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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第三季】【1-9】

发表于 2012-3-1 21:33:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1. Advertisement: At most jewelry stores, the personassessing the diamond is the person selling it soyou can see why an assessor might say that adiamond is of higher quality than it really is.But because all diamonds sold at Gem Worldare certified in writing, you’re assured of a fairprice when purchasing a diamond from GemWorld.

The reasoning in the advertisement would be moststrengthened if which one of the following were true?

(A) Many jewelry stores other than Gem World also

provide written certification of the quality of

their diamonds.

(B) The certifications of diamonds at Gem World

are written by people with years of

experience in appraising gems.

(C) The diamonds sold at Gem World are generally

of higher quality than those sold at other

jewelry stores.

(D) The diamond market is so volatile that prices of

the most expensive diamonds can change by

hundreds of dollars from one day to the next.

(E) The written certifications of diamonds at Gem

World are provided by an independent

company of gem specialists.

When an airplane is taken out of service for maintenance, it is often repainted as well, and during the repainting no other maintenance work can be done on the plane.  In order to reduce maintenance time, airline officials are considering using a new nontoxic plastic film instead of paint.  The film takes just as long to apply as paint does, but many other maintenance tasks can be carried out at the same time.

Which of the following, if true, is further evidence that using the film will help the airline officials achieve their goal?

(A) Unlike paint, the film gives a milky tone to certain colors.

(B) At the end of its useful life, the film can be removed much more quickly than paint can.

(C) The film can be applied only by technicians who have received special training.

(D) The metal exteriors of airplanes have to be protected from high temperatures and caustic chemicals such as exhaust gases.

(E) Even at speeds considerably higher than the normal speed of a passenger jet, the film remains securely attached.

The Calex Telecommunications Company is planning to introduce cellular telephone service into isolated coastal areas of Caladia, a move which will require considerable investment.  However, the only significant economic activity in these areas is small-scale coffee farming, and none of the coffee farmers make enough money to afford the monthly service fees that Calex would have to charge to make a profit.  Nevertheless, Calex contends that making the service available to these farmers will be profitable.

Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for Calex's contention?

(A) Currently, Caladian coffee farmers are forced to sell their coffee to local buyers at whatever price those buyers choose to pay because the farmers are unable to remain in contact with outside buyers who generally offer higher prices.

(B) In the coastal areas of Caladia where Calex proposes to introduce cellular telephone service, there is currently no fixed-line telephone service because fixed-line companies do not believe that they could recoup their investment.

(C) A cellular telephone company can break even with a considerably smaller number of subscribers than a fixed-line company can, even in areas such as the Caladian coast, where there is no difficult terrain to drive up the costs of installing fixed lines.

(D) Calex bases its monthly fees for cellular telephone service in a given region partly on the cost of installing the necessary equipment to provide the service there.

(E) Calex has for years made a profit on cellular telephone service in Caladia's capital city, which is not far from the coastal region.

Calex contends that making the service available to these farmers will be profitable.

Film Director:  It is true that certain characters and plot twists in my newly released film The Big Heist are strikingly similar to characters and plot twists in Thieves, a movie that came out last year.  Based on these similarities, the film studio that produced Thieves is now accusing me of taking ideas from that film.  The accusation is clearly without merit.  All production work on The Big Heist was actually completed months before Thieves was released.

Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for the director's rejection of the accusation?

(A) Before Thieves began production, its script had been circulating for several years among various film studios, including the studio that produced The Big Heist.

(B) The characters and plot twists that are most similar in the two films have close parallels in many earlier films of the same genre.

(C) The film studio that produced Thieves seldom produces films in this genre.

(D) The director of Thieves worked with the director of The Big Heist on several earlier projects.

(E) The time it took to produce The Big Heist was considerably shorter than the time it took to produce Thieves.

Although exposure to asbestos is the primary cause of mesothelioma, a slow-developing cancer, researchers believe that infection by the SV40 virus is a contributing cause, since in the United States 60 percent of tissue samples from mesotheliomas, but none from healthy tissue, contain SV40.  SV40 is a monkey virus; however, in 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus.  Researchers hypothesize that this vaccine was the source of the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the researchers' hypothesis?

(A) SV40 is widely used as a research tool in cancer laboratories.

(B) Changes in the technique of manufacturing the vaccine now prevent contamination with SV40.

(C) Recently discovered samples of the vaccine dating from 1960 still show traces of the virus.

(D) In a small percentage of cases of mesothelioma, there is no history of exposure to asbestos.

(E) In Finland, where the polio vaccine was never contaminated, samples from mesotheliomas do not contain SV40.

In the past year Harborville has had an unusually high rate of new cases of a certain disease.  An investigation revealed that over the past five years Harborville's public water supply has had a high level of pollutants.  Medical researchers have hypothesized that Harborville's water is responsible for the high rate of new cases of the disease.

Each of the following, if true, provides additional support for the researchers' hypothesis EXCEPT:

(A) Most of the people afflicted with new cases of the disease had regularly drunk larger quantities of Harborville's water than had other Harborville residents.

(B) The same type of pollutants that were found in Harborville's water have independently been linked to occurrences in other towns of high rates of the disease.

(C) Some of the people with newly diagnosed cases of the disease began to develop the disease before Harborville's water became polluted.

(D) The rate of new cases of the disease among residents of Harborville who get their water from private sources is not unusually high.

(E) Towns with geographic and demographic characteristics similar to those of Harborville but without polluted water do not have as high a rate of the disease as does Harborville.

The first sentence contains a premise and conclusion that relies on the

assumption that financial motivation might cause a person to lie about the

quality of the item. According to the advertisement, at Gem World there is no

such worry because the diamonds are certified in writing. Think for a

moment—does that reasoning sound bulletproof? If you were standing there in

the store and you were told that Gem World has written certification, wouldn’t

you ask who does the certification? This is the essence of personalizing the

argument—place yourself inside the situation and think how you would react.

As soon as you do that in this question, the weakness in the argument becomes

apparent. Then, since this is a Strengthen question, you can look for an answer

choice that eliminates this weakness. Answer choice (E) addresses the hole in

the argument by indicating that the individuals who provide the written

certification are not the same people who are selling the diamonds at Gem


There are other errors in the stimulus, such as assuming that a written

certification equals a fair price. The certification may have no impact on the

actual price of the diamond, or perhaps it could even be used to raise the price

unjustly. These problems are ignored by the answer choices, and the test makers

have that right.

Answer choice (A): The conclusion addresses the fair price of diamonds at

Gem World, not other stores. Hence, the fact that other stores have written

certification does not help the Gem World advertisement.

Answer choice (B): This is an answer many people keep as a Contender. The

answer is incorrect because it fails to address the point raised in the first

sentence, namely that the person assessing the diamond has a personal stake in

the outcome. This “accountability” issue is the central point of the argument,

and without knowing the source of the certifications, this answer does not

strengthen the argument.

Answer choice (C): The argument asserts that a fair price is assured when

purchasing a diamond at Gem World. No claim to comparative quality is made

in the advertisement, and thus this answer does not strengthen the argument.

Answer choice (D): If anything, this answer may hurt the argument since it

indicates that a fair price may not be obtainable at Gem World due to price

volatility. If prices change daily, then Gem World may be selling diamonds at a

price that does not reflect current market value. However, the answer choice

specifically mentions “the most expensive diamonds” and there is no guarantee

that Gem World carries diamonds in this price range. So, at best, the answer

choice has no effect on the argument and is therefore incorrect.

Answer choice (E): This is the correct answer. As mentioned above, this answer

addresses the separation of the certification writer from the seller and thereby

strengthens the reasoning.

The first sentence contains a premise and conclusion that relies on the

assumption that financial motivation might cause a person to lie about the

quality of the item. According to the advertisement, at Gem World there is no

such worry because the diamonds are certified in writing. Think for a

moment—does that reasoning sound bulletproof? If you were standing there in

the store and you were told that Gem World has written certification, wouldn’t

you ask who does the certification? This is the essence of personalizing the

argument—place yourself inside the situation and think how you would react.

As soon as you do that in this question, the weakness in the argument becomes

apparent. Then, since this is a Strengthen question, you can look for an answer

choice that eliminates this weakness. Answer choice (E) addresses the hole in

the argument by indicating that the individuals who provide the written

certification are not the same people who are selling the diamonds at Gem


There are other errors in the stimulus, such as assuming that a written

certification equals a fair price. The certification may have no impact on the

actual price of the diamond, or perhaps it could even be used to raise the price

unjustly. These problems are ignored by the answer choices, and the test makers

have that right.

Answer choice (A): The conclusion addresses the fair price of diamonds at

Gem World, not other stores. Hence, the fact that other stores have written

certification does not help the Gem World advertisement.

Answer choice (B): This is an answer many people keep as a Contender. The

answer is incorrect because it fails to address the point raised in the first

sentence, namely that the person assessing the diamond has a personal stake in

the outcome. This “accountability” issue is the central point of the argument,

and without knowing the source of the certifications, this answer does not

strengthen the argument.

Answer choice (C): The argument asserts that a fair price is assured when

purchasing a diamond at Gem World. No claim to comparative quality is made

in the advertisement, and thus this answer does not strengthen the argument.

Answer choice (D): If anything, this answer may hurt the argument since it

indicates that a fair price may not be obtainable at Gem World due to price

volatility. If prices change daily, then Gem World may be selling diamonds at a

price that does not reflect current market value. However, the answer choice

specifically mentions “the most expensive diamonds” and there is no guarantee

that Gem World carries diamonds in this price range. So, at best, the answer

choice has no effect on the argument and is therefore incorrect.

Answer choice (E): This is the correct answer. As mentioned above, this answer

addresses the separation of the certification writer from the seller and thereby

strengthens the reasoning.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-1 22:45:00 | 只看该作者





发表于 2012-3-4 20:21:46 | 只看该作者
A 无关比较  B 不能支持  C 无关 D 无关   E 正确
A 无关 B  C削弱  D无关E 有点迷惑
E无关 D 无关 B无关  C 跟固定电话没有关系 A正确
E 无关 D 削弱  C无关 B  A 削弱
发表于 2012-3-4 22:08:05 | 只看该作者
P: most jewelry store, person accessing diamond and selling diamond—say high quality than reality.
C: because all diamond are certified, so you assured a fair price.
Choose E

P: airplane—taken out of service—repainted well.  When repainting—no other work.
P: time to apply=time to paint, other tasks can do at same time
C: reduce time—use new nontoxic plastic

B: C company—introduces services to isolated coastal area of C—require huge $
P: only big economic activity is small coffee farming, farmers can not afford monthly fees—no profit.
C: C company marking this services.
Choose:  A

B: certain characters and plot twists in TBH(new)similar to T’s(last year)
P: T’s producer accusing me.(bad)
  All production work on TBH earlier than T
C: reject accusation.
Choose E

B: exposure to asbestos primary cause of M-slow cancer.
P: research believe SV40 is a contributing cause (us-60% sample from M, none from healthy tissue contain SV40)  SV40—monkey virus
  1960, some polio vaccine was contaminated with virus.
C: this vaccine the source of the virus found in M
Choose C

B: H—high rate of disease.
P: past 5 yrs—H’s water—high pollutants
C: H’s water—responsible for disease
Choose E
发表于 2012-3-5 01:07:17 | 只看该作者

发表于 2012-3-5 12:53:17 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-3-5 17:57:08 | 只看该作者
P 珠宝店卖钻石的和坚定钻石的是同一个人 所以他们总是说他们的钻石最好
C 但是在G这个商店里 我们有written certification 所以价格公道


46 s
P 在飞机维修时往往会喷漆 但是喷漆的同时就不能做其他的维修工作了从而耽误了时间
C 应用新技术FILM 虽然花费与喷漆相同时间 但是期间可以维修

P 公司将引进一种技术进入 C地区
C 由于此地区主要以种植咖啡为主 而农民们往往承担不了这么多花费

P  两部电影有相似
C 但是不可能是抄袭 因为一部电影公映前另一部电影已经制作完毕
本来在公映前就已经制作完成了 制作的时间比前一部还长 证明早于前一部就已经开始拍了

P 暴露在A下虽然会得癌症 但是专家说主要是感染SV40这种病毒造成了癌症
因为60%得M 的里面有这种病毒 但是健康的就没有
C 1960 疫苗被感染了这种病毒 研究人员猜测这种疫苗是几十年后发现M里有SV的根源

P H 城市里的人最近很多得了一种不常见的病
C 专家猜测是城市里的水污染导致人得了这种病
发表于 2012-3-7 00:26:23 | 只看该作者

2.Premise: 原来飞机喷漆的时候神马都做不了,航空公司考虑用一种新的无毒塑料film代替
思路:找新的好处       E

3.Premise: CTC打算在Caladia开展移动电话服务。但是此地区的农民只有小规模咖啡种植业所以木有钱afford此业务
思路:找移动电话给农民的好处     A

4.Premise: B和T电影有相似点,T比B早出所以生产T的说B抄袭
思路:排除无关选项     B

5.Premise: A造成一种M癌症。调查者认为是SV40的原因,这是一种monkey virus在1960年污染了P疫苗造成的
思路:1960能影响到现在的      C

6.Premise: H的人生病鸟~调查显示H的水已经污染了五年
思路:排除法哈很明显的。。。。      C
发表于 2012-3-31 08:19:36 | 只看该作者
P:In most jewelry stores, the person assesing the jewelry is
the person selling it to you, so you might be cheated.
C:However, in J, the quality of jewelry is written in certificate.
P:F alow several maintaining work to be done together.
C:Increase the speed of maintaning.
P:The company want to introduce C to D, in which the only
economic activity is little coffee farm
C:Even thoughh, the president of C is confident in asserting
that it is a profitable accitivity to do so.
P:Film A they released now is strikingly similar to B some people
publiced one year ago, and they are accused of ideas from B.
A was finished a month before B was released.
C:The accussion is rediculous.
Pisease A is thought to be caused by a virus, according to
the research, sicentists find M in most effectious tissue,
while the heathy ones don't have.
C:Virus is the cause of M.
P:The possiblity of having disease is higher in M, the polluta
level in H is higher.
C:The higher pullution level in public water is respondible
for higher frequency of disease happening.
发表于 2012-9-2 16:19:23 | 只看该作者
Time: 31’
Background Information: Person can sell diamonds, a diamond is higher quality.
Premises: Diamonds in Gem World are certified.
Conclusion: Fair price is assured in Gem World.
Prephrase: Diamond is higher quality.
B----- irrelevant
C-----right support
题干没整明白= =
Time: 33’
Background Information: No tasks can be done when repainting the airplane
Premises: Nontoxic coating can take place of painting while other maintenance can be performed.
Conclusion: Reduce maintenance time.
Prephrase: The results of painting and coating are same.
B----- right support
Time: 34’
Background Information: Introduce CT to isolated Caladia, investment is needed.
Premises: However, farmers in Caladia lived on coffee farming, which can not afford fee charged by Calex
Conclusion: Calex can still make profit here.
Prephrase: CT helps to sell more coffee.
A----- right support
B----- irrelevant
Time: 40’
Background Information: Certain C and P of movie The Big Heist are similar to those in movie Thieves, which came out last year. T accused TBH of copying ideas.
Premises: Production work on TBH was completed before T released
Conclusion: The accusation is without merit.
Prephrase: Such films are all similar in C and P
A----- irrelevant
B----- right support
Time: 45’
Background Information: A and SV40→M→Cancer, 60% of M contain SV40. SV40 is a monkey virus.
Premises: However, P vaccine was contaminated with the virus.
Conclusion: Vaccine was source in M decades later.
Prephrase: P vaccine was used to cure M
E-----right support
Time: 25’
Background Information: H has high rate of new disease.
Premises: H’s water has pollutants.
Conclusion: H’s water is responsible for high rate of new disease.
C-----right weaken
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