前人的讨论果然非常精彩,但我还有一些异议,欢迎指教: Q2: In Greek theology the supreme being was Esaugetu Emissee (Master of Breath), who dwelt in an upper realm in which the sky was the floor, and who had the power to give and to take away the breath of life. A. in which the sky was the floor, and who had the power to give and to take (很明显是who and who的并列结构。可是关于并列,如果是二者并列不是不需要逗号吗?ie A and B. 如果是三者并列才是有逗号的,ie A, B, and C呀? 我觉得这是A选项的一个小flaw.) B. where the sky was the floor, having the power to give and to take (确实是having离它的主语太远了,会造成歧义。) C. whose floor was the sky, and who has the power of giving and of taking (has. 不多说了。另外whose引领这个从句意思也太不靠谱了) D. in which the sky was the floor, with the power of giving and taking (其实with可以跳跃修饰,所以这里错不在它。应该是the power of sb. to do sth.的习惯用法问题。) E. whose floor was the sky, having the power to give and take(见B,C的解释) 总的来讲还是要选a.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-25 4:04:26编辑过] |