“信息单元”,并不是孤立的,而是相互联系的,就是通过我上面听教授讲课时脑子里产生的问题,来联系起来。
另外,我觉得你很聪明的啊,你提出来的这个问题,应该是很多中国学生suffer的问题,你很精确地剖析了。来听听这个,be comfortable for getting confused...just think the process as an opportunity for growing
我觉得,阅读的时候注意meaning-oriented,而不是追求解剖语法结构。比如,读完一个句子,脑子里想想这个句子大意是啥,用英文回忆,一般就只回忆主语+谓语(用simple language,不要那些fancy words)。这样每个句子或者分句,都是主语+谓语,在你脑海里形成一个意群。意群与意群之间,用逻辑词汇(and, but, because, ...)联系起来,所以你阅读的时候就是active reading,关注logical flow. 这样下去速度也会加快,因为你关注的是大意,而不是细枝末节。
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/22 11:38:24)

-- by 会员 kevin405hu (2012/3/22 22:08:00)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/23 1:22:51)