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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-20】

发表于 2014-5-14 13:41:09 | 只看该作者
P:In most stores, assesor might say that a diamond is of higher quality than it really is.
Diamonds in Gem World are certified in writing, C:you're assured of a fair price when purchasing a diamond from Gem World
Pre:加强。 说明这个证书别的公司不能自己做啊,总之体现出这个证书的真实有效性。
(A) Many jewelry stores other than Gem World also
provide written certification of the quality of
their diamonds. 不能加强 反而像削弱
(B) The certifications of diamonds at Gem World
are written by people with years of
experience in appraising gems. contender 但是也不好,因为不能说明这些人会按照真实情况来写,也不能说明这些人是来自公司外部
(C) The diamonds sold at Gem World are generally
of higher quality than those sold at other
jewelry stores.无关 不能说明证书有效
(D) The diamond market is so volatile that prices of
the most expensive diamonds can change by
hundreds of dollars from one day to the next.无关
(E) The written certifications of diamonds at Gem
World are provided by an independent
company of gem specialists. 正解,说明其不受公司的影响来判断钻石的品质。

2. 1:25 A
3. 15s  E
4. 50s  D
5. 1:02 B
发表于 2015-8-30 11:26:18 | 只看该作者
srafcatt 发表于 2012-10-21 14:42
6.    (24353-!-item-!-188;#058&001207)Which of the following most logically completes the  ...

发表于 2015-10-2 22:25:50 | 只看该作者
20151002 CR小分队

1. Advertisement: At most jewelry stores, the person
assessing the diamond is the person selling it so
you can see why an assessor might say that a
diamond is of higher quality than it really is.
But because all diamonds sold at Gem World
are certified in writing, you’re assured of a fair
price when purchasing a diamond from Gem

The reasoning in the advertisement would be most
strengthened if which one of the following were true?
(A) Many jewelry stores other than Gem World also
provide written certification of the quality of
their diamonds. 无关
(B) The certifications of diamonds at Gem World
are written by people with years of
experience in appraising gems. 正确
(C) The diamonds sold at Gem World are generally
of higher quality than those sold at other
jewelry stores. 无关
(D) The diamond market is so volatile that prices of
the most expensive diamonds can change by
hundreds of dollars from one day to the next. 无关
(E) The written certifications of diamonds at Gem
World are provided by an independent
company of gem specialists. 削弱

PREP CR 2 逻辑练习
5.    (24305-!-item-!-188;#058&001204)

Microscopic plants called algae grow inside the top layer of sea ice in the Antarctic if enough sunlight reaches that layer of ice and enough seawater, which contains nutrients, reaches that layer after splashing onto the surface.  Even though moderate snow cover reduces the sunlight that filters into the top layer, sea ice with moderate snow cover typically contains even more algae in the top layer than does sea ice with less snow cover.
推测:要找一个可以解释为什么snow cover可以使得algae增多的选项

Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the apparent discrepancy?
(A) As the weight of accumulated snow forces ice lower in the water, more seawater splashes onto the surface and seeps through the snow. 正确
(B) Seawater in the Antarctic often contains higher concentrations of nutrients than does seawater in more temperate regions. 无关
(C) As the air temperature around sea ice decreases during the winter, the likelihood decreases that snow will fall and thus add to any existing snow cover. 无关
(D) The nutrients on which algae rely are common in seawater throughout the Antarctic. 无关
(E) More sunlight filters through a layer of ice than through an equally thick layer of snow.

6.    (24353-!-item-!-188;#058&001207)
Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
Garnet and RenCo each provide health care for their employees.  Garnet pays for both testing of its employees' cholesterol levels and treatment of high cholesterol.  This policy saves Garnet money, since high cholesterol left untreated for many years leads to conditions that require very expensive treatment.  However, RenCo does not have the same financial incentive to adopt such a policy, because __________.
(A) early treatment of high cholesterol does not entirely eliminate the possibility of a stroke later in life 错误 不完全消除但是还是比不消除好
(B) the mass media regularly feature stories encouraging people to maintain diets that are low in cholesterol 无关
(C) RenCo has significantly more employees than Garnet has 削弱
(D) RenCo's employees are unlikely to have higher cholesterol levels than Garnet's employees比较无关
(E) the average length of time an employee stays with RenCo is less than it is with Garnet 正确

7.    (24401-!-item-!-188;#058&001291)
United Lumber will use trees from its forests for two products.  The tree trunks will be used for lumber and the branches converted into wood chips to make fiberboard.  The cost of this conversion would be the same whether done at the logging site, where the trees are debranched, or at United's factory.  However, wood chips occupy less than half the volume of the branches from which they are made.
The information given, if accurate, most strongly supports which of the following?
(A) Converting the branches into wood chips at the logging site would require transporting a fully assembled wood-chipping machine to and from the site. 新消息
(B) It would be more economical to debranch the trees at the factory where the fiberboard is manufactured. 正确
(C) The debranching of trees and the conversion of the branches into chips are the only stages in the processing of branches that it would be in United's economic advantage to perform at the logging site. 新消息
(D) Transportation costs from the logging site to the factory that are determined by volume of cargo would be lower if the conversion into chips is done at the logging site rather than at the factory. 反信息
(E) In the wood-processing industry, branches are used only for the production of wood chips for fiberboard.未知

8.    (24449-!-item-!-188;#058&001338)
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Utrania was formerly a major petroleum exporter, but in recent decades economic stagnation and restrictive regulations inhibited investment in new oil fields.  In consequence, Utranian oil exports dropped steadily as old fields became depleted.  Utrania's currently improving economic situation, together with less-restrictive regulations, will undoubtedly result in the rapid development of new fields.  However, it would be premature to conclude that the rapid development of new fields will result in higher oil exports, because __________.
(A) the price of oil is expected to remain relatively stable over the next several years 无关
(B) the improvement in the economic situation in Utrania is expected to result in a dramatic increase in the proportion of Utranians who own automobiles 正确 汽车多了 国内用油量增加
(C) most of the investment in new oil fields in Utrania is expected to come from foreign sources
(D) new technology is available to recover oil from old oil fields formerly regarded as depleted 削弱
(E) many of the new oil fields in Utrania are likely to be as productive as those that were developed during the period when Utrania was a major oil exporter 削弱
发表于 2016-5-21 03:08:25 | 只看该作者
person accessing is the selling
person say its high quality
GW, certificate
assure fair price

A water sunlight
more layer of snow more A than no snow
(A) As the weight of accumulated snow forces ice lower in the water, more seawater splashes onto the surface and seeps through the snow.
(B) Seawater in the Antarctic often contains higher concentrations of nutrients than does seawater in more temperate regions.
(C) As the air temperature around sea ice decreases during the winter, the likelihood decreases that snow will fall and thus add to any existing snow cover.
(D) The nutrients on which algae rely are common in seawater throughout the Antarctic.
(E) More sunlight filters through a layer of ice than through an equally thick layer of snow.


lumber, branches for fire board
can be done in debranches or in factory        
wood chips less than half of what the company made
United Lumber will use trees from its forests for two products.  The tree trunks will be used for lumber and the branches converted into wood chips to make fiberboard.  The cost of this conversion would be the same whether done at the logging site, where the trees are debranched, or at United's factory.  However, wood chips occupy less than half the volume of the branches from which they are made.
(A) Converting the branches into wood chips at the logging site would require transporting a fully assembled wood-chipping machine to and from the site.
(B) It would be more economical to debranch the trees at the factory where the fiberboard is manufactured.
(C) The debranching of trees and the conversion of the branches into chips are the only stages in the processing of branches that it would be in United's economic advantage to perform at the logging site.
(D) Transportation costs from the logging site to the factory that are determined by volume of cargo would be lower if the conversion into chips is done at the logging site rather than at the factory.
(E) In the wood-processing industry, branches are used only for the production of wood chips for fiberboard.

发表于 2018-3-7 09:14:16 | 只看该作者
T: 29S
P: the person assessing the diamond is the person selling it so you can see why an assessor might say that a diamond is of higher quality than it really is.
p: But because all diamonds sold at Gem World are certified in writing,
C: you’re assured of a fair price when purchasing a diamond from Gem World.
(A) Many jewelry stores other than Gem World also provide written certification of the quality of their diamonds.--->IRREVERENT
(B) The certifications of diamonds at Gem World are written by people with years of experience in appraising gems.--->IRREVERENT
(C) The diamonds sold at Gem World are generally of higher quality than those sold at other jewelry stores.--->IRREVERENT
(D) The diamond market is so volatile that prices of the most expensive diamonds can change by hundreds of dollars from one day to the next.--->IRREVERENT
(E) The written certifications of diamonds at Gem World are provided by an independent company of gem specialists.--->R

T: 42S
P: Microscopic plants grow if enough sunlight and enough seawater reaches that layer
P: enough seawater after splashing onto the surface.  
P: moderate snow cover reduces the sunlight that filters into the top layer,
C: sea ice with moderate snow cover typically contains even more algae in the top layer than does sea ice with less snow cover.
(A) As the weight of accumulated snow forces ice lower in the water, more seawater splashes onto the surface and seeps through the snow.--->R
(B) Seawater in the Antarctic often contains higher concentrations of nutrients than does seawater in more temperate regions.--->IRREVERENT
(C) As the air temperature around sea ice decreases during the winter, the likelihood decreases that snow will fall and thus add to any existing snow cover.--->IRREVERENT
(D) The nutrients on which algae rely are common in seawater throughout the Antarctic.--->IRREVERENT
(E) More sunlight filters through a layer of ice than through an equally thick layer of snow.--->WEAKEN

T: 31S
BG: Garnet and RenCo each provide health care for their employees.  Garnet pays for both testing of its employees' cholesterol levels and treatment of high cholesterol.  
P: This policy saves Garnet money, since high cholesterol left untreated for many years leads to conditions that require very expensive treatment.  
C: However, RenCo does not have the same financial incentive to adopt such a policy
(A) early treatment of high cholesterol does not entirely eliminate the possibility of a stroke later in life--->NO NEED TO ELIMINATE
(B) the mass media regularly feature stories encouraging people to maintain diets that are low in cholesterol--->IRREVERENT
(C) RenCo has significantly more employees than Garnet has--->IRREVERENT
(D) RenCo's employees are unlikely to have higher cholesterol levels than Garnet's employees--->IRREVERENT
(E) the average length of time an employee stays with RenCo is less than it is with Garnet--->R

T: 61S
BG: United Lumber will use trees from its forests for two products.  The tree trunks will be used for lumber and the branches converted into wood chips to make fiberboard.  
P: The cost of this conversion would be the same whether done at the logging site
P: However, wood chips occupy less than half the volume of the branches from which they are made.
CONCLUSION: COST和why more branches don't go into wood chips之间的关系
(A) Converting the branches into wood chips at the logging site would require transporting a fully assembled wood-chipping machine to and from the site.--->NEW INFORMATION
(B) It would be more economical to debranch the trees at the factory where the fiberboard is manufactured.--->R
(C) The debranching of trees and the conversion of the branches into chips are the only stages in the processing of branches that it would be in United's economic advantage to perform at the logging site--->IRREVERENT
(D) Transportation costs from the logging site to the factory that are determined by volume of cargo would be lower if the conversion into chips is done at the logging site rather than at the factory.--->IRREVERENT--->R
(E) In the wood-processing industry, branches are used only for the production of wood chips for fiberboard.--->WRONG

T: 43S
BG: Utrania was formerly a major petroleum exporter, but in recent decades economic stagnation and restrictive regulations inhibited investment in new oil fields.  In consequence, Utranian oil exports dropped steadily as old fields became depleted.  
P: Utrania's currently improving economic situation, together with less-restrictive regulations, will undoubtedly result in the rapid development of new fields.  
C: However, it would be premature to conclude that the rapid development of new fields will result in higher oil exports
(A) the price of oil is expected to remain relatively stable over the next several years--->IRREVERENT
(B) the improvement in the economic situation in Utrania is expected to result in a dramatic increase in the proportion of Utranians who own automobiles--->R
(C) most of the investment in new oil fields in Utrania is expected to come from foreign sources--->IRREVERENT
(D) new technology is available to recover oil from old oil fields formerly regarded as depleted--->IRREVERENT
(E) many of the new oil fields in Utrania are likely to be as productive as those that were developed during the period when Utrania was a major oil exporter--->IRREVERENT
发表于 2018-10-1 22:49:07 | 只看该作者

(A) Many jewelry stores other than Gem World also provide written certification of the quality of their diamonds.  无关
(B) The certifications of diamonds at Gem World are written by people with years of experience in appraising gems. = =emmmm
(C) The diamonds sold at Gem World are generally of higher quality than those sold at other jewelry stores.  质量...说的是价格,无关
(D) The diamond market is so volatile that prices of the most expensive diamonds can change by hundreds of dollars from one day to the next. 削弱
(E) The written certifications of diamonds at Gem World are provided by an independent company of gem specialists. !可以,第三方
发表于 2019-11-11 09:15:10 | 只看该作者
1.        25s
P: 在大多数珠宝店中,评估钻石的人就是出售钻石的人,因此您可以看到为什么评估者会说钻石的质量比实际更高。
C:但是,由于在Gem World上出售的所有钻石都是经过书面认证的,因此从Gem World购买钻石时,您可以放心价格公道。
A: 其他店是否提供证书与GW的钻石真实性无关
B:写证书的人就算很专业 也有可能故意写的很高
C: 质量与真实性无关
D: opposite
E: 独立说明他们和卖钻石的没关系,所以公平

2.        40s
C: 即使适度的积雪减少了过滤到顶层的阳光,但具有适度积雪的海冰通常在顶层包含的藻类比具有较少积雪的海冰的藻类还要多。
推测:snow cover的地方的水含的营养更多,弥补了没有阳光的缺陷

3.        34s
P: G和R各自为员工提供医疗保健。G既用于测试员工的胆固醇水平,又用于治疗高胆固醇。
P: 这项政策可以为石榴石省钱,因为多年未治疗的高胆固醇会导致需要非常昂贵治疗的疾病。
C: 但是,RenCo没有采用相同政策的经济动机,因为__________。

4.        40s
P: 联合木材公司将使用其森林中的树木作为两种产品。树干将被用作木材,而树枝则被转变成木屑以制成纤维板。
P: 无论是在伐木现场(树木被分枝)还是在美联航的工厂进行,这种转换的成本都是相同的。
P: 但是,木屑所占比例不到制造树枝的一半。
推测: 推不出来
选项分析: D

5.        44s
P: 结果,随着老油田的枯竭,乌特兰人的石油出口稳步下降。
P: 乌特兰尼亚目前改善的经济状况,加上限制性较小的法规,无疑将导致新领域的快速发展。
C: 但是,现在断定新油田的快速发展将导致更高的石油出口量为时尚早,因为__________。
推测:别的原来进口石油的国家可能也develop new field,从而降低了石油进口需求量
发表于 2020-5-29 08:48:56 | 只看该作者
C:在Gem world的钻石都有证书
P:在Gem world买钻石确保有公允价格
A) 许多小店也提供证书。Weaken
B) Gem world的证书是由多年评估经验的人写的,无关
C) 在gem world卖掉的钻石的质量普遍比其他商店高,无关
E) 证书是由独立机构的钻石专家提供的。Correct

Gap:moderate snow – algae
A) 因为雪的重量把冰压低,更多海水进入顶层,correct
B) 在A的海水比其他海水更有营养,与snow无关
C) 冬天温度下降,雪的减少机率下降,无关
E) 同样厚的冰和雪,阳光更多通过冰

A) 早期治疗不能消除后期中风风险。无关
B) 媒体鼓励人们健康饮食。无关
C) R比G员工多。无关
E) R员工的平均留存时间比G少。Correct

A) 在伐木场转换需要把机器来回运输,无关
B) 在工厂制造会更节省。No
C) 把b转换成chip是唯一流程,在伐木场更便宜。无关
E) 在制造工厂,B只用来生产WC,weaken

A) 油价预期在接下来几年保持不变,无关
B) U的经济增长预期会在拥有汽车的U市民的比例增长上。Correct
C) 大部分新油田的投资预期是国外的资源。Correct(x)无关
E) 新油田的产量和U是油出口大亨时差不多,无关

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