请问LZ两年下来学费加生活费一共多少钱呢?我看官网写每年学费3.6万,可大家都说念下来要65万人民币,于是我就迷糊了,我申的是27个月的,能再贵大约多少呢?非常感谢! -- by 会员 二战托福 (2011/11/16 14:29:36)
学校给的官方的学费+生活费=63366CAD/yr 两年就已经80万RMB了= = 27个月再加点吧??90万RMB 富有的孩纸快去创造奇迹! -- by 会员 Andy12 (2011/11/16 15:27:42)
有这么贵?!我学长跟我说准备60万就够了,而且coop还能赚回一些呢 -- by 会员 wakemeup (2011/11/16 16:16:01)
恩?!真的吗 能不能再问的详细点 谢谢啦 60w应该是已经减去co-op的费用后的费用了 55w不知够不够 -- by 会员 superdanouc (2011/11/16 16:32:37)
coop能赚回来那么多么?官网上貌似是说1.2万CAD每个coop 个么两个work term就是2.4万 但是加拿大是要交税的吧 而且加拿大算赋税蛮重的国家吧 否则高福利从何而来= = 而且个人所得税不仅要交联邦税还要交安省的吧??T^T估计差不多20%就没了 个么到手大概2万不到 差不多是12万= = 再加上今年学费又一次杯具的涨了 估计自己要带个70万才够学校给出的标准吧 学校给的链接在这里 看一下吧?? http://www.utoronto.ca/mmpa/Students/Financing/Financing.html 附件也是官方关于生活费+学费的预估:想看的自己拿吧 -- by 会员 Andy12 (2011/11/16 18:18:14)
越来越觉得UT坑爹的贵了,申请费还300。。。 -- by 会员 wakemeup (2011/11/16 19:49:39)
其实这就是桩买卖罢了 去买一个还算比较不错的移民的可能而已?? -- by 会员 Andy12 (2011/11/16 20:09:28)
so true~~ -- by 会员 utsclisa (2011/11/16 23:21:24)
Exactly, I guess everyone just needs to think through before making any final decision about this. If you just wanna have an experience of overseas lifestyle, you can get it in other places like US. But if you wanna permanently change the way you live, this program is a fair choice. It may not guarantee a successful career (I bet we all know there's something called glass-roof/ceiling), but it gives a chance to ease you into a Canadian life i suppose. It's entirely your call. -- by 会员 Andy12 (2011/11/17 0:39:22)
"permanently change the way you live"~~and also the place you live~~really, pure accounting folks (designation holders) won't have that much of mobility as that of fiance/supply chain/econ ppl~~CA designation is granted by provincial institute, not even the federal one...... |