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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-9】

发表于 2014-3-4 16:38:16 | 只看该作者
Background: five senses have viewed as distinct
Premise: each sense is thought to have its own range , incapable to stimulate others.
Conclusion: This show such people called synth have sense that don’t repect the usual boundaries
Prephrase: this people do show
A.        correct
B.        Out of scope
C.        Irrelevant
D.        Out of scope
E.        Irrelevant

Background: caterpillar climbs upward until it find a leaf bud to eat
Premise: its behavior displayed in the direction opposite to gravity
A strong light placed at the bottom after hatching climb downward
Prephrase: caterpillar is attracted by the light
A.        OPPOSITE
B.        Irrelevant
C.        Correct
D.        Then don’t explain why
E.        Additional background

Background: per capital on drugs rose by 15 or more
Premise: prohibited drug from raising product price
Concluion: use of drugs did not expand, per capital increase
Prephrase: less people use drugs or new drugs
A.        Correct
B.        Not explain
C.        Profit not the case here
D.        Just some background
E.        Then don’t explain why drug price per person will increase\

Background: last members of a deer lived in Ireland 16000ago
Premise: painting have large hump on back
Fossil of animal don’t have
Conclusion: There is no reason to conclude that cave painting are inaccurate
Prephrase: hump will destroy
A.        other animals out of scope
B.        background
C.        correct
D.        Irrelevant
E.        Irrelevant

Premise: Vernon has experienced a decline in its profit plans to boost by outsourcing
Prephrase: no transition cost or additional cost
A.        Irrelevant
B.        Background
C.        Boost the profit like short term goal not good as E
D.        Irrelvant
E.        COrrect

发表于 2014-4-8 15:24:12 | 只看该作者
精炼 30‘’
BG: The five senses have traditionally been viewed as distinct yet complementary. Each sense is thought to
have its own range of stimuli that are incapable of stimulating the other senses
premise:recent research has discovered that some people taste a banana and claim that they are tasting blue, or see a color and say that it has a specific smell.
Conclusion:people, called synesthesiacs, have senses that do not respect the usual boundaries between the five recognized senses.
prephrase: 因的特点:比如说他们看到颜色是因为他们呢脑子里面想到了某种东西,是那种东西的气味
或者是其他因素导致的结果,不知道了。。- -看选项吧
(A) Synesthesiacs demonstrate a general,
systematic impairment in their ability to use
and understand words.------ Correct,我选错了。如果是因为他们语言有问题,那么他们在表述的时候就有问题,因此不是他们呢分不清五个感官
(B) Recent evidence strongly suggests that there
are other senses besides sight, touch, smell,
hearing, and taste.----irrelevant,文章中没有提及其他感觉会对结论造成什么影响
(C) The particular ways in which sensory
experiences overlap in synesthesiacs follow a
definite pattern.----我错选了C,感觉是这样的,不管因为是那种模式的Synesthesiacs,S 这个事实已经在了,所以解释结论而没有说到原因,对因推果的程度没有削弱。
(D) The synesthetic phenomenon has been
described in the legends of various cultures.---irrelevant,与various cultures无关
(E) Synesthesiacs can be temporarily rid of their
synesthetic experiences by the use of drugs.----irrelevant,this information does not infer that drugs have what kind of effect on 5 senses,thus those mistakenly identify 5 senses still are Synesthesiacs.

1. 25''
BG:When a caterpillar emerges from the egg on a tree branch, it immediately climbs upward until it finds a leaf bud to eat.  Biologists thought that this behavior displayed an innate tendency to move in the direction opposite to the pull of gravity.  
premsie: In a recent experiment, a strong light source was placed at the bottom of a tree, and caterpillars, after hatching, climbed downward
Q:Must be true
prephrase: The conclusion that the caterpillar displayed an innate tendency to move in the direction opposite to the pull of gravity is wrong.

premise: the ministry of health prohibited drug manufacturers from raising any of their products' prices.  premise:use of prescription drugs did not expand after this price freeze
Conclusion:per capita expenditure for prescription drugs continued to increase by a substantial percentage each year.
prephrase: (price * number)/population=per capita expenditure for prescription drugs

premise:cave paintings in France depict wild deer as having a large hump on its back.  
premise:Fossils of this animal do not show any hump
Conclusion: the cave paintings are inaccurate in this regard.
Q:weaken.(我觉得因为问why there is no reason to conclude,也就是削弱这个结论,就这么理解好了,待会看选项。。)
prephrase: 因的一个特点导致不同的结果:fossils在挖掘的时候丢失了某一部分,fossils在几千年下来把hump弄没了

premise:  independent suppliers can provide at lower cost than Vernon can itself.
Conclusion: by outsourcing, the company can boost its profit.
Q: support
prephrase: 因果有联系的例证:outsourcing can help cut cost in some way
               否定一个方案副作用:outsourcing cannot hurt company's revenue
发表于 2014-5-2 12:03:13 | 只看该作者
Time: 31s
P:five sense viewed as distict but complementary, each sense is thought to have its own range of stimuli that are incapable of stimulating the other senses.
C-P: recent research show some people eat banana and claim that they are blue, or see color and say it has a specific smell.
C: such people have senses that don't respect the usual boundaries between the five recognized senses.
(A) Synesthesiacs demonstrate a general,
systematic impairment in their ability to use
and understand words. 正解,说明不是他们没有boundaries,而是因为不会表达和理解词语的含义。
(B) Recent evidence strongly suggests that there
are other senses besides sight, touch, smell,
hearing, and taste. 无关,要考虑的是这五种感觉之间有没有boundaries。
(C) The particular ways in which sensory
experiences overlap in synesthesiacs follow a
definite pattern. 加强
(D) The synesthetic phenomenon has been
described in the legends of various cultures. 不能削弱吗,一直都有描述与他们是不是真的没有boundaries无关
(E) Synesthesiacs can be temporarily rid of their
synesthetic experiences by the use of drugs. 不能削弱

P:when a caterpillar emerges from the egg on a tree branch, it climbs upward until it finds a leaf bud to eat.
Biologists thought that this behavior displayed an innate tendency to move in the direction opposite to gravity.
strong light source was placed at the bottom of a tree, the caterpillars climed downward.
Pre:must be true.毛毛虫是有向阳性的。
(A) Caterpillars have an innate tendency to move in the direction of gravity. 推不出
(B) Newly hatched caterpillars are unable to see in the dark. 推不出
(C) Newly hatched caterpillars move towards the strongest light source in the environment. 正解,可以推出
(D) Newly hatched caterpillars move toward the leaf bud nearest to them. 推不出是不是向nearest的靠近
(E) The eyes of newly hatched caterpillars become less sensitive to light over time. 推不出

P:per capita expenditure on prescripition drugs rose.
in order to curb the dramatic increases, the ministry of health prohibited drug manufacturers from raising any of their products' prices.
Even though use of prescription drugs did not expand after this price freeze, per capita expenditure for prescription drugs continued to increase.
Pre:solve the paradox.也许是禁止了以后医生开了更贵的药。
(A) After price increases were prohibited, drug manufacturers concentrated on producing new medications to replace existing products. 正解,相比较下最好的选项,开发的新药可能就比以前更贵一些
(B) The population of Voronia rose steadily throughout the period.人口增多与人均花费无关
(C) Improvements in manufacturing processes enabled drug manufacturers to maintain high profit levels on drugs despite the price freeze.但是不能解释为什么人均消费增多
(D) In addition to imposing a price freeze, the government encouraged doctors to prescribe generic versions of common drugs instead of the more expensive brand-name versions.更不能解释了
(E) After price increases were prohibited, some foreign manufacturers of expensive drugs ceased marketing them in Voronia.不能解释,贵的药品没了按道理不会增加啊

P:paintings show the animal as having a large hump on its back.
C-P:fossils of the animal,however, do not show any hump.
C: no reason to conclude that the cave paintings are inaccurate.
Pre:fill in the blank_assumption.也许驼峰是没有骨骼的或者骨骼已经消失了,不显现在化石中了。
(A) some prehistoric cave paintings in France also depict other animals as having a hump 无关
(B) fossils of the giant deer are much more common in Ireland than in France无关
(C) animal humps are composed of fatty tissue, which does not fossilize 正解 不需要取非都很明显,取非的话 说humps 会 fossilize,那么那些化石是可以说明壁画是不准确的。
(D) the cave paintings of the giant deer were painted well before 16,000 years ago无关
(E) only one currently existing species of deer has any anatomical feature that even remotely resembles a hump 无关

B:Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a company has previously provided for itself.
P:V experienced a decline in profits, plan to boost its profits by outsourcing those parts of its business that independent suppliers can provide at lower cost than can itself.
Pre:C-->Eutsouring-->boost profits.

(A) Among the parts of its business that Vernon does not plan to outsource are some that require standards of accuracy too high for most independent suppliers to provide at lower cost than Vernon can. 无法加强,不需要考虑不被替代的部分
(B) Vernon itself acts as an independent supplier of specialized hardware items to certain manufacturers that formerly made those items themselves. 无关
(C) Relatively few manufacturers that start as independent suppliers have been able to expand their business and become direct competitors of the companies they once supplied.无关
(D) Vernon plans to select the independent suppliers it will use on the basis of submitted bids. 无关
(E) Attending to certain tasks that Vernon performs relatively inefficiently has taken up much of the time and effort of top managers whose time would have been better spent attending to Vernon's core business. 正解,当top managers专心在core的时候可以time effort可以better spent则利润是可以增加的。
发表于 2014-10-25 18:06:04 | 只看该作者

我选的B ...精练题 又错了 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊

P:有些人吃香蕉却说they are tasting bule;看见一个颜色却说它有奇特的味道
C:这些人don't repect (遵守) usual bountries between the five senses
A.S综合征证明他们their ability to use and understand words 有损伤
B. 除了5个sense 有其他sense存在

A:it may not be that their senses overlap but rather that they lack the ability to properly
express themselves. Thus, their claim to taste a banana and see blue might not be a reflection of that
actually occurring but rather a reflection of the words they use to describe taste.

Unfortunately, that judgment is not
supported by the answer choice. Not enough information is provided by the answer choice to say what
role, if any, is played by these other senses.

33.resolve the paradox
situation1: after hatch they climbs  upward
situation 2: when there is a strong light at the bottom , they climbed downward

BG: 每人的处方药花费每年上升很多, 政府禁止药商涨价
用药量没有变多,但是 每人的处方药花费还是每年上升很多
推测: 处方药用药量*价格/人数  人数可能下降

A.用新药代替以前的药--correct(那其实还是没有变啊,还是和以前一样啊, 该长还是长啊)
D.很迷惑啊 weaken 价格下降了

P:画上有hump, 化石里没有humps
C: 不能说画里的不准确
推测 找个理由解释humps消失原因就可以了


36.就是在c和E里徘徊 结果还是选错了
BG: 外包就是把以前拿来自己产的拿给别人产
P:V外包了部分业务(这种业务比自己产更lower cost)
C: 这个plan 会成功的

C.很少的idependent suppliers 可以扩展他们的业务并成为竞争者(就是indepent supplier的坏处)
E.让manager有更多的时间在core business 上

其实C 还是比较不准确 就算V 以前是自己产,但是也不代表他是indepent supplier啊
发表于 2015-8-14 15:11:35 | 只看该作者
B: five senses, each sense would not stimulate the other senses
P: People taste a banana + see a color= different taste
C: Those people do not respect the usual boundaries between the five senses
Prep: Even having usual boundaries, people’s sense still be influenced by other senses
A: Strengthen
B: Irrelevant
D: Irrelevant/ Strengthen
E: Irrelevant

P: Strong light place at bottom
C: Bird climb downward
Prep: The sunlight/ strong light led bird’s climbing direction, it is not innate reaction to gravity
A: Weaken, and it cannot be explained
B: Irrelevant
D: Weaken
E: Irrelevant

P: Price freeze
C: the quantity of sold drugs has not change,but per capita expenditure increase
Prep: People use another expensive drugs??
B: Irrelevant
C: Irrelevant
D: Weaken
E: Weaken

P: Traditional painting shows the giant deer had a large hump
P: Fossil shows the giant deer had not a large hump
C: The tradition painting also is right
Prep: The feather of giant deer would change with time
A: Irrelevant
B: Irrelevant
D: Irrelevant
E: Weaken

P: Outsourcing the business that independent suppliers can provide at lower cost
C: Profit will increase
Prep: Outsourcing will decrease the company’s profit, so the option should eliminate the possibility
A: Irrelevant
B: Irrelevant
C: Weaken
D: Irrelevant
发表于 2015-9-1 08:47:10 | 只看该作者
9. The five senses have traditionally been viewed as distinct yet complementary. Each sense is thought to have its own range of stimuli that are incapable of stimulating the other senses. However, recent research has discovered that some people taste a banana and claim that they are tasting blue, or see a color and say that it has a specific smell. This shows that such people, called synesthesiacs, have senses that do not respect the usual boundaries between the five recognized senses.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
(A) Synesthesiacs demonstrate a general,
systematic impairment in their ability to use
and understand words. 正确
(B) Recent evidence strongly suggests that there
are other senses besides sight, touch, smell,
hearing, and taste. 无关
(C) The particular ways in which sensory
experiences overlap in synesthesiacs follow a
definite pattern. 加强
(D) The synesthetic phenomenon has been
described in the legends of various cultures.
(E) Synesthesiacs can be temporarily rid of their
synesthetic experiences by the use of drugs. 无关
Weaken Question Problem Set  NO.4


33.    (31934-!-item-!-188;#058&005658)
When a caterpillar emerges from the egg on a tree branch, it immediately climbs upward until it finds a leaf bud to eat.  Biologists thought that this behavior displayed an innate tendency to move in the direction opposite to the pull of gravity.  In a recent experiment, a strong light source was placed at the bottom of a tree, and caterpillars, after hatching, climbed downward.

Which of the following hypotheses is best supported by the statements given?
(A) Caterpillars have an innate tendency to move in the direction of gravity. 无关
(B) Newly hatched caterpillars are unable to see in the dark. 无关
(C) Newly hatched caterpillars move towards the strongest light source in the environment. 正确
(D) Newly hatched caterpillars move toward the leaf bud nearest to them. 无关
(E) The eyes of newly hatched caterpillars become less sensitive to light over time. 无关

34.    (31982-!-item-!-188;#058&005681)
For several years, per capita expenditure on prescription drugs in Voronia rose by fifteen percent or more annually.  In order to curb these dramatic increases, the ministry of health prohibited drug manufacturers from raising any of their products' prices.  Even though use of prescription drugs did not expand after this price freeze, per capita expenditure for prescription drugs continued to increase by a substantial percentage each year.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain why the ministry's action did not achieve its goal?
(A) After price increases were prohibited, drug manufacturers concentrated on producing new medications to replace existing products. 正确
(B) The population of Voronia rose steadily throughout the period. 无关 人均
(C) Improvements in manufacturing processes enabled drug manufacturers to maintain high profit levels on drugs despite the price freeze. 无关
(D) In addition to imposing a price freeze, the government encouraged doctors to prescribe generic versions of common drugs instead of the more expensive brand-name versions. 加强政策
(E) After price increases were prohibited, some foreign manufacturers of expensive drugs ceased marketing them in Voronia. 加强政策

35.    (32076-!-item-!-188;#058&006018)
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
The last members of a now-extinct species of a European wild deer called the giant deer lived in Ireland about 16,000 years ago.  Prehistoric cave paintings in France depict this animal as having a large hump on its back.  Fossils of this animal, however, do not show any hump.  Nevertheless, there is no reason to conclude that the cave paintings are therefore inaccurate in this regard, since __________.

(A) some prehistoric cave paintings in France also depict other animals as having a hump 削弱…
(B) fossils of the giant deer are much more common in Ireland than in France 无关
(C) animal humps are composed of fatty tissue, which does not fossilize 正确
(D) the cave paintings of the giant deer were painted well before 16,000 years ago 无关
(E) only one currently existing species of deer has any anatomical feature that even remotely resembles a hump 无关

36.    (32124-!-item-!-188;#058&006025)
Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a company has previously provided for itself.  Vernon, Inc., a small manufacturing company that has in recent years experienced a decline in its profits, plans to boost its profits by outsourcing those parts of its business that independent suppliers can provide at lower cost than Vernon can itself.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction that Vernon's plan will achieve its goal?
(A) Among the parts of its business that Vernon does not plan to outsource are some that require standards of accuracy too high for most independent suppliers to provide at lower cost than Vernon can. 无关
(B) Vernon itself acts as an independent supplier of specialized hardware items to certain manufacturers that formerly made those items themselves. 无关
(C) Relatively few manufacturers that start as independent suppliers have been able to expand their business and become direct competitors of the companies they once supplied. 无关
(D) Vernon plans to select the independent suppliers it will use on the basis of submitted bids. 无关
(E) Attending to certain tasks that Vernon performs relatively inefficiently has taken up much of the time and effort of top managers whose time would have been better spent attending to Vernon's core business. 正确 增加了外包的好处
发表于 2016-3-29 21:06:02 | 只看该作者
(做错)9. The five senses have traditionally been viewed as distinct yet complementary. Each sense is thought to have its own range of stimuli that are incapable of stimulating the other senses. However, recent research has discovered that some people taste a banana and claim that they are tasting blue, or see a color and say that it has a specific smell. This shows that such people, called synesthesiacs, have senses that do not respect the usual boundaries between the five recognized senses.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
(A) Synesthesiacs demonstrate a general, systematic impairment in their ability to use and understand words.
(B) Recent evidence strongly suggests that there are other senses besides sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste.
(C) The particular ways in which sensory experiences overlap in synesthesiacs follow a definite pattern.
(D) The synesthetic phenomenon has been described in the legends of various cultures.
(E) Synesthesiacs can be temporarily rid of their synesthetic experiences by the use of drugs.

33.   When a caterpillar emerges from the egg on a tree branch, it immediately climbs upward until it finds a leaf bud to eat.  Biologists thought that this behavior displayed an innate tendency to move in the direction opposite to the pull of gravity.  In a recent experiment, a strong light source was placed at the bottom of a tree, and caterpillars, after hatching, climbed downward.
Which of the following hypotheses is best supported by the statements given?
(A) Caterpillars have an innate tendency to move in the direction of gravity.
(B) Newly hatched caterpillars are unable to see in the dark.
(C) Newly hatched caterpillars move towards the strongest light source in the environment.
(D) Newly hatched caterpillars move toward the leaf bud nearest to them.
(E) The eyes of newly hatched caterpillars become less sensitive to light over time.

34. For several years, per capita expenditure on prescription drugs in Voronia rose by fifteen percent or more annually.  In order to curb these dramatic increases, the ministry of health prohibited drug manufacturers from raising any of their products' prices.  Even though use of prescription drugs did not expand after this price freeze, per capita expenditure for prescription drugs continued to increase by a substantial percentage each year.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain why the ministry's action did not achieve its goal?
(A) After price increases were prohibited, drug manufacturers concentrated on producing new medications to replace existing products.
(B) The population of Voronia rose steadily throughout the period. Even though the population is increasing, the use did not expand after this prize freeze
(C) Improvements in manufacturing processes enabled drug manufacturers to maintain high profit levels on drugs despite the price freeze. The price is not change, so that the expenditure is not change too. Expenditure 不等于 profit levels
(D) In addition to imposing a price freeze, the government encouraged doctors to prescribe generic versions of common drugs instead of the more expensive brand-name versions. 错误
(E) After price increases were prohibited, some foreign manufacturers of expensive drugs ceased marketing them in Voronia. Weaken, 那么expenditure就减少了

35.    (32076-!-item-!-188;#058&006018)
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
The last members of a now-extinct species of a European wild deer called the giant deer lived in Ireland about 16,000 years ago.  rehistoric cave paintings in France depict this animal as having a large hump on its back.  Fossils of this animal, however, do not show any hump.  Nevertheless, there is no reason to conclude that the cave paintings are therefore inaccurate in this regard, since __________.
(A) some prehistoric cave paintings in France also depict other animals as having a hump
(B) fossils of the giant deer are much more common in Ireland than in France
(C) animal humps are composed of fatty tissue, which does not fossilize
(D) the cave paintings of the giant deer were painted well before 16,000 years ago
(E) only one currently existing species of deer has any anatomical feature that even remotely resembles a hump

36.    (32124-!-item-!-188;#058&006025)
Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a company has previously provided for itself.  Vernon, Inc., a small manufacturing company that has in recent years experienced a decline in its profits, plans to boost its profits by outsourcing those parts of its business that independent suppliers can provide at lower cost than Vernon can itself.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction that Vernon's plan will achieve its goal?
(A) Among the parts of its business that Vernon does not plan to outsource are some that require standards of accuracy too high for most independent suppliers to provide at lower cost than Vernon can.
(B) Vernon itself acts as an independent supplier of specialized hardware items to certain manufacturers that formerly made those items themselves.
(C) Relatively few manufacturers that start as independent suppliers have been able to expand their business and become direct competitors of the companies they once supplied.
(D) Vernon plans to select the independent suppliers it will use on the basis of submitted bids.
(E) Attending to certain tasks that Vernon performs relatively inefficiently has taken up much of the time and effort of top managers whose time would have been better spent attending to Vernon's core business.
发表于 2016-5-2 06:14:28 | 只看该作者
five senses are separated
recently some people say banana tastes blue, and color has smell
C: some people’s five senses do not respect the boundaries
GAP: people imagination, not the real taste or smell

P: caterpillar climbed up ever since they were born
ability to oppose gravity
study shows lights in bottom of the trees and caterpillar will climb downwards

P: expenditure arises
price doesn’t not arise
expenditure continue to arise
more quantity


a company profit declines
want to outsource some service
outsource is cheaper
deliver same outcome
发表于 2017-12-11 16:24:31 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-1-22 09:08:41 | 只看该作者
9. T:37S
BG: The five senses have traditionally been viewed as distinct yet complementary. Each sense is thought to have its own range of stimuli that are incapable of stimulating the other senses.
P:However, recent research has discovered that some people taste a banana and claim that they are tasting blue, or see a color and say that it has a specific smell.
C: This shows that such people, called synesthesiacs, have senses that do not respect the usual boundaries between the five recognized senses.
(A) Synesthesiacs demonstrate a general, systematic impairment in their ability to use and understand words.--->correct
(B) Recent evidence strongly suggests that there are other senses besides sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste.--->irreverent
(C) The particular ways in which sensory experiences overlap in synesthesiacs follow a definite pattern.--->irreverent
(D) The synesthetic phenomenon has been described in the legends of various cultures.--->irreverent
(E) Synesthesiacs can be temporarily rid of their synesthetic experiences by the use of drugs.--->irreverent

When a caterpillar emerges from the egg on a tree branch, it immediately climbs upward until it finds a leaf bud to eat.  
Biologists thought that this behavior displayed an innate tendency to move in the direction opposite to the pull of gravity.  
In a recent experiment, a strong light source was placed at the bottom of a tree, and caterpillars, after hatching, climbed downward.
Find hypotheses:light与C的移动方向有关
(A) Caterpillars have an innate tendency to move in the direction of gravity.--->与第三句话相反
(B) Newly hatched caterpillars are unable to see in the dark.--->irreverent
(C) Newly hatched caterpillars move towards the strongest light source in the environment.--->correct
(D) Newly hatched caterpillars move toward the leaf bud nearest to them.--->irreverent
(E) The eyes of newly hatched caterpillars become less sensitive to light over time.--->irreverent

34. T:38s
BG: For several years, per capita expenditure on prescription drugs in Voronia rose by fifteen percent or more annually.  
C: In order to curb these dramatic increases, the ministry of health prohibited drug manufacturers from raising any of their products' prices.  
P: Even though use of prescription drugs did not expand after this price freeze, per capita expenditure for prescription drugs continued to increase by a substantial percentage each year.
E: 没有思路
(A) After price increases were prohibited, drug manufacturers concentrated on producing new medications to replace existing products.--->correct
(B) The population of Voronia rose steadily throughout the period.--->pcd减少
(C) Improvements in manufacturing processes enabled drug manufacturers to maintain high profit levels on drugs despite the price freeze.--->pcd增长依然得到遏制
(D) In addition to imposing a price freeze, the government encouraged doctors to prescribe generic versions of common drugs instead of the more expensive brand-name versions.--->pcd降低
(E) After price increases were prohibited, some foreign manufacturers of expensive drugs ceased marketing them in Voronia.--->pcd降低

35. T:34s
BG:The last members of a now-extinct species of a European wild deer called the giant deer lived in Ireland about 16,000 years ago.  
P:rehistoric cave paintings in France depict this animal as having a large hump on its back.  
P:Fossils of this animal, however, do not show any hump.  
C:Nevertheless, there is no reason to conclude that the cave paintings are therefore inaccurate in this regard, since __________.
(A) some prehistoric cave paintings in France also depict other animals as having a hump--->irreverent
(B) fossils of the giant deer are much more common in Ireland than in France--->irreverent
(C) animal humps are composed of fatty tissue, which does not fossilize--->correct
(D) the cave paintings of the giant deer were painted well before 16,000 years ago--->weaken
(E) only one currently existing species of deer has any anatomical feature that even remotely resembles a hump--->irreverent

36. T: 36s
BG:Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a company has previously provided for itself.  
P:Vernon, Inc., a small manufacturing company that has in recent years experienced a decline in its profits,
C;plans to boost its profits by outsourcing those parts of its business that independent suppliers can provide at lower cost than Vernon can itself.
Support:P=R-C, C下降的同时,R要保持不变或者上升
(A) Among the parts of its business that Vernon does not plan to outsource are some that require standards of accuracy too high for most independent suppliers to provide at lower cost than Vernon can.--->irreverent
(B) Vernon itself acts as an independent supplier of specialized hardware items to certain manufacturers that formerly made those items themselves.--->irreverent
(C) Relatively few manufacturers that start as independent suppliers have been able to expand their business and become direct competitors of the companies they once supplied.--->irreverent
(D) Vernon plans to select the independent suppliers it will use on the basis of submitted bids.--->irreverent
(E) Attending to certain tasks that Vernon performs relatively inefficiently has taken up much of the time and effort of top managers whose time would have been better spent attending to Vernon's core business.--->correct
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