前提1 :cultivatedemmer wheat have been found among the earliest agricultural remains of manyarchaeological sites in Europe and Asia 前提2 :wild form ofemmer wheat 只生长在arelatively narrow strip of southwest Asia 前提3 :oldest remainsof cultivated emmer wheat yet found are from village sites in the same narrowstrip 结论:emmerwheat was first domesticated somewhere in that strip First domesticated 的必要条件那个地方要存在wild form of emmer wheat ,根据前提2 知道现在在narrow strip ofsouthwest Asia 有wildform of emmer wheat ,但是不知道以前是否也生长wild form of emmer wheat 。选项D 说气候从developmentof agriculture 之前到现在几乎没变化,于是就加强了在农业发展之前narrowstrip of southwest Asia 也有wild form of emmer wheat 的假设。-- by 会员 fdunan (2011/10/27 11:27:09)
恩!解释的很有道理~我没选出因为把前提2看成了以前这个地方长wild emmer wheat,这样就做不出了!看来原文要仔细看和理解啊 |