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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-4】

发表于 2013-9-17 20:40:21 | 只看该作者
1. 44s
B: no social responsibility → no power “long run”
C: business must act responsibly to retain its LT power.

Weaken: 没看懂

Key: C (B)

2. 30a
B: US produce SPG and exported to Europe.
P1: European manu will capture European market
P2: US encourage use of SP in US
C: US will maintain significant production level

Since: 有能力卖给US

Key: C

3. 25s
B: V and M helps lung function
P: lung function: smokers<nonsmokers
C: increase V and M for smokers → improve lung function

Assumption: 吸烟不会阻止吸收V and M

Key: E

4. 38s
B: the comet broke into fragments before entering J’s atmosphere → trace sulfur to exam the size of the fragments
P1: contain no sulfur; but cloud layer contain sulfur
P2: sulfur will seep into outer layer → some fragments passed through J’s outer atmosphere

Boldface: 1. evidence 2. Conclusion

Key: E

5. 24s
B: U comes from mines
P1: can extract U form seawater
P2: cost of extraction > world market
C: not using the method until the cost reduced

Evaluation: 陆地上的U还够不够

Key: A
发表于 2013-9-19 08:15:39 | 只看该作者
4. Speaker: Contemporary business firms need to
recognize that avoiding social responsibility
leads to the gradual erosion of power. This is
Davis and Blomstrom’s Iron Law of
Responsibility: “In the long run, those who do
not use power in a manner which society
considers responsible will tend to lose it.” The
law’s application to human institutions
certainly stands confirmed by history. Though
the “long run” may require decades or even
centuries in some instances, society ultimately
acts to reduce power when society thinks it is
not being used responsibly. Therefore, a
business that wishes to retain its power as long
as it can must act responsibly.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most
weakens the speaker’s argument?
P1: D and B's Iron Law of responsibility: in the long run, whose who do not use power in a manner which society considers reponsible will tend to lose it
counter premise: Though the long run may require decades or even centuries in some instances, society ultimately acts to reduce power when society thinks it is not being used responsibly
C: a business that wishes to retain its power as long as it can must act responsible

correct: E

(A) Government institutions are as subject to the
Iron Law of Responsibility as business

irrelavant: we are talking about business here, not government
(B) Public relations programs can cause society to
consider an institution socially responsible
even when it is not.
(C) The power of some institutions erodes more
slowly than the power of others, whether they
are socially responsible or not.
(D) Since no institution is eternal, every business
will eventually fail.
(E) Some businesses that have used power in
socially responsible ways have lost it.

causal relationship: responsible leads to power
here, it shows that when responsibility exists, power doesnt exist

1.prep 07-13.   

Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

United States manufacturers currently produce most of the world's solar-power generators--most of which are exported to Europe.  However, European manufacturers are emerging and probably will ultimately capture much of the European market.  The United States government is funding initiatives intended to encourage use of solar power within the United States.  If these initiatives succeed in increasing the demand for solar-power generators in the United States, United States manufacturers will probably maintain significant production levels, since __________.

F1: US currently exported most of the solar energy produced in the states to Europe
F2: E will ultimately capture much of the European market
find the reason why US manufactures will maintatin sig production levels when the funding initiatives succeed
correct: D

(A) some United States manufacturers have been substantially increasing their output over the last several years
(B) the efficiency of solar-power generators in converting energy from the Sun into electric power is not improving as fast as it once did

irrelavant: need to find sth thats related to the government program
(C) just as European manufacturers enjoy certain competitive advantages in Europe, so do United States manufacturers in the United States
(D) European governments are currently undertaking initiatives to stimulate the use of solar power within Europe

(E) the current market for solar-power generators in the United States is very limited

2.prep 07-14.   

The higher the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream, the better a person's lung function, as measured by the amount of air the person can expel in one second.  The lung function of smokers is significantly worse, on average, than that of nonsmokers.  Clearly, therefore, one way for smokers to improve their lung function is for them to increase their intake of foods that are rich in these helpful vitamins and minerals.

P1: high vitamins and minerals can better a person's lung function, as measured by the amount of air the person can expel in one second
P2: lung funcion of a smokers is worse on average than that of non smokers
C: one way for smokers to improve lung function is for them to increase their intake of vitamin minerals rich food
correct: E
negate E, will waken the argument

Which of the following is an assumption on which this argument depends?

(A) Smokers are less likely than nonsmokers to have diets that are rich in vitamins and minerals.
(B) The lung function of smokers whose diets are rich in those vitamins and minerals is generally better than that of nonsmokers with comparable diets.
(C) People whose diets are deficient in those vitamins and minerals do not typically have other health problems in addition to diminished lung function.
(D) Stopping smoking will not typically improve lung function more than any diet changes can.
(E) Smoking does not introduce into the body chemicals that prevent the helpful vitamins and minerals from entering the bloodstream.

3.prep 07-15.   

Astronomer: Observations of the Shoemaker-Levi comet on its collision course with Jupiter showed that the comet broke into fragments before entering Jupiter's atmosphere in 1994, but they did not show how big those fragments were.  In hopes of gaining some indication of the fragments' size, astronomers studied spectrographic analyses of Jupiter's outer atmosphere.  These analyses revealed unprecedented traces of sulfur after the fragments' entry.The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but many astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur. Since sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer, it is likely that some of the fragments were at least large enough to have passed through Jupiter's outer atmosphere without being burned up.

correct: E

In the astronomer's argument, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

(A) The first presents a circumstance for which the astronomer offers an explanation; the second is part of that explanation.
(B) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion.
(C) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that conclusion.
(D) The first provides evidence in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that conclusion.
(E) The first is a judgment advanced in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion.

4.prep 07-16.    (27621-!-item-!-188;#058&003223)

Most of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from mines.  It is possible to extract uranium from seawater, but the cost of doing so is greater than the price that uranium fetches on the world market.  Therefore, until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can somehow be reduced, this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to be commercially viable.

P: most of U comes from mines. cost of extracting U from seawater is too high
C: the method of obtaining U from seawater is not commercially viable until the cost of extracting U from seawater can be reduced
correct: A

Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in evaluating the argument?

(A) Whether the uranium in deposits on land is rapidly being depleted
(B) Whether most uranium is used near where it is mined

need to touch on the cost: whether the cost will be a lot higher if the mine is farther away
(C) Whether there are any technological advances that show promise of reducing the cost of extracting uranium from seawater
(D) Whether the total amount of uranium in seawater is significantly greater than the total amount of uranium on land
(E) Whether uranium can be extracted from freshwater at a cost similar to the cost of extracting it from seawater

irrelavant :we are talking about sea water here
发表于 2013-10-6 05:01:56 | 只看该作者
1 33s
  Premise: in the long run, those who do not use power in a manner which society considers responsible will tend to lose it.”
Conclusion: a business that wishes to retain its power as long as it can must act responsibly.
weakens the speaker’s argument?
因果推理CQ1因果无联系或 一因多果CQ2干扰因素。
P it's not the only factor influence the power?
A)        Government institutions are as subject to the Iron Law of Responsibility as business
institutions. 无关
(B) Public relations programs can cause society to consider an institution sociallresponsible
even when it is not. 无关
(C) The power of some institutions erodes more slowly than the power of others, whether they are socially responsible or not. Correct 说明因果无联系
(D) Since no institution is eternal, every business will eventually fail. 无关这里说as long as pissible
(E) Some businesses that have used power in socially responsible ways have lost it. 无关

2 35S
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

premise1: United States manufacturers currently produce most of the world's solar-power generators--most of which are exported to Europe.  However, European manufacturers are emerging and probably will ultimately capture much of the European market.  
Premise2 The United States government is funding initiatives intended to encourage use of solar power within the United States.  
Conclusion: If these initiatives succeed in increasing the demand for solar-power generators in the United States, United States manufacturers will probably maintain significant production levels, since __________.
因果推理 还是类比推理

P the potential of domestic consumption is large.

(A) some United States manufacturers have been substantially increasing their output over the last several years 和结论无关
(B) the efficiency of solar-power generators in converting energy from the Sun into electric power is not improving as fast as it once did 和结论无关
(C) just as European manufacturers enjoy certain competitive advantages in Europe, so do United States manufacturers in the United States correct
(D) European governments are currently undertaking initiatives to stimulate the use of solar power within Europe 无关
(E) the current market for solar-power generators in the United States is very limited weaken.

3 27s
Premise: The higher the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream, the better a person's lung function
Conclusion: therefore, one way for smokers to improve their lung function is for them to increase their intake of foods that are rich in these helpful vitamins and minerals.

Which of the following is an assumption on which this argument depends?
因果Cq1 因果联系 CQ2 干扰因素
(A) Smokers are less likely than nonsmokers to have diets that are rich in vitamins and minerals. 不能说明吃vitamins有无效果这个问题
(B) The lung function of smokers whose diets are rich in those vitamins and minerals is generally better than that of nonsmokers with comparable diets. 比较对象不对。If it's compare to smokers without vitamins it might strengthen the conclusion.
(C) People whose diets are deficient in those vitamins and minerals do not typically have other health problems in addition to diminished lung function. 无关,取非不影响结论
(D) Stopping smoking will not typically improve lung function more than any diet changes can. 无关,取非不影响结论
(E) Smoking does not introduce into the body chemicals that prevent the helpful vitamins and minerals from entering the bloodstream. Correct. If smoking prevent the absorption of vitamins then it's useless to do so.

4 60s not very clear
Astronomer: In hopes of gaining some indication of the fragments' size, astronomers studied spectrographic analyses of Jupiter's outer atmosphere.  These analyses revealed unprecedented traces of sulfur after the fragments' entry. Premise:The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but many astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur. Since sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer, conclusion:it is likely that some of the fragments were at least large enough to have passed through Jupiter's outer atmosphere without being burned up.

(A) The first presents a circumstance for which the astronomer offers an explanation; the second is part of that explanation.
(B) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion.
(C) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that conclusion.
(D) The first provides evidence in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that conclusion.
(E) The first is a judgment advanced in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion. Correct

5 28s
Premise: Most of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from mines.  It is possible to extract uranium from seawater, but the cost of doing so is greater than the price that uranium fetches on the world market.
Conclusion: Therefore, until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can somehow be reduced, this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to be commercially viable.

Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in evaluating the argument?产生相反的影响。
(A) Whether the uranium in deposits on land is rapidly being depleted correct. 如果耗尽了必须从seawater提取。
(B) Whether most uranium is used near where it is mined 无关
(C) Whether there are any technological advances that show promise of reducing the cost of extracting uranium from seawater
(D) Whether the total amount of uranium in seawater is significantly greater than the total amount of uranium on land 无关
(E) Whether uranium can be extracted from freshwater at a cost similar to the cost of extracting it from seawater 无关
发表于 2013-10-17 09:54:11 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-10-17 10:12:37 | 只看该作者
1. 48'
3.35' 这道题有点没反应过来是假设体啊.找错了key,应该是最后一句话对肺功能不好的改善方法的假设,而非对前面因果的假设.  错选的A应该是有点削弱的,如果nonsmokers不吃这些食物的话,题目中给出的解决办法则不能实行.
4.57' 黑脸还是把握不好,又是天体内容,着实有点晕啦!  看来需要一个黑脸合集好好加强一下!

有没有NN可以给小女子一个黑脸讲解或者合集呢?  在此跪谢!!
发表于 2013-10-17 19:30:46 | 只看该作者
14. A解释: smoker 吃的少(vitamin和minerals的食物)所以lung不好————重复了题目的P:he higher the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream, the better a person's lung function

最近在恶补逻辑,每天做题不定量 就不来签到打卡凑热闹了
但是还是请求楼主和各位逻辑大牛帮我评判哈~ 不要让我出现思想错误。。。。
发表于 2013-10-19 12:53:41 | 只看该作者
计时:51 S
逻辑链:society will reduce irresponsible firms---a business that wishes to retain its power as long
as it can must act responsibly
A 无关
B 第三因素,保留
C 不管负不负责,power都会逐渐消失,但是 as long as possible,能延长就尽量延长
D as long as possible不等于forever,无关
E 无关

逻辑链:US 向欧洲出口太阳能发电机---欧洲本地厂商开始挤压市场—提高US本国的需求量—US的企业的产量不会发生变化
预测:complete argument
A 无关
B 无关
C 涉及到结论,保留
D 无关
E 现在的市场开发程度小,所以开发的空间很大 correct

A 削弱
B 无关
C 保留
D 无关
E 保留
C E比较 E对结论有更直接的影响

计时 65S
逻辑链:SL在进入J的大气层之前已经变成了碎片---宇航员要检验这些碎片的大小---研究J的外层大气发现了在碎片进入后有sulfur的痕迹----这些碎片本身没有sulfur,但是J外围大气层下面的云里含有sulfur---因为sulfur可以跟碎片一起进去大气层—所以碎片要足够大到在进去外围大气层之前不burned up


A 保留
B 无关
C 与前提重复
D 无关
E 无关
发表于 2013-11-4 21:20:10 | 只看该作者
4 51秒
P 当代的公司不履行责任会权利丢失
C 所以当代的公司要想retain power就要负责
削弱题 预测:它因导致,即使履行责任也会lost power
A 无关吧
B 不在讨论范围内,无关
C 无关比较
D 正确 所有都会失败----有了责任还是会lost power
E 个别不影响整体

1 59秒
B 反相
C 无关比较
D 与欧洲无关
E 正确

2 43秒
P vitamin and minerals 的含量为高,肺功能越好
C 吸烟者提高肺功能要增加vitamin and minerals的食物的摄入
A 无关比较
D 没有E 好
E 取非不吸收,削弱所以正确

3 44秒
预测:第一个支持文章论点,第二句main conclusion

4 34秒
C 除非抽取费用下降,否则经济不可行
A 起到加强和削弱的双重作用
B 无关
C 只有加强作用
D 无关
E 文中没说freshwater 的事
发表于 2013-11-5 15:28:33 | 只看该作者
Section: 1-3

Background: avoiding social responsibility
leads to the gradual erosion of power.

Premise: In the long run, those who do
not use power in a manner which society
considers responsible will tend to lose it.

Conclusion: Therefore
business that wishes to retain its power as long
as it can must act responsibly.

(A) Unrelated
© Support
(D) Off-topic
(E) Support

Background: United States manufacturers currently produce most of the world's solar-power generators--most of which are exported to Europe.

Premise:  However, European manufacturers are emerging and probably will ultimately capture much of the European market.  The United States government is funding initiatives intended to encourage use of solar power within the United States.

Conclusion: United States manufacturers will probably maintain significant production levels, since __________.

(A) Unrelated
(B) Unrelated
© Correct
(D) Unrelated
(E) Unrelated

Background: The higher the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream, the better a person's lung function, as measured by the amount of air the person can expel in one second.

Premise: The lung function of smokers is significantly worse, on average, than that of nonsmokers.

Conclusion: one way for smokers to improve their lung function is for them to increase their intake of foods that are rich in minerals

(A) unrelated
(B) doesn't help the argument
© unrelated
(D) unrelated

Background: These analyses revealed unprecedented traces of sulfur after the fragments' entry.

Premise: The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but many astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur.

Conclusion: it is likely that some of the fragments were at least large enough to have passed through Jupiter's outer atmosphere without being burned up.

(A) wrong
(B) wrong
© unrelated
(D) wrong
(E) correct

Background: Most of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from mines.

Premise: It is possible to extract uranium from seawater, but the cost of doing so is greater than the price that uranium fetches on the world market.

Conclusion:  Therefore, until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can somehow be reduced, this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to be commercially viable.

Answer: A

发表于 2013-11-17 20:27:37 | 只看该作者

【精练】4. Speaker: Contemporary business firms need torecognize that avoiding social responsibilityleads to the gradual erosion of power. This isDavis and Blomstrom’s Iron Law ofResponsibility: “In the long run, those who donot use power in a manner which societyconsiders responsible will tend to lose it.”
not being used responsibly. Therefore, abusiness that wishes to retain its power as longas it can must act responsibly.Which one of the following statements, if true, mostweakens the speaker’s argument?

这题……其实我没看懂……然后……蒙对了……逻辑链:P:大概就是……社会责任对企业的long run是很重要的,一旦它被认为没有责任感,他的地位就保不住了,就等于要垮了(是酱紫吗?酱紫总结对吗?)

(A) Government institutions are as subject to theIron Law of Responsibility as businessinstitutions.——这个说的是政府机构对于企业机构的关系,无关(B) Public relations programs can cause society toconsider an institution socially responsibleeven when it is not.——这个说的公共关系可能考虑一个机构的社会责任当他没有的时候,留着(C) The power of some institutions erodes moreslowly than the power of others, whether theyare socially responsible or not.——一些企业和另一些企业的对比,不相干啊,不要(D) Since no institution is eternal, every businesswill eventually fail.——靠这个好消极,不要(E) Some businesses that have used power insocially responsible ways have lost it.——一些在社会责任里使用权力的企业已经失去了它?不要---bible-weaken
【逻辑链}】1.prep 07-13.    Which of the following most logically completes the argument?United States manufacturers currently produce most of the world's solar-power generators--most of which are exported to Europe.  However, European manufacturers are emerging and probably will ultimately capture much of the European market.  The United States government is funding initiatives intended to encourage use of solar power within the United States.  If these initiatives succeed in increasing the demand for solar-power generators in the United States, United States manufacturers will probably maintain significant production levels, since __________.


some United States manufacturers have been substantially increasing their output over the last several years——无关吧(B) the efficiency of solar-power generators in converting energy from the Sun into electric power is not improving as fast as it once did——无关啊(C) just as European manufacturers enjoy certain competitive advantages in Europe, so do United States manufacturers in the United States——跟欧洲对比,因为跟欧洲一样有本土市场,所以要保持生产力?(D) European governments are currently undertaking initiatives to stimulate the use of solar power within Europe——无关(E) the current market for solar-power generators in the United States is very limited——这个都已经很限制了,大量生产木有用啊
2.prep 07-14.    The higher the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream, the better a person's lung function, as measured by the amount of air the person can expel in one second.  The lung function of smokers is significantly worse, on average, than that of nonsmokers.  Clearly, therefore, one way for smokers to improve their lung function is for them to increase their intake of foods that are rich in these helpful vitamins and minerals.Which of the following is an assumption on which this argument depends?
(A) Smokers are less likely than nonsmokers to have diets that are rich in vitamins and minerals.——所以更要吃……
(B) The lung function of smokers whose diets are rich in those vitamins and minerals is generally better than that of nonsmokers with comparable diets.——无关,吃了同样维生素矿物质食物的吸烟者肺功能比非吸烟者好(C) People whose diets are deficient in those vitamins and minerals do not typically have other health problems in addition to diminished lung function.——other health problems...无关(D) Stopping smoking will not typically improve lung function more than any diet changes can.——进讨论吃或不吃,没讨论新的方法,无关(E) Smoking does not introduce into the body chemicals that prevent the helpful vitamins and minerals from entering the bloodstream.——bingo!不然吃再多也没用

prep 07-15.    Astronomer: Observations of the Shoemaker-Levi comet on its collision course with Jupiter showed that the comet broke into fragments before entering Jupiter's atmosphere in 1994, but they did not show how big those fragments were.  In hopes of gaining some indication of the fragments' size, astronomers studied spectrographic analyses of Jupiter's outer atmosphere.  These analyses revealed unprecedented traces of sulfur after the fragments' entry. The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but many astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur. Since sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer, it is likely that some of the fragments were at least large enough to have passed through Jupiter's outer atmosphere without being burned up.In the astronomer's argument, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?1:06
(A) The first presents a circumstance for which the astronomer offers an explanation; the second is part of that explanation.(B) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion.(C) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that conclusion.(D) The first provides evidence in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that conclusion.(E) The first is a judgment advanced in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion.4.prep 07-16.    (27621-!-item-!-188;#058&003223)Most of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from mines.  It is possible to extract uranium from seawater, but the cost of doing so is greater than the price that uranium fetches on the world market.  Therefore, until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can somehow be reduced, this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to be commercially viable.Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in evaluating the argument?1:10

(A) Whether the uranium in deposits on land is rapidly being depleted——bingo!陆地上要被开采完了!一定要用到海里的了!(B) Whether most uranium is used near where it is mined——无关(C) Whether there are any technological advances that show promise of reducing the cost of extracting uranium from seawater——这个价格不是你想降,想降就能降(D) Whether the total amount of uranium in seawater is significantly greater than the total amount of uranium on land——数量再多,用不到也无关啊(E) Whether uranium can be extracted from freshwater at a cost similar to the cost of extracting it from seawater——没提到淡水,滚粗
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