沙发,坐稳~~ --------------------------------------------------- 精练--------------------42s----------------------weakenP: The baby born non-prematurely would suffer low weight than baby born prematurely.P: The women who don't have adequate prenatal care would have low weight baby than those who have adequate prenatal care.C: Therefore, adequate prenatal care can prevent risk of low weight baby.Prephrase: Women with adequate prenatal care can still have low weight baby because of other accidents.Analysis:(A) The hospital records indicate that many babies that are born with normal birth weights are born to mothers who had inadequate prenatal care.----------------------------------------------------------this can be the contender, but the argument does not state that mothers with inadequate prenatal cannot have normal birth weight babies. 它只说more likely。 (B) Mothers giving birth prematurely are routinely classified by hospitals as having received inadequate prenatal care when the record of that care is not available.---------------------------------This works to weaken the conclusion, since mothers who have normal weight babies are actually justified to receive inadequate care. (C) The hospital records indicate that low birth weight babies were routinely classified as having been born prematurely.---------------------------This only mentions baby itself, it doesn't help to weaken the conclusion. (D) Some babies not born prematurely, whose mothers received adequate prenatal care, have low birth weights.------------------------------------support the conclusion. (E) Women who receive adequate prenatal care are less likely to give birth prematurely than are women who do not receive adequate prenatal care.-----------------------------------------------------------A推B可以,但是非A推非B好像就不对了吧。 恩,看来我的理解是正确的,B的区别在于说的是all mothers,所以samples全部涵盖了,这样就变得更有力了。E的选项解释看的不是很清晰阿, If anything, this answer strengthens the argument since it shows that adequate prenatal care has a powerful positive effect.好像正好说反了吧/E明明说的是有恰当的care的妇女比没有受到恰当care的妇女更少的give birth prematurely.这样怎么会support conclusion?bible解释错了吧~~~-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/12/5 22:13:40)
糊糊,你的问题正好是我预测的想法,conclusion 是 care 和birth weight的关系吧,但是文章还提了Premature 所以答案应该是这三者得关系,E我预测正确选项的取非,better care-->Less birth prematurely-->less low birth weight. -- by 会员 balapupu (2011/12/6 18:57:26)
对的,如果按照E的bible解释的话,应该是better care-->normal baby weight. 这个问题,要不然拿到晚上问问? |