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[梦之队日记] 暂时停止更新~suri的gmat之旅,加油加油~~~~

 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-31 10:52:03 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/31 7:38:25)

-- by 会员 泾渭不凡 (2012/1/31 10:36:57)

-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/1/31 10:44:11)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-31 12:07:38 | 只看该作者
Chapter 8 strengthen
1.In addition to the Primary Objective, keep these fundamental rules in mind when approaching Strengthen & Assumption questions:

(1) The stimulus will contain an argument. Since you are being asked about the author’s reasoning, and reasoning requires a conclusion, an argument will always be present. In order to maximize your chance of success, you should identify, isolate, and assess the premises and the conclusion of the argument. Only by understanding the structure of the argument can you gain the perspective necessary to understand the author’s position.

(2Focus on the conclusion. Almost all correct answer choices impact the conclusion. The more you know about the specifics of the conclusion, the better armed you will be to differentiate the correct and incorrect answers.

(3)The information in the stimulus is suspect. There are often reasoning error present, and you must read the argument very carefully in order to know how to shore up the argument.

(4)These questions often yield strong prephases. Make sure you actively consider the range of possible answers before proceeding to the answer choices.

(5The answer choices are accept as given, even if they include “new” information. Like Weaken Questions, the answer choices to the problems in this chapter can bring into consideration information outside of or tangential to the stimulus. Just because a fact or idea is not mentioned in the stimulus is not grounds for dismissing an answer choice.

2.(1)the stem uses the word"strengthen"or a synonym
      strengthen/support/helps/most justifies
  (2)the stem indicates you should accept the answer choices as true
      which of the folowing ,if true·····
 (3)each of the folowing,if true ,supports the statements above EXCEPT
         Strengthen X 是选support的logical opposite,即not support,既可能weaken or have no effects on the conclusion,有几道题都选错了,看到那些has no effects on conclusion的选项直接当无关排除了(⊙o⊙)

3.The difference between Strengthen & Assumption Questions
Strengthen Questions ask you to support the argument in any way possible. This type of answer has great range, as the additional support provided by the answer choice could be relatively minor or major. Speaking in numerical terms, any answer choice that strengthens the argument, whether by 1% or 100%, is correct.

Assumption Questions ask you to identify a statement that the argument assumes or supposes. An assumption is simply an unstated premise- what must be true in order for the argument to be true. An assumption can therefore be defined as something that is necessary for the argument to be true.

4.Strengthen Questions
The correct answer choice does not necessarily justify the argument, nor is the correct answer choice necessarily an assumption of the argument. The correct answer choice simply helps the argument in someway.

5.How to strengthen an argument?
(1)Identify the conclusion: This is what you are trying to strengthen!
When evaluating an answer, ask yourself, “Would this answer choice assist the author in some way?” If so, you have the correct answer.

(2)Personalize the argument.

(3)Look for weaknesses in the argument.
     If you see a weakness or flaw in the argument, look for an answer that eliminates the weakness. In other words, close any gap or hole in the argument.
     Many Strengthen questions require students to find the missing link between a premise and the conclusion. These missing links are assumptions made by the author, and bringing an assumption to light strengthens the argument because it validates part of the author’s thinking. This idea will be discussed further in the Assumption section of the chapter.

(4Arguments contain analogies or use surveys rely upon the validity of those analogies and surveys. Answer choices that strengthen the analogy or survey, or establish their soundness, are usually correct.
答案增强题干中analogy or survey一般正确

(5)Remember that the correct answer can strengthen the argument just a little or a lot.
   This variation is what makes these questions difficult.





但还是要具体情况具体分析,og21,E选项同时也加强,但og注明 provides a little additional support for the conclusion,but not as much additional surpport as does B

6. Three Incorrect Answer Traps
 1. Opposite Answers
 2. Shell Game Answers
 3. Out of Scope Answers

7.Causality and Strengthen Questions
      In strengthen questions, supporting a cause and effect relationship almost always consists of performing one of the following tasks:
(1) Eliminate any alternate causes for the stated effect.
     Because the author believes there is only one cause (the stated cause in the argument), eliminating other possible causes strengthens the conclusion.

(2)Show that when the cause occurs, the effect occurs. (This type of answer can appear in the form of an example.)
Because the author believes that the cause always produces the effect, any scenario where the cause occurs and the effect follows lends credibility to the conclusion. This type of answer can appear in the form of a example.

(3) Show that when the cause does not occur, the effect does not occur.
Using the reasoning in the previous point, any scenario where the cause does not occur and the effect does not occur supports the conclusion. This type of answer also can appear in the form of an example.

(4)Eliminate the possibility that the stated relationship is reversed.
Because the author believes that the cause and effect relationship is correctly stated, eliminating the possibility that the relationship is backwards (the claimed effect is actually the cause of the claimed cause) strengthens the conclusion.

(5)Show that the data used to make the causal statement are accurate, or eliminate the possible problems with the data.
If the data used to make a causal statement is in error, then the validity of the causal claim is in question. Any information that eliminates error or reduces the possibility of error will support the argument.

8.Justify the Conclusion Questions    gmat cr貌似木有这类题型,但bat和daisy加了
To solve this type of question, apply the Justify Formula:
Premises + Answer choice = Conclusion

Most Justify the Conclusion question stems typically contain some of the following three features:
1. The stem uses the word “if” or another sufficient condition indicator.
2. The stem uses the phrase “allows the conclusion to be properly drawn” or “enables the conclusion to be properly drawn.”
3. The stem does not lessen the degree of justification.

Because logically proving an argument is a difficult task that requires 100% certainty, only certain types of argumentation tend to appear in Justify stimuli. In fact, most Justify stimuli either use Conditional Reasoning or contain numbers and percentages. Why? Because both forms of reasoning allow for certainty when drawing a conclusion. Consider the following example, which contains conditional reasoning:
Premise: A
Premise: A ?B
Conclusion: B
This example can quickly be turned into a Justify the Conclusion question by removing either premise. For example:      remise: A occurs.
Conclusion: B occurs.
Question: What statement can be added to the argument above to conclude that B must follow?
Answer: A? B
Or, the other premise could be removed:
Premise: A? B
Conclusion: B occurs.
Question: What statement can be added to the argument above to conclude that B must follow?
Answer: A occurs.

The mechanistic approach:
In a nutshell, the rules condense to the following: link new elements in the premises and conclusion and ignore elements common to both.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-31 15:49:42 | 只看该作者
Chapter 8 Assumptions
1.(1). An assumption is simply an unstated premise of the argument, an integral component of the argument that the author takes for granted and leaves unsaid.
  (2). Assumption answer choices cannot contain extraneous information.
  (3). Assumption 在事情之前, Must be true 在事情之后,

2.As mentioned in the previous section, separating Justify the Conclusion questions from Assumption questions can be difficult. Assumption question stems typically contain the following features:
(1) The stem uses the word “assumption,” “presupposition,” or some variation.
“Presupposition” is another word for “assumes.” These words are a direct reflection of the task at hand.
(2)The stem never uses the word “if” or any other sufficient condition indicator.
Because an assumption is a necessary part of the argument, no sufficient condition indicators can appear in the question stem. The appearance of sufficient condition indicator means that the question is either a Justify or Strengthen question. The stem of an Assumption question will likely contain a necessary condition indicator such as required or unless.

3.Supporter Assumptions & Defender Assumptions
(1)Supporter Assumptions: These assumptions link together new or rogue elements in the stimulus or fill logical gaps in the argument.
                                          supporters often connect"new"or "rogue"pieces of the information in the argument and we typically use the term new or rogue to refer to an element that appears only in the conclusion or only in the premise.
                                          should you ever see a gap or a new element in the conclusion,a supporter assumption answer will almost certainly close the gap or link the new element back to the premise
                                      **结论当中出现的而前提中未出现的新信息往往会在supporter assumption的答案中出现,这是预测答案的一个诀窍。

(2Defender Assumptions: These assumptions contain statements that eliminate ideas or assertions that would undermine the conclusion. In this sense, they “defend” the argument by showing that a possible source of attack has been eliminated.

      例如 art is shocking那道题,我选的是b ,答案是d

4.The assumption Negation Technique  取非
 1. Logically negate the answer choices under consideration.
 2. Thenegate answer choice that attacks the argument will be the correct one.

 Note: Do not use the Assumption Negation Technique to all five answer choices. The process is too time-consuming and you can usually knock out a few answer choices without working too hard.

5.Logical Opposition
   All = 100
   Not All = 0 to 99 (everything but All)

  Some = 1 to 100 (everything but None)
  None = 0

    always------- not always

   every where----not everywhere

(4)will----might not

6.Three Quirk of Assumption Question Answer Choice
1. Watch for answers starting with the phrase “at least one” or “at least some.”含有”at least one” 或”at least some”是正确的可能性很高用取非”none”检验

For some reason, when an Assumption answer choice starts with either of the above constructions the chances are unusually high that the answer will be correct. However, if you spot an answer with that construction, do not simply assume the answer is correct; instead, use the proper negation (“None”) and check the answer with the Assumption Negation Technique.

2. Avoid answers that claim an idea was the most important consideration for the author。避免选择带有”the primary purpose”, “the top priority”或”the main factor”等宣称是作者最重要观点的词的选项。
These answers typically use constructions such as “the primary purpose,” “the top priority,” or “the main factor.” In every Assumption question these answers have been wrong. And, unless, the author specifically discusses the prioritization of ideas in the stimulus, these answers will continue to be wrong because an author can always claim that the idea under discussion was very important but not necessarily the most important idea.

3. Watch for the use of “not” or negatives in assumption answer choices.注意选项中出现”not”不一定是错误答案,反而defender中经常用到not, no, never等否定词。
Because most students are conditioned to think of assumptions as positive connecting elements, the appearance of a negative in an Assumption answer choice often causes the answer to be classified a Loser. Do not rule out a negative answer choice just because you are used to seeing assumptions as a positive part of the argument. As we have seen with Defender answer choices, one role an assumption can play is to eliminate ideas that could attack the argument. To do so, Defender answer choices frequently contain negative terms such as “no,” “not,” and “never.” One benefit of this negative language is that Defender answer choices can usually be negated quite easily.

7.  Assumption& Causality
 The correct answer to an assumption question will normally fit one of the following categories:
 1. Eliminate an alternate cause for the stated effect
 2. Shows that when the cause occurs, the effect occurs
 3. Shows that when the cause does not occur, the effect does not occur
 4. Eliminate the possibility that the stated relationship is reversed
 5. Shows that the data used to make the causal statement are accurate, or eliminates possible problems with the data
1)    排除他因
2)    有因必有果
3)    无因必无果
4)    因果不颠倒
5)    使用的证据或数据真实有效或排除其无效的可能性

8.**填空题十有八九都是假设题,剩下就是MUST BE TRUE题或Main Point题  (og16判断出assumption后取非削弱比正向思维更容易做对)
空格前是since, because则是假设题;
空格前是therefore, hence, thus是MUST BE TRUE / Main Point题。

9.Assumptions and Conditionality   bible没有,daisy和bat的总结有
Problems containing conditional reasoning tend to produce two types of assumption answer choices:
1. If conditional statements are linked together in the argument, the correct answer choice for an Assumption question will typically supply a missing link in the chain, as in the following example:
Premises: A->B-> C
Conclusion: A->D
Assumption: C->D (or the contrapositive)
Thus, if you encounter linked statements and an Assumption question, be prepared to supply the missing link or the contrapositive of that link.

2. The assumption underlying a conditional statement is that the necessary condition must occur in order for the sufficient condition to occur. Thus, the author always assumes that any statement that would challenge the truth of the relationship is false. If no conditional chains are present and only a conditional conclusion exists, the correct answer will usually deny scenarios where the sufficient condition occurs and the necessary does not. In other words, the assumption in these arguments always protects the necessary condition (that is, it works as a Defender). If you see a conditional conclusion and then are asked an Assumption question, immediately look for an answer that confirms that the necessary condition is truly necessary or that eliminates possible alternatives to the necessary condition.

DENIAL TEST:将选项取非,原文结论不成立,则为正确选项。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-31 18:45:23 | 只看该作者

1) 计时:30s
2) 逻辑链Situation(刚开始练习先写好完整逻辑链,练习到逻辑链基本清晰的时候尝试尽量简化信息、提炼最精简的逻辑链):
Background Information:
Life expectancy is the average age at death of the whole population.
Life expectancy in mid-nineteenth century North America was 40 years; now it is almost 80.
What we think of as the prime of life must have been considered old in that earlier era.

Life expectancy in earlier era was 40 years, but now is almost 80.
Thus, what we consider young must have been considered old in that earlier era.
3) 推测(Prephrase: mentally formulate your answer to the question stem):
the average age at death is 40 years≠the usual length of life is around 40
some other reasons that lead to the outcome:
极端值大, ?rst-year infant mortality was extremely high in earlier era.
4) 选项分析:选B

1. 计时看问题和题干,一般在45s内。
2. 先不看选项、不看题干按自己的理解写出逻辑链。
3. 合理推测正确选项的可能方向(请发挥你丰富的想象力和推测力)
发表于 2012-1-31 20:34:56 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-31 20:41:46 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/31 20:34:56)

时间不多鸟,现在逻辑的问题还是很大,多总结多分析把,baby姐姐看完一章bible可以看看lawyer,因为lawyer那个是bible 的高度浓缩,而看完每一章bible后其实脑里面小有点混乱的因为东西太多,看lawyer一百多字的小浓缩就感觉把提纲提了一下~~~
发表于 2012-1-31 20:44:36 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-31 20:50:41 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 BBOY年糕 (2012/1/31 20:44:36)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-31 22:46:43 | 只看该作者
今天八点我开始完成没有完成的og cr部分,然后开始总结bible,结合各种总结,把第八章分为两个部分一个部分就耗了2个小时,又跑去语法快看了几道语法题,发现刚刚形成的题目感貌似变弱了~~
发表于 2012-1-31 23:40:42 | 只看该作者
suri 好强大的复习意志。
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