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Chapter 6.weaken questions 1.weaken queations
(1) The stimulus will contain an argument. Because you are asked to weaken the author’s reasoning, and reasoning requires a conclusion, an argument will always be present. In order to maximize your chances of success, you must identify, isolate, and assess the premises and the conclusion of the argument. Only by understanding the structure of the argument can you gain the perspective necessary to attack the author’s position. (2)Focus on the conclusion. Almost all correct Weaken answer choices impact the conclusion. The more you know about the specifics of the conclusion, the better armed you will be to differentiate between correct and incorrect answers. (3)The information in the stimulus is suspect. There are often reasoning errors present, and you must read the argument very carefully. (4)Weaken questions often yield strong prephases. Be sure to actively consider the range of possible answers before proceeding to the answer choices. (5) The answer choices are accepted as given, even if they include “new” information. Unlike Must be True Questions, Weaken answer choices can bring into consideration information outside of or tangential to the stimulus. Just because a fact or idea is not mentioned in the stimulus is not grounds for dismissing an answer choice. Your primary task is to determine which answer choice best attacks the argument in the stimulus.
2.Weaken question stems typically contain the following two features 1)the stem uses the word"weaken "or a synonym weaken/attack/undermine/refute/argue against/call into question/cast doubt /challenge/damage/counter
2)the stem indicates you should accept the answer choices as true
3.How to weaken an argument The key to weakening a gmat argument is to attack the conclusion.You don't need to find an answer that destroys the author's position.Instead,simply find an answer that hurts the argument.
(1)the premise In practice,almost all correct gmat weaken question answers leave the premise untouched. 几乎所有weaken的题,正确答案都不是weaken premises,因为这样太显而易见,而是weaken conclusions。Weaken conclusions也不是一定要否定,而是有可能结论不够严密不够完善,从已知推出 结论有漏洞, 所以weaken一般从这些漏洞着手去质疑结论的validity. (2)The conclusion The correct answer will undermine the conclusion by showing that the conclusion fails to account for some elements or possibility (3)answers that weaken the argument's conclusion will attack assumptions made by the author (4) The stimuli for weaken questions contain errors of assumption.Answers that weaken the argument’s conclusion will attack assumptions made by the author. Typically, the author will fail to consider other possibilities or leave out a key piece of information In this case,the author assumes that these elements don't exit when he or she makes the conclusion,and if you see a gap or hole in the argument immediately consider that the correct answer might attack this hole. (5As you consider possible answers,always look for the one that attacks the way the author arrived at the conclusion.Don't woory about the premise and instead focus on the effect the answer has on the conclusion
The second key to weakening argument is to personalize the argument
4.Common Weakening Scenarios (1)Incomplete Information The author fails to consider all of the possibilities, or relies upon evidence that is incomplete. This flaw can be attacked by bringing up new possibilities or information.
(2)Improper Comparison The author attempts to compare two or more items that are essentially different.
(3)Qualified Conclusion The author qualifies or limits the conclusion in such a way as to leave the argument open to attack.
5.Three Incorrect answer traps (1)Opposite Answers In this case ,they strengthen the arguments as oposed to weakening it Opposite answers lures the test taker by presenting information that relates perfectly to the argument,but just in the wrong manner (2)Shell Game answers In weaken questions ,the shell game is usually used to attack a conclusion that is similar to,but slightly different from,the one presented in the stinulus If they ask you about “School dropouts”, never choose the answer concerning “School graduates”. Likewise, if they ask you about “塑料怎么会让动物窒息”, never choose the answer concerning “动物吃了塑料会中毒” (Meet and recite words.) (3)Out of the scope answes 无关 6.
Family 3: Answer Choice → Stimulus
Family 3: Answer Choice → Stimulus
Carefully read the stimulus, find the argument, and pay attention to the conclusion.
Focus on the conclusion (The specifics of the conclusion), and use the arrow to draw the line of reasoning
Prephase the stimulus by finding the GAP: Actively involved in every question
Accept the answers as the way they are given, even if they include “new” information. Choose the answer that may force the author to make response towards your answer choice.
(2)Types of questions
Premise & Conclusion (No cause& effect reasoning)
Find the answer choice that directly weakens the conclusion. (The answer choice may not be principles but counterexamples.)
Premise→Conclusion (Cause and Effect Reasoning)
Use the arrow to diagram the line of reasoning. Use the prephased answer to find the exact correct answer.
(3)Typical ways to attack a Causal Conclusion
A) Find an alternate cause for the stated effect
B) Show that even when the cause occurs, the effect does not occur (Counterexamples)
C) Show that although the effect occurs, the cause did not occur (Counterexamples)
D) Show that the stated relationship is reversed
E) Show that a statistical problem exists with the data used to make the causal statement
(4)Final Notes
Carefully read the stimulus and answer choices. Pay attention to the specifics of the conclusion, and classify answer choices to Contenders and Losers
Prephase answer. If the stimulus contains cause and effect reasoning, use the arrow to draw it.
Try to figure out the underline principles in every example that exists as an answer choice. Do not generalize.
Be confident to yourself and pay attention to time limit.
A) Find an alternate cause for the stated effect
B) Show that even when the cause occurs, the effect does not occur (Counterexamples)
C) Show that although the effect occurs, the cause did not occur (Counterexamples)
D) Show that the stated relationship is reversed
E) Show that a statistical problem exists with the data used to make the causal statement
(4)Final Notes
Carefully read the stimulus and answer choices. Pay attention to the specifics of the conclusion, and classify answer choices to Contenders and Losers
Prephase answer. If the stimulus contains cause and effect reasoning, use the arrow to draw it.
Try to figure out the underline principles in every example that exists as an answer choice. Do not generalize.
Be confident to yourself and pay attention to time limit.
B) Show that even when the cause occurs, the effect does not occur (Counterexamples)
C) Show that although the effect occurs, the cause did not occur (Counterexamples)
D) Show that the stated relationship is reversed
E) Show that a statistical problem exists with the data used to make the causal statement
lawyer WEAKEN 看原文:找出结论和推出该结论的前提。特别注意结论的特殊性和具体性。 找答案:用结论的具体性去区分有关无关,并结合TEST。对于特殊类,先预测出答案,用此预测去找答案 TEST:问自己,是否该答案使作者再考虑他的观点或迫使作者做出反应或原文该前提能证明该结论吗。
几种特殊类型: (1)原文前提和结论关系不密切:正确选项直接WEAKEN结论 (2)因果型结论:即原文给出两件事,然后得出结论说是一件事(因)导致另一件事(果)。WEAKEN该结论的方法包括:A是其他原因或可能导致该结果(find a alternate cause for the stated effect) B.割 断因果:或有因无果或有果无因(show that even when the cause occurs,the effect doesn't occur or show that although the effect occurs,the cause doesn't occur)C。因果颠倒了(show that the stated relationship is reversed)。D显示因果关系的资料不准确(show that a stastistical problem exits with the data used to make the causal statement) (3)条件型结论:结论带条件(即为充分必要)。WEAKEN的方法显示充分条件成立,必要条件可以不成立。或举反例,或提供有关信息。 (4)原文是类比:WEAKEN方式为两者本质不同 (5)调查:有效性受怀疑(被调查的没代表性等)