The workers at Bell Manufacturing will shortly go on strike unless the management increases their wages. As Bell’s president is well aware, however, in order to increase the worker’s wages, Bell would have to sell off some of its subsidiaries. So, some of Bell’s subsidiaries will be sold lawyer,不知道我这样理解对不对? 这里有两环关系:1。 will shortly go on strike unless the management increases their wages increase wages→not go on strike; not increase wage→go on strike.这等于说一个命题和他的否命题同时成立,两者之间是一个充分必要关系。所以,这样的关系成立not go on strike→increase wage。 2。in order to increase the worker’s wages, Bell would have to sell off some of its subsidiaries 一个充分关系 increase wage→sell off subsidiaries. 现在题目里说。SO, THE SUBSIDIARIES ARE SOLD...要这个结论成立,则increase wage必须成立,继而not go one strike也必须成立。 |