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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-19】

发表于 2014-4-18 13:40:00 | 只看该作者
精练题 33''
1.premise: today’s newspapers and televised news programs are full of stories about murders and assaults in our city
conclusion: violent crime is now out of control, and, to be safe from personal attack, one should not leave one’s home except for absolute necessities
prephrase: newspapers and televised news purposely report something dangerous and repeat some cases over and over again,thus actually violent cases appear not as frequently as  the news reported.
(A)Newspapers and televised news programs have
more comprehensive coverage of violent
crime than newspapers did in the old days.---correct,since it gives another factors that leads to the high violent news,namely the more comprehensive converge. so we can infer that the increased violent news are not attributed to the violent crimes themselves.
(B) National data show that violent crime is out of
control everywhere, not just in the author’s
city.----opposite ,this statement strengthen the conclusion that we should not go out of home
(C) Police records show that people experience
more violent crimes in their own
neighborhoods than they do outside their
neighborhoods.------irrelevant,since wherever the more violent crimes happen, it is dangerous to get out of home,thus this statement is slightly strengthen.
(D) Murder comprised a larger proportion of
violent crimes in the old days than it does
today.------irrelevant, what kind of violent crimes is irrelevant to the point.注意这里是相对数与绝对数的比较,murder is a proportion of violent crimes,so if we don't know what proportion of murder occupies the total violent crimes,the statement is unclear.
(E) News magazines play a more important role
today in informing the public about crime
than they did in the old days.---我原本以为new magazines play a more important role表示数据可能不真实,可能反复播出故意引起人们注意。文章中并没有提这方面的信息,所以不知道more informing代表着什么,因此是irrelevant 注意!不要自己过度推理要基于原文的信息
发表于 2014-4-18 14:08:30 | 只看该作者
premise:  the house gecko, is displacing the previously established mourning gecko in urban areas
premise:The house gecko does not attack the mourning gecko, but in areas where insects congregate it prevents the mourning gecko from feeding on them.
conclusion: populations of the two species are more stable in rural areas far from human settlement.
Q: explain
prephrase: in rural area, insects are less likely to congregate thus the number of mourning gecko is decreasing

2. 41''
BG: most Vi businesses are now located only in the suburbs and the office buildings downtown lack the modern amenities most business operators demand today.
premise: V officials plan to have several modern office buildings constructed and to offer reduced local tax rates to any business that leases space in a new downtown building
conclusion: this plan can successfully attract business
prephrase: support a plan: 1. deny a side-effect of the plan
                                the price or lease bill of the new building will not much higher than the current ones
                               there is no difference about the taxes between downtown and suburb

3.BG: Skybuse is  novel aerodynamic design and extremely fuel efficient and can quickly turnaround
premise: NA plans to replace its large plane with skybuse
conclusion: NA can reduce time of refueling thus the congestion and cost
prephrase: cost of replacement is extremely high
              when refueling, the skybuse may cost more time without the help of large planes

4. 27''
premise: planting corn rows only fifteen inches apart instead of the usual thirty inches will lead to the decline of production
conclusion: the method will allow corn growers to double their profits per acre
Q: support
prephrase: the cost of new method will reduce a lot

订正:第一题逻辑链错了,看了选项之后发现时要解释为什么the house gecko is displacing the previously established mourning gecko in urban areas

发表于 2014-5-12 18:44:13 | 只看该作者
P:unlike newspapers in the old day, today's newspaper and televised news programs are full of stories about murders and assauts.
C: violent crime is now out of control, and, to be safe from personal attack, one should not leave one’s home except for absolute necessities.
Pre:削弱 报道量变多只能说明现在报道的比以前多,不代表犯罪量就真的变多了
(A) Newspapers and televised news programs have
more comprehensive coverage of violent
crime than newspapers did in the old days. 正解
(B) National data show that violent crime is out of
control everywhere, not just in the author’s
(C) Police records show that people experience
more violent crimes in their own
neighborhoods than they do outside their
(D) Murder comprised a larger proportion of
violent crimes in the old days than it does
(E) News magazines play a more important role
today in informing the public about crime
than they did in the old days.注意该选项 说magazine的地位问题,不能直接反应是不是报道数量比以前多了

2. 1:00 D 不是特别清晰 只是觉得D指出了城市与乡村的差别 A选项没有体现两者的差别。
3. 50s C
4. 48s E
5. 41s D A为什么不行? 。。。正确答案是A。。。 那D为什么不行。。。 这么去理解,profits要double 首先你per plant的产量下降,即使你per acre的plants数量double了,你总产量还是没有double的,那么不能解释profits double这一现象。 A就可以解释,因为cost变少了 一定要注意这个数量关系。
发表于 2015-9-28 19:52:35 | 只看该作者

6. Unlike newspapers in the old days, today’s
newspapers and televised news programs are full of
stories about murders and assaults in our city. One
can only conclude from this change that violent
crime is now out of control, and, to be safe from
personal attack, one should not leave one’s home
except for absolute necessities.
Which one of the following, if true, would cast the
most serious doubt on the conclusion?
(A) Newspapers and televised news programs have
more comprehensive coverage of violent
crime than newspapers did in the old days. 无关
(B) National data show that violent crime is out of
control everywhere, not just in the author’s
city. 加强
(C) Police records show that people experience
more violent crimes in their own
neighborhoods than they do outside their
neighborhoods. 无关
(D) Murder comprised a larger proportion of
violent crimes in the old days than it does
today. 无关
(E) News magazines play a more important role
today in informing the public about crime
than they did in the old days. 正确

1.    (24021-!-item-!-188;#058&000691)
On Pacific islands, a newly arrived gecko species, the house gecko, is displacing the previously established mourning gecko in urban areas, but populations of the two species are more stable in rural areas far from human settlement.  The house gecko does not attack the mourning gecko, but in areas where insects congregate it prevents the mourning gecko from feeding on them.

Which of the following contributes most to an explanation of the difference between gecko populations in urban and rural areas?

(A) In urban areas, geckos are valued because they eat so many insects. 新消息
(B) Geckos defend territories against other members of the same species.  新消息
(C) House geckos that arrive on islands are carried there in boats and planes. 新消息
(D) In places where there are lighted buildings, insects tend to gather around the light. 正确
(E) Mourning geckos are all females and reproduce asexually, but house geckos reproduce sexually. 无关

2.    (24069-!-item-!-188;#058&000703)
Downtown Villieu was once a flourishing business district, but most Villieu-area businesses are now located only in the suburbs.  The office buildings downtown lack the modern amenities most business operators demand today.  To lure more businesses downtown, Villieu officials plan to have several modern office buildings constructed and to offer reduced local tax rates to any business that leases space in a new downtown building.
Which of the following, if true, most threatens the plan's likelihood of success?
(A) Most of the businesses currently located in downtown Villieu have long-term leases on the space they occupy there. 无关
(B) The existing office buildings in downtown Villieu have, on average, a much higher vacancy rate than do office buildings in Villieu's suburbs. 无关
(C) The local tax rates in Villieu's suburbs are significantly lower than downtown Villieu's proposed rate for businesses that lease space in the new office buildings. 正确
(D) Most of the businesses that currently lease office space in downtown Villieu also lease office space in Villieu's suburbs. 无关
(E) With the new office buildings, downtown Villieu would have a greater amount of modern office space than any other downtown business district in the region. 可能加强

3.    (24117-!-item-!-188;#058&000708)
Northern Air has dozens of flights daily into and out of Belleville Airport, which is highly congested.  Northern Air depends for its success on economy and quick turnaround and consequently is planning to replace its large planes with Skybuses, whose novel aerodynamic design is extremely fuel efficient.  The Skybus' fuel efficiency results in both lower fuel costs and reduced time spent refueling.
逻辑:NA每天有很多航班,然后highly congested。NA的成功基于经济和quick turnaround,他计划用S替换大飞机。S燃油效率高,使得油费下降而且减少了时间

Which of the following, if true, could present the most serious disadvantage for Northern Air in replacing their large planes with Skybuses?

(A) The Skybus would enable Northern Air to schedule direct flights to destinations that currently require stops for refueling. 加强
(B) Aviation fuel is projected to decline in price over the next several years. 无关
(C) The fuel efficiency of the Skybus would enable Northern Air to eliminate refueling at some of its destinations, but several mechanics would lose their jobs. 前加强 后无关
(D) None of Northern Air's competitors that use Belleville Airport are considering buying Skybuses. 无关
(E) The aerodynamic design of the Skybus causes turbulence behind it when taking off that forces other planes on the runway to delay their takeoffs. 正确

4.    (24257-!-item-!-188;#058&001200)
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
A new machine for harvesting corn will allow rows to be planted only fifteen inches apart, instead of the usual thirty inches.  Corn planted this closely will produce lower yields per plant.  Nevertheless, the new machine will allow corn growers to double their profits per acre because __________.

(A) with the closer spacing of the rows, the growing corn plants will quickly form a dense canopy of leaves, which will, by shading the ground, minimize the need for costly weed control and irrigation 虽然支持了结论 但是没有讲到倍数的问题
(B) with the closer spacing of the rows, corn plants will be forced to grow taller because of increased competition for sunlight from neighboring corn plants 长得高和profit关系还是蛮远的
(C) with the larger number of plants growing per acre, more fertilizer will be required 削弱
(D) with the spacing between rows cut by half, the number of plants grown per acre will almost double 正确 主要是结论里面还有倍数
(E) with the closer spacing of the rows, the acreage on which corn is planted will be utilized much more intensively than it was before, requiring more frequent fallow years in which corn fields are left unplanted 无关
发表于 2016-1-29 11:27:14 | 只看该作者
P: news reports more crimes than before
C: Security is worse than before
C: People should not leave homes
Weaken: In the past, newspaper did not report crimes even if it happened/people also cannot protect themselves even they stay at home
A: Comprehensive coverage??
B: Irrelevant
C: Irrelevant
D: Irrelevant

P: Urban: H has already displaced M
P: Insects congregate=>M cannot feed on H
P: H does not attack M
C: in rural areas H&M are stable
A: Irrelevant
B: Irrelevant
C: Irrelevant
E: Irrelevant

P: Downtown Villein lacks the modern amenities
P: Villieu decides build modern office buildings and reduce tax rate
C: V would improve local businesses
Weaken: Modern amenities are not equal to modern office building/There are other reasons that businesses do not want to be located in V
A: Irrelevant
B: Irrelevant
D: Irrelevant
E: Strengthen

P: Skybus=> lower fuel costs+time-saving
P: Currently, N air has quick turnaround
C: replacing old plants with Skybus could bring benefits
Weaken: Skybus has serious weakness
A: Strengthen
B: Irrelevant
C: Strengthen
D: Irrelevant

P: new machine will allow rows to be planted closer
P: yields per plant will be lower
C: Profit/acre will be boost
Since: Farmer can plant more corns than before
A: Flaw: profit????
B: Weaken
C: Weaken
E: Weaken

发表于 2016-5-20 05:22:50 | 只看该作者
news broadcast murder
crimes out of control
one can be safe at home
(A) Newspapers and televised news programs have
more comprehensive coverage of violent
crime than newspapers did in the old days.
(B) National data show that violent crime is out of
control everywhere, not just in the author’s
(C) Police records show that people experience
more violent crimes in their own
neighborhoods than they do outside their
(D) Murder comprised a larger proportion of
violent crimes in the old days than it does
(E) News magazines play a more important role
today in informing the public about crime
than they did in the old days.

H is displacing M in urban area
in rural HM no changed
in insect congregate H prevents M from feeding on them
B,C 都有可能 选B
(A) In urban areas, geckos are valued because they eat so many insects.
(B) Geckos defend territories against other members of the same species.
(C) House geckos that arrive on islands are carried there in boats and planes.
(D) In places where there are lighted buildings, insects tend to gather around the light.
(E) Mourning geckos are all females and reproduce asexually, but house geckos reproduce sexually.

downtown once was flourished
now business in suburb
lack of amenities
build new buildings, lower tax to lure more business
目的: 吸引business
(A) Most of the businesses currently located in downtown Villieu have long-term leases on the space they occupy there.
(B) The existing office buildings in downtown Villieu have, on average, a much higher vacancy rate than do office buildings in Villieu's suburbs.
(C) The local tax rates in Villieu's suburbs are significantly lower than downtown Villieu's proposed rate for businesses that lease space in the new office buildings.
(D) Most of the businesses that currently lease office space in downtown Villieu also lease office space in Villieu's suburbs.
(E) With the new office buildings, downtown Villieu would have a greater amount of modern office space than any other downtown business district in the region.


(A) with the closer spacing of the rows, the growing corn plants will quickly form a dense canopy of leaves, which will, by shading the ground, minimize the need for costly weed control and irrigation
(B) with the closer spacing of the rows, corn plants will be forced to grow taller because of increased competition for sunlight from neighboring corn plants
(C) with the larger number of plants growing per acre, more fertilizer will be required
(D) with the spacing between rows cut by half, the number of plants grown per acre will almost double
(E) with the closer spacing of the rows, the acreage on which corn is planted will be utilized much more intensively than it was before, requiring more frequent fallow years in which corn fields are left unplanted
发表于 2018-3-6 10:19:23 | 只看该作者
P:today’s newspapers and televised news programs are full of stories about murders and assaults in our city.
C:One can only conclude from this change that violent crime is now out of control
Weaken:newspapers are more eager to report crime
(A) Newspapers and televised news programs have more comprehensive coverage of violent crime than newspapers did in the old days.--->R
(B) National data show that violent crime is out of control everywhere, not just in the author’s city.--->SUPPORT
(C) Police records show that people experience more violent crimes in their own neighborhoods than they do outside their neighborhoods.--->SUPPORT
(D) Murder comprised a larger proportion of violent crimes in the old days than it does today.--->IRREVERENT
(E) News magazines play a more important role today in informing the public about crime than they did in the old days.--->IRREVERENT

T: 37S
P: populations of the two species are more stable in rural areas far from human settlement.  
P: The house gecko does not attack the mourning gecko, but in areas where insects congregate it prevents the mourning gecko from feeding on them.
(A) In urban areas, geckos are valued because they eat so many insects.--->IRREVERENT
(B) Geckos defend territories against other members of the same species.--->NEW
(C) House geckos that arrive on islands are carried there in boats and planes.--->NEW
(D) In places where there are lighted buildings, insects tend to gather around the light.--->R
(E) Mourning geckos are all females and reproduce asexually, but house geckos reproduce sexually.--->NEW

T: 43S
BG: Downtown Villieu was once a flourishing business district, but most Villieu-area businesses are now located only in the suburbs.  
P: The office buildings downtown lack the modern amenities most business operators demand today.  
C: To lure more businesses downtown, Villieu officials plan to have several modern office buildings constructed and to offer reduced local tax rates to any business that leases space in a new downtown building.
发表于 2018-3-6 10:35:50 | 只看该作者
(A) Most of the businesses currently located in downtown Villieu have long-term leases on the space they occupy there.--->IRREVERENT
(B) The existing office buildings in downtown Villieu have, on average, a much higher vacancy rate than do office buildings in Villieu's suburbs.--->IRREVERENT
(C) The local tax rates in Villieu's suburbs are significantly lower than downtown Villieu's proposed rate for businesses that lease space in the new office buildings.--->R
(D) Most of the businesses that currently lease office space in downtown Villieu also lease office space in Villieu's suburbs.--->IRREVERENT
(E) With the new office buildings, downtown Villieu would have a greater amount of modern office space than any other downtown business district in the region.--->IRREVERENT

T: 43S
BG: Northern Air has dozens of flights daily into and out of Belleville Airport, which is highly congested.  
P: Northern Air depends for its success on economy and quick turnaround and consequently
P: The Skybus' fuel efficiency results in both lower fuel costs and reduced time spent refueling.
C: is planning to replace its large planes with Skybuses
(A) The Skybus would enable Northern Air to schedule direct flights to destinations that currently require stops for refueling.--->SUPPORT
(B) Aviation fuel is projected to decline in price over the next several years.--->IRREVERENT
(C) The fuel efficiency of the Skybus would enable Northern Air to eliminate refueling at some of its destinations, but several mechanics would lose their jobs.--->SUPPORT
(D) None of Northern Air's competitors that use Belleville Airport are considering buying Skybuses.--->IRREVERENT
(E) The aerodynamic design of the Skybus causes turbulence behind it when taking off that forces other planes on the runway to delay their takeoffs.--->R

T: 28S
P: Corn planted this closely will produce lower yields per plant.  
C: Nevertheless, the new machine will allow corn growers to double their profits per acre
(A) with the closer spacing of the rows, the growing corn plants will quickly form a dense canopy of leaves, which will, by shading the ground, minimize the need for costly weed control and irrigation--->R
(B) with the closer spacing of the rows, corn plants will be forced to grow taller because of increased competition for sunlight from neighboring corn plants--->IRREVERENT
(C) with the larger number of plants growing per acre, more fertilizer will be required--->IRREVERENT
(D) with the spacing between rows cut by half, the number of plants grown per acre will almost double--->WRONG
(E) with the closer spacing of the rows, the acreage on which corn is planted will be utilized much more intensively than it was before, requiring more frequent fallow years in which corn fields are left unplanted--->WEAKEN

发表于 2018-9-28 20:36:56 | 只看该作者
A: 两条逻辑关系都不成立
(A) Newspapers and televised news programs have more comprehensive coverage of violent crime than newspapers did in the old days.
(B) National data show that violent crime is out of control everywhere, not just in the author’s city.
(C) Police records show that people experience more violent crimes in their own neighborhoods than they do outside their neighborhoods.
(D) Murder comprised a larger proportion o violent crimes in the old days than it does today.
(E) News magazines play a more important role today in informing the public about crime than they did in the old days.

(A) In urban areas, geckos are valued because they eat so many insects.
(B) Geckos defend territories against other members of the same species.
(C) House geckos that arrive on islands are carried there in boats and planes.
(D) In places where there are lighted buildings, insects tend to gather around the light.
(E) Mourning geckos are all females and reproduce asexually, but house geckos reproduce sexually.

(A) Most of the businesses currently located in downtown Villieu have long-term leases on the space they occupy there. 感觉有可能,毕竟人家地没到期
(B) The existing office buildings in downtown Villieu have, on average, a much higher vacancy rate than do office buildings in Villieu's suburbs.
(C) The local tax rates in Villieu's suburbs are significantly lower than downtown Villieu's proposed rate for businesses that lease space in the new office buildings.
(D) Most of the businesses that currently lease office space in downtown Villieu also lease office space in Villieu's suburbs.
(E) With the new office buildings, downtown Villieu would have a greater amount of modern office space than any other downtown business district in the region.


(A) with the closer spacing of the rows, the growing corn plants will quickly form a dense canopy of leaves, which will, by shading the ground, minimize the need for costly weed control and irrigation
(B) with the closer spacing of the rows, corn plants will be forced to grow taller because of increased competition for sunlight from neighboring corn plants
(C) with the larger number of plants growing per acre, more fertilizer will be required
(D) with the spacing between rows cut by half, the number of plants grown per acre will almost double
(E) with the closer spacing of the rows, the acreage on which corn is planted will be utilized much more intensively than it was before, requiring more frequent fallow years in which corn fields are left unplanted

发表于 2019-11-9 07:55:43 | 只看该作者
1.        15s
C: 暴力犯罪现在已经失控了,为了避免遭受人身伤害,除了绝对必需品,人们不应该离开家。
B:opposite 支持原题
C: 题上说的是murder 和assault,不是全部的violent crimes
D: 比例大不一定说明数量就大
E: 无关

2.        35s
P: 在太平洋岛屿上,一种新到的壁虎物种,即壁虎,正在取代以前在城市地区建立的哀悼壁虎,但在远离人类住区的农村地区,这两种物种的种群更加稳定。
P: 壁虎不会袭击丧葬的壁虎,但是在昆虫聚集的区域,它可以防止丧葬的壁虎以它们为食。

3.        37s
P: 维尔留市中心曾经是一个繁华的商业区,但是现在,大多数维尔留地区的企业都只位于郊区。
P: 市中心的办公楼缺少当今大多数运营商所需的现代化设施。
C: 为了吸引更多的市区商业,Villieu官员计划建造几座现代化的办公大楼,并为在新市区内租用空间的任何企业降低地方税率。

4.        31s
P: 北方航空的成功取决于经济性和周转速度,因此正计划用空中客车取代其大型飞机,其新颖的空气动力学设计非常省油。
C: Skybus的燃油效率既降低了燃油成本,又减少了加油时间。

5.        24s
P: 一台新的玉米收割机将使行距仅十五英寸,而不是通常的三十英寸。
P: 紧密种植的玉米单产将降低。
C: 尽管如此,新机器将使玉米种植者每英亩的利润增加一倍。
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