以下是引用aeoluseros在2009-2-1 3:45:00的发言:对于excepting的歧义说法持保留意见...不过同意excepting多用于否定意义的句子. acceptable only after not, only, always, or without.可以再加几个程度比较绝对化的词:all, no...
谢谢斑竹!! 可是,ALWAYS、ONLY也算表示否定意义的词么? ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em06.gif)
刚刚查了下Encarta: except, except for, or excepting: Often the question of whether to use except or except for is a matter of indifference: We'd all seen the play except [or except for] Joe. Where the exception is closely paired with what it is an exception to, except is more usual: All of us except Joe had seen the play. Except for is used where the connection to what is being excepted is indirect, and is also more common at the beginning of a sentence: Except for that, we were in agreement. Excepting is the correct choice after not: She was the most important person in his life, not excepting his mother. Microsoft? Encarta? 2006. ? 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-17 20:10:24编辑过] |