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[备考日记] 每日一听 60-second-science 《听写营》

 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-16 23:58:31 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 selfmotivated (2011/11/15 0:11:09)

Which would explain why summer seems to zip by, except the seasons are a function of the tilt of the earth’s axis, not its differentdistances from the sun.
Rose姐,求解惑,这句没有听懂 ~~~~(>_<)~~~~ 。。。。
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-16 23:59:13 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 pinkpigling (2011/11/16 10:16:55)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-17 00:05:13 | 只看该作者

1. 复习有道生词本单词--1h
2.口语真经3一套 --1h (感觉四六题说清楚还是有点困难,事例太多的时候要浓缩概括)
3. TPO《艺术》完成4篇-- 1.5
4. 作文整理2011JJ 完成了--5h ,有的题目真的很难找思路呀!~
5. 翻译15 句子-- 1h
6.阅读最后一套TPO12-1篇 --0.5h
发表于 2011-11-17 01:32:27 | 只看该作者

Which……(主语),except……(前置)are……,not…… 这样联系上下文应该能懂吧~ 不知道对不对,
发表于 2011-11-17 03:35:32 | 只看该作者
31. Fireflies' Flash May Make Them Meals

Fireflies who announce their availability with lots of light also risk becoming fast food. Karen Hopkin reports.


When it comes to courtship, females do favor flashier males. Just take a look at the peacock and his brilliant come-hither tailfeathers. And when it comes to fireflies, females are drawn to males whose flash is rapid and strong.  But if the gals like bigger brighter displays, what keeps males from evolving a light show as luminous as a guy in a convertible with a dozen gold chains around his neck?  Well, it turns out that male fireflies that are too obvious are more likely to get eaten. Or so say scientists at Tufts University, in the November issue of American Naturalist.

To determine why fireflies don’t go all out when it comes to illumination, the Tufts team set out to uncover the hidden costs of producing light. They found that flashing doesn’t put much of a strain on a firefly’s energy reserves. So it’s not that they’re trying to avoid burn-out—they’re trying to avoid becoming take-out. Because bugs who flash too fast tend to attract more than the light-of-their-lives. They attract predatory fireflies looking for a snack. And, sad to say, their last thoughts probably are something like, “Look at me!  Look at me!  Look at me!  [CHOMP] Look at…”
-- by 会员 ashlie888 (2011/11/14 22:55:09)

发表于 2011-11-17 03:48:08 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 selfmotivated (2011/11/15 0:11:09)

Which would explain why summer seems to zip by, except the seasons are a function of the tilt of the earth’s axis, not its differentdistances from the sun.
Rose姐,求解惑,这句没有听懂 ~~~~(>_<)~~~~ 。。。。
-- by 会员 ashlie888 (2011/11/16 23:58:31)

except the seasons are a function of the tilt of the earth’s axis, 我也不知道啥意思.
Zip: informal move at high speed : eg. swallows zipped back and forthacross the lake.
发表于 2011-11-17 04:06:31 | 只看该作者


This is Scientific American's 60-Second Science. I'm Karen Hopkin. This will just take a minute.

If you don°Øt subscribe to the Dutch journal Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, you might have missed the news about fleas: the best way to get rid of a house full of cat fleas is to reach for the vacuum cleaner. The old upright is not only lethal to adult bugs, but it completely wipes out their young. Scientists from Ohio State University had set out to determine what additional measures might be needed to kill a bunch of Hoovered-up fleas: burning, freezing, poisoning, maybe even a good old fashioned boot stomping. But it turns out that getting sucked into a vacuum bag does the whole job.

The researchers were so surprised by the results, they repeated the study several times. In each experiment, they sprinkled a kitchen carpet with 100 cat fleas, either adults or juveniles. And they found that the vacuum snuffed out pretty much all of them. What makes vacuuming so deadly is hard to say. The researchers admit that they did not conduct a postmortem on any of the deceased. But they think it was the physical trauma of being sucked through the brushes that gave fleas a one-way ticket to the chitin-yard. Now, if only scientists could come up with a safe way to vacuum the cat.

Thanks for the minute for Scientific American's 60-Second Science. I'm Karen Hopkin.


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发表于 2011-11-17 04:26:22 | 只看该作者
红色的是我没有听出来的.听完1遍的时候,知道大概意思,但detail听不全.有些习惯用语我还不熟,比如snuffed out.



This is Scientific American's 60-Second Science. I'm Karen Hopkin. This willjust take a minute.

If you don°Øt subscribe to the Dutch journal Entomologia Experimentalis etApplicata, you might have missed the news about fleas: the best way to get ridof a house full of cat fleas is to reach for thevacuum cleaner. The old upright is not only lethalto adult bugs, but it completely wipes outtheir young. Scientists from Ohio State University had set out to determinewhat additional measures might be needed to kill a bunch of Hoovered-up fleas: burning, freezing, poisoning, maybeeven a good old fashioned boot stomping. But itturns out that getting sucked into a vacuum bag does the whole job.

The researchers were so surprised by the results, they repeated the studyseveral times. In each experiment, they sprinkled akitchen carpet with 100 cat fleas, either adults or juveniles. And they foundthat the vacuum snuffed out pretty much all ofthem. What makes vacuuming so deadly is hard to say. The researchers admit thatthey did not conduct a postmortem on any of the deceased. But they think it was the physical trauma ofbeing sucked through the brushes that gave fleas a one-way ticket to the chitin-yard. Now, if only scientists could come up witha safe way to vacuum the cat.

Thanks for the minute for Scientific American's 60-Second Science. I'm KarenHopkin.

Upright: denotinga device designed to be used in a vertical position : eg. an upright vacuumcleaner.


snuffed out: (informal)kill.

Postmortem: an examination of a dead body to determine thecause of death.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-17 12:50:40 | 只看该作者
31. Fireflies' Flash May Make Them Meals

Fireflies who announce their availability with lots of light also risk becoming fast food. Karen Hopkin reports.


When it comes to courtship, females do favor flashier males. Just take a look at the peacock and his brilliant come-hither tailfeathers. And when it comes to fireflies, females are drawn to males whose flash is rapid and strong.  But if the gals like bigger brighter displays, what keeps males from evolving a light show as luminous as a guy in a convertible with a dozen gold chains around his neck?  Well, it turns out that male fireflies that are too obvious are more likely to get eaten. Or so say scientists at Tufts University, in the November issue of American Naturalist.

To determine why fireflies don’t go all out when it comes to illumination, the Tufts team set out to uncover the hidden costs of producing light. They found that flashing doesn’t put much of a strain on a firefly’s energy reserves. So it’s not that they’re trying to avoid burn-out—they’re trying to avoid becoming take-out. Because bugs who flash too fast tend to attract more than the light-of-their-lives. They attract predatory fireflies looking for a snack. And, sad to say, their last thoughts probably are something like, “Look at me!  Look at me!  Look at me!  [CHOMP] Look at…”
-- by 会员 ashlie888 (2011/11/14 22:55:09)

-- by 会员 selfmotivated (2011/11/17 3:35:32)

脸红ing ..我修改了!~
发表于 2011-11-17 21:22:24 | 只看该作者
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