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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-17】

发表于 2013-10-31 15:38:14 | 只看该作者
1. 2'45果然这速度...这道题有点小晕,虽然作对了 但完全需要之后重新梳理逻辑链。
5.1’50 作对了,但不理解。
现在对正确选项分析: D选项认为,retailers以promotion的折扣价格买入很多作为存货,而依然以以往的高价卖给costumers。也就是说,无论是否有折扣,对costumer的需求是没有影响的。而既然没有影响,那么retailers对厂家的需求也是长期存在且稳定的。故,如果没有折扣的话,需求不变,而利润更高。也就支持了原文结论——没有promotion可以获得更多的利润。
发表于 2013-11-30 14:47:37 | 只看该作者
【精练】1:104. Medical researcher: As expected, records coveringthe last four years of ten major hospitalsindicate that babies born prematurely weremore likely to have low birth weights and tosuffer from health problems than were babiesnot born prematurely. These records alsoindicate that mothers who had receivedadequate prenatal care were less likely to havelow birth weight babies than were mothers whohad received inadequate prenatal care.Adequate prenatal care, therefore, significantlydecreases the risk of low birth weight babies.Which one of the following, if true, most weakens themedical researcher’s argument?
(A) The hospital records indicate that ,many babiesthat are born with normal birth weights areborn to mothers who had inadequate prenatalcare.无关(B) Mothers giving birth prematurely are routinelyclassified by hospitals as having receivedinadequate prenatal care when the record ofthat care is not available.无关(C) The hospital records indicate that low birthweight babies were routinely classified ashaving been born prematurely.无关(D) Some babies not born prematurely, whosemothers received adequate prenatal care,have low birth weights.——bingo!同因异果!(E) Women who receive adequate prenatal care areless likely to give birth prematurely than arewomen who do not receive adequate prenatalcare.这是support了


【逻辑链】65. 1:11
Sales of telephones have increased dramatically over the last year. In order to takeadvantage of this increase, Mammoth Industries plans to expand production of its own model of telephone, while continuing its already very extensive advertising of this product.Which of the following, if true, provides most support for the view that Mammoth Industries cannot increase its sales of telephones by adopting the plan outlined above?
问削弱:思路,就是即使这样做了,也不会有更多的人来买(A) Although it sells all of the telephones that it produces, Mammoth Industries' share of alltelephone sales has declined over the last year.——提到了股份,排除(B) Mammoth Industries' average inventory of telephones awaiting shipment to retailers hasdeclined slightly over the last year.——提到了运输,排除(C) Advertising has made the brand name of Mammoth Industries' telephones widely known,but few consumers know that Mammoth Industries owns this brand.——不管是不是商标,对他的销售额没有影响,还是卖了(D) Mammoth Industries' telephone is one of three brands of telephone that have togetheraccounted for the bulk of the last year's increase in sales.——这是support了,排除(E) Despite a slight decline in the retail price, sales of Mammoth Industries' telephones have fallen in the last year.——bingo!价格低了还是卖不出去!算是一个影响了吧!66. 1:06Bank depositors in the United States are all financially protected against bank failure becausethe government insures all individuals' bank deposits. An economist argues that thisinsurance is partly responsible for the high rate of bank failures, since it removes fromdepositors any financial incentive to find out whether the bank that holds their money issecure against failure. If depositors were more selective, then banks would need to besecure in order to compete for depositors' money.The economist's argument makes which of the following assumptions?
Bank failures are caused when big borrowers default on loan repayments.——讲银行的倒闭因为巨头贷款者,排除(B) A significant proportion of depositors maintain accounts at several different banks.——排除,这个选项其实不是很懂(C) The more a depositor has to deposit, the more careful he or she tends to be in selectinga bank.——无关(D) The difference in the interest rates paid to depositors by different banks is not asignificant factor in bank failures.——无关(E) Potential depositors are able to determine which banks are secure against failure.——bingo!如果没有的话就不存在更有选择性和竞争了!67. 32S
A drug that is highly effective in treating many types of infection can, at present, be obtainedonly from the bark of the ibora, a tree that is quite rare in the wild. It takes the bark of5,000 trees to make one kilogram of the drug. It follows, therefore, that continuedproduction of the drug must inevitably lead to the ibora's extinction.Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
问削弱:就是找其他可以让他不灭绝的选项(A) The drug made from ibora bark is dispensed to doctors from a central authority.——讲drug的都是错的(B) The drug made from ibora bark is expensive to produce.——讲drug的都是错的(C) The leaves of the ibora are used in a number of medical products.——无关(D) The ibora can be propagated from cuttings and grown under cultivation.——bingo!可以人工培育!(E) The ibora generally grows in largely inaccessible places.——更会灭绝啊68. 1:18
Manufacturers sometimes discount the price of a product to retailers for a promotion periodwhen the product is advertised to consumers. Such promotions often result in a dramaticincrease in amount of product sold by the manufacturers to retailers. Nevertheless, themanufacturers could often make more profit by not holding the promotions.Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the claim above about themanufacturers' profit?
问支持:就是找不打折的更有利润的选项,或者打折以后利润少的选项(A) The amount of discount generally offered by manufacturers to retailers is carefullycalculated to represent the minimum needed to draw consumers' attention to the product.——weaken了(B) For many consumer products the period of advertising discounted prices to consumers isabout a week, not sufficiently long for consumers to become used to the sale price.——weaken(C) For products that are not newly introduced, the purpose of such promotions is to keepthe products in the minds of consumers and to attract consumers who are currently usingcompeting products.——跟顾客无关(D) During such a promotion retailers tend to accumulate in their warehouses inventorybought at discount; they then sell much of it later at their regular price.——bingo!!环节都没变,零售商进价低卖价高,,顾客其实没有得到好处,但是制造商利润少,promotion达不到(E) If a manufacturer fails to offer such promotions but its competitor offers them, thatcompetitor will tend to attract consumers away from the manufacturer's product.——说道竞争对手,无关啦
发表于 2014-4-16 11:26:29 | 只看该作者
1、premise: premature babies are likely to have low birth weights and to suffer from health problems than were babies not born prematurely
Conclusion: Adequate prenatal care significantly decreases the risk of low birth weight babies.
prephrase:果推因:other factors can lead to the same consequence
(A) The hospital records indicate that many babies
that are born with normal birth weights are
born to mothers who had inadequate prenatal
(B) Mothers giving birth prematurely are routinely
classified by hospitals as having received
inadequate prenatal care when the record of
that care is not available.----correct,指出统计数据不可靠,因为是人为把提前生产的母亲划分为没有得到充分照顾,因此没有说明不充分照顾和low weight babies的关系,因此削弱结论(他因干扰)
(C) The hospital records indicate that low birth
weight babies were routinely classified as
having been born prematurely.---irrelevant,没有说到与premature的关系
(D) Some babies not born prematurely, whose
mothers received adequate prenatal care,
have low birth weights.---错误类型同A
(E) Women who receive adequate prenatal care are
less likely to give birth prematurely than are
women who do not receive adequate prenatal
care.----opposite,实际上建立的premature和adquete care的关系,strengthen

发表于 2014-4-16 22:11:24 | 只看该作者
2. 24‘’
BG: sales of telephones have increased dramatically over last year
premise: M plans to expand production of its own model of telephone, while continuing its already very extensive advertising of this product.
Conclusion: M' Sales this year will increase
Q: weaken
prephrase: people buy telephone last year will not buy this year

3, 51''
premise: If depositors were more selective, then banks would need to be secure in order to compete for depositors' money and government insurance removes from depositors any financial incentive to select a better bank
conclusion:government insurance is partly responsible for the high rate of bank failures
prephrase: lack of financial incentives may lead to depositors less selective

4. 36''
premise: A drug can only obtained from I's bark and 1 kg drug needs barks of 5000 trees
Conclusion: continued production of the drug must  lead to the I's extinction.
prephrase: the tree can be planted and the bark can be proliferated without causing the extinction

5. 37''
premise: discount promotions when products are advertised often result in a dramatic increase in amount of product sold by the manufacturers to retailers
conclusion: manufacturers could often make more profit by not holding the promotions.
prephrase:  promotion have some side-effects that can lead to fewer profits
发表于 2014-5-10 10:15:17 | 只看该作者
P: babies born prematurely were
more likely to have low birth weights and to
suffer from health problems than were babies
not born prematurely.
mothers who had received
adequate prenatal care were less likely to have
low birth weight babies than were mothers who
had received inadequate prenatal care.
C:Adequate prenatal care significantly
decreases the risk of low birth weight babies.
A) The hospital records indicate that many babies
that are born with normal birth weights are
born to mothers who had inadequate prenatal
care. 不能削弱 normal birth weight不考虑,有足够产前照顾的母亲生的孩子任然比没有足够产前照顾的母亲的孩子重一些啊。
(B) Mothers giving birth prematurely are routinely
classified by hospitals as having received
inadequate prenatal care when the record of
that care is not available. 正解,早产没有被调查就被划分到没有很好被照顾的类别里,实际上她们很可能受到了足够的care,那么adequate prenatal care不一定能减少risk
(C) The hospital records indicate that low birth
weight babies were routinely classified as
having been born prematurely.无关
(D) Some babies not born prematurely, whose
mothers received adequate prenatal care,
have low birth weights. 不能削弱,同A解释
(E) Women who receive adequate prenatal care are
less likely to give birth prematurely than are
women who do not receive adequate prenatal

2. 26s E
3. 46s E
4. 22s D
5. 34s D
发表于 2014-8-1 17:00:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2015-8-23 13:44:25 | 只看该作者
B: Premature baby=low weights
P: Adequate prenatal care=X low weights
C: Adequate prenatal care could decrease the risk of low birth weight babies
Prep: Adequate prenatal care is not the necessary cause=> there are other directly causes
A: Wrong=>many babies
C: Irrelevant
D: Wrong=> some babies
E: Irrelevant??

B: Sales of the telephones have increased last year
P: Produce more telephones, but the adv would not change
C: The sale would not increase
Prep: Why the sale would not increase?=> there are other new products?
A: Irrelevant
B: Strengthen
C: Irrelevant
E: Irrelevant

P: No financially protected deposits=> customers become more selective
C: Banks become more respective
Prep: 1) banks would not become more respective=>why? 2) customers would not become more selective=> why?
A: No weaken not strengthen
B: Irrelevant
C: Irrelevant=> more deposit
D: Irrelevant=> different rate

B: Drugs made from a type of tree
P: Made this drugs use a lots of trees
C: It will let the tree extinction
Prep: It will not let the tree extinction=> why?=>
A: Irrelevant
B: Irrelevant=> price
C: Not weaken not strengthen
E: ????

B: Promotion=> price decreased=>sales increased
P: Sales increased
C: BUT, manufacturers do not take the promotion can earn more profit
Prep: Provide a fact to support C/P=> Price cut down too much?
A: Weaken
B: Irrelevant=> customer
C: Irrelevant
E: Weaken

发表于 2015-9-15 15:36:59 | 只看该作者
20150915 CR小分队
4. Medical researcher: As expected, records covering
the last four years of ten major hospitals
indicate that babies born prematurely were
more likely to have low birth weights and to
suffer from health problems than were babies
not born prematurely. These records also
indicate that mothers who had received
adequate prenatal care were less likely to have
low birth weight babies than were mothers who
had received inadequate prenatal care.
Adequate prenatal care, therefore, significantly
decreases the risk of low birth weight babies.
Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the
medical researcher’s argument?
(A) The hospital records indicate that many babies
that are born with normal birth weights are
born to mothers who had inadequate prenatal
care. 错误 原文是两者进行对比 并没有直接说数量上的问题
(B) Mothers giving birth prematurely are routinely
classified by hospitals as having received
inadequate prenatal care when the record of
that care is not available. 正确 data 不靠谱
(C) The hospital records indicate that low birth
weight babies were routinely classified as
having been born prematurely. 无关 没讲到care
(D) Some babies not born prematurely, whose
mothers received adequate prenatal care,
have low birth weights. Some 说明是个例
(E) Women who receive adequate prenatal care are
less likely to give birth prematurely than are
women who do not receive adequate prenatal
care. 加强

65. (35041-!-item-!-188;#058&007595)
Sales of telephones have increased dramatically over the last year. In order to take
advantage of this increase, Mammoth Industries plans to expand production of its own model
of telephone, while continuing its already very extensive advertising of this product.
Which of the following, if true, provides most support for the view that Mammoth Industries
cannot increase its sales of telephones by adopting the plan outlined above?
(A) Although it sells all of the telephones that it produces, Mammoth Industries' share of all
telephone sales has declined over the last year. Share和sale之间的关系还是有点远 不要过分脑补
(B) Mammoth Industries' average inventory of telephones awaiting shipment to retailers has
declined slightly over the last year. 加强
(C) Advertising has made the brand name of Mammoth Industries' telephones widely known,
but few consumers know that Mammoth Industries owns this brand. 无关 或者前半句加强
(D) Mammoth Industries' telephone is one of three brands of telephone that have together
accounted for the bulk of the last year's increase in sales. 加强
(E) Despite a slight decline in the retail price, sales of Mammoth Industries' telephones have
fallen in the last year. 正确 即使稍微降价了sale还是减少了,说明今年的促销活动可能还是达不到效果

66. (35089-!-item-!-188;#058&007596)
Bank depositors in the United States are all financially protected against bank failure because
the government insures all individuals' bank deposits. An economist argues that this
insurance is partly responsible for the high rate of bank failures, since it removes from
depositors any financial incentive to find out whether the bank that holds their money is
secure against failure. If depositors were more selective, then banks would need to be
secure in order to compete for depositors' money.
The economist's argument makes which of the following assumptions?
(A) Bank failures are caused when big borrowers default on loan repayments. 无关
(B) A significant proportion of depositors maintain accounts at several different banks. 无关
(C) The more a depositor has to deposit, the more careful he or she tends to be in selecting
a bank. 无关
(D) The difference in the interest rates paid to depositors by different banks is not a
significant factor in bank failures. 无关
(E) Potential depositors are able to determine which banks are secure against failure.正确

67. (35137-!-item-!-188;#058&007600)
A drug that is highly effective in treating many types of infection can, at present, be obtained
only from the bark of the ibora, a tree that is quite rare in the wild. It takes the bark of
5,000 trees to make one kilogram of the drug. It follows, therefore, that continued
production of the drug must inevitably lead to the ibora's extinction.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
(A) The drug made from ibora bark is dispensed to doctors from a central authority. 无关
(B) The drug made from ibora bark is expensive to produce. 无关
(C) The leaves of the ibora are used in a number of medical products. 加强
(D) The ibora can be propagated from cuttings and grown under cultivation. 正确
(E) The ibora generally grows in largely inaccessible places. 微微削弱吧

68. (35185-!-item-!-188;#058&007601)
Manufacturers sometimes discount the price of a product to retailers for a promotion period
when the product is advertised to consumers. Such promotions often result in a dramatic
increase in amount of product sold by the manufacturers to retailers. Nevertheless, the
manufacturers could often make more profit by not holding the promotions.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the claim above about the
manufacturers' profit?
(A) The amount of discount generally offered by manufacturers to retailers is carefully
calculated to represent the minimum needed to draw consumers' attention to the product. 无关
(B) For many consumer products the period of advertising discounted prices to consumers is
about a week, not sufficiently long for consumers to become used to the sale price. 无关
(C) For products that are not newly introduced, the purpose of such promotions is to keep
the products in the minds of consumers and to attract consumers who are currently using
competing products. 无关
(D) During such a promotion retailers tend to accumulate in their warehouses inventory
bought at discount; they then sell much of it later at their regular price. 正确
(E) If a manufacturer fails to offer such promotions but its competitor offers them, that
competitor will tend to attract consumers away from the manufacturer's product. 削弱
发表于 2016-1-28 23:45:59 | 只看该作者
P: babies born prematurely=>low weights+healthy problems
C: mother who has received inadequate prenatal care =>low weight babies
Assumption: mother who has received adequate prenatal care would not born babies prematurely
Weaken: adequate prenatal care =/ babies not born prematurely
B. ??Irrelevant
C. strengthen
D. Irrelevant
E. Strengthen/Assumption

P: sales of telephone increased last yr
P: M Industries plans to expand sales by ad
C: M Industries cannot expand sales
S: M’s telephone is special?/ad method has problems
A: Irrelevant
B: Irrelevant
D: weaken
E: Irrelevant

P: government insures individuals’ deposits
P: Individuals would not do select
C: Bank would not compete/work hard
Assumption: cannot pay lead to bank failure
A: Irrelevant???
B: Irrelevant
C: Irrelevant
D: Irrelevant

P: drug made from ibora’s bark
C: Ibora will extinct if drug production continues
Weaken: recovery
A: Irrelevant
B: Irrelevant
C: Irrelevant
E: Irrelevant

P: Discount => amount increased
C: profit decrease
Support: price decrease/long term, people would not buy
A: Weaken
B: Irrelevant
C: Irrelevant
E: Irrelevant/Weaken

发表于 2019-11-7 05:52:53 | 只看该作者
1.        40s
A: 无关,有照顾不足的孕妇生出体重正常更多婴儿,不代表全都生的出

2.        25s
P: 过去一年中,电话的销售量急剧增加。
P: 为了利用这一增长,M计划扩大其自己的电话模型的生产,同时继续对该产品进行非常广泛的广告宣传。

3.        57s
P: 因为它从储户那里消除了任何财务动机,以查明持有其钱款的银行是否可以防止倒闭。
P: 如果储户更具选择性,那么银行就必须有担保才能竞争储户的钱。

4.        50s
P: 目前,仅可从ibora的树皮中获得治疗多种类型感染非常有效的药物,而ibora的树在野外很少见。
C: 因此,随之而来的是,药物的持续生产必然不可避免地导致ibora的灭绝。

5.        23s
P: 当产品促销给消费者时,制造商有时会在促销期内将产品价格打折给零售商。
P: 这种促销通常导致制造商出售给零售商的产品数量急剧增加。
C: 但是,制造商通常可以通过不举行促销活动来获取更多利润。
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