常见削弱题提示语:weaken, attack, call into question, cast doubt on, challenge, contradict, counter, damage, rebut, refute, undermine.
选择答案之前准备: 1、准确找出结论。 2、找出题中前提假设。不要妄自添加假设前提。 3、寻找逻辑链条薄弱处。 (1)不合理假设 例子: premise: The proposed law will give ordinary citizens a fair chance to keep an eye on and more control over when and how elected officials receive gifts and benefits from lobbyists. conclusion: We should support it. prephrase: Some statements undermine the unreasonable premise that “giving ordinary citizens a fair chance to keep an eye on and more control” is good.
(2)采纳样本不具代表性 例子:亮了~ premise: Over two-thirds of students in Fudan University said that they would vote for him. conclusion:Mr Xi will likely become the next President. prephrase: These students cannot represent fairly of the voters in the political process. These students don't have the right to elect the next President. (3)比较关系不合理(类比or对比) 例子: 饭饭不会找了捏...........囧......................
(4)结论不合理夸大前提假设 例子: premise:Acupuncture has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke. conclusion: Anyone who undergoes acupuncture treatment will not experience a stroke when they are older. prephrase:又亮啦~~~O(∩_∩)O哈哈~Do these words sound like a TV commercial? If you are good at CR, you can have a lot of funs to pick apart commercials in Chinese or English. 饭饭这里就不发挥啦~~