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发表于 2004-8-14 11:43:00 | 只看该作者


20 Pamela: Business has an interest in enabling employees to care for children, because those children will be the customers, employees, and managers of the future. Therefore, businesses should adopt policies, such as day-care benefits that facilitate parenting.

Lee: No individual company, though, will be patronized, staffed, and managed only by its own employees' children, so it would not be to a company's advantage to provide such benefits to employees children, so it would not be to a company's advantage to provide such benefits to employees when other companies do not.

In which one of the following pairs consisting of argument and objection does the objection function most similarly to the way Lee's objection functions in relation to Pamela's argument?

(A) new roads will not serve to relieve this area's traffic congestion, because new roads would encourage new construction and generate additional traffic.

Objection: Failure to build new roads would mean that traffic congestion would strangle the area even earlier.

(B) Humanity needs clean air to breathe, so each person should make an effort avoid polluting the air.

Objection: The air one person breathes is affected mainly by pollution caused by others, so it makes no sense to act alone to curb air pollution.

(C) Advertised discounts on products draw customers' attention to the products. So advertised discounts benefit sales.

Objection: Customers already planning to purchase a product accelerate buying to take

advantage of advertised discounts, and those subsequent sales suffer.

(D) If people always told lies, then no one would know what the truth was, so people should always tell the truth.

Objection: If people always told lies, then everyone would know that the truth was the opposite of what was said .

(E) Human social institutions have always changed. So even if we do not know what those changes will be, we do know that the social institutions of the future will differ from those of the past.

Objection: The existence of change in the past does not ensure that there will always

be change in the future.

一看这种题目就发怵,这种题目要怎么做,我没有思路,经常看了很久花了很长的时间还是错.请指教,我总觉的应该先找出它的逻辑 ,可是找不出来.

发表于 2004-8-15 05:30:00 | 只看该作者
if you are preparing GMAT, you can just ignore this kind of questions. GMAT won't test this.
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