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[备考日记] 每日一听 60-second-science 《听写营》

 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 23:57:25 | 只看该作者


27. Garlic's Malodorous Medicinal Magic

Garlic's cardiovascular benefits may be due to the chemical that smells like rotten eggs--hydrogen sulfide, which acts as a chemical messenger. Karen Hopkin reports.


Various studies have suggested that eating garlic can be good for you. It’s been credited with lowering blood pressure, protecting against heart disease, preventing blood clots, even fighting off colds. Now researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham think they have a better idea how garlic might work its medicinal magic.

The Alabama team exposed red blood cells to the juices pressed from a standard, supermarket-issue clove of garlic. And they found that the garlic-soaked cells started giving off hydrogen sulfide, which is the gas that gives rotten eggs their delightful bouquet.

Ok, I know you’re probably thinking that smelling like sewage seems even more odious than reeking of garlic. But on a molecular level, a pinch of hydrogen sulfide can be just what the doctor ordered. Because hydrogen sulfide serves as a chemical messenger that helps relax blood vessels and increase blood flow. Which could explain some of garlic’s cardiovascular benefits. Of course more studies are needed to show whether a clove a day really does keep the doctor away. In the meantime, enjoy your garlic bread. And don’t worry about the garlic breath. Just think what the insides of your arteries must smell like.


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发表于 2011-11-9 10:27:47 | 只看该作者
All you have to do is dip the item of interest and it’s instantly coated with dopa-glue. 我的理解是:你要做的是把目标东东放dopamine里沾一下,目标东东的表面就立即被裹上dopa(也就是dopamine)胶水. All you have to do is (省略了to) dip the item of interest (省略了in the dopamine).
-- by 会员 selfmotivated (2011/11/8 3:20:02)

嗯 有道理~ THX selfmotivated~
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2011/11/8 23:48:27)

发表于 2011-11-9 20:33:30 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-9 22:40:44 | 只看该作者

28. The Buzz Is That Elephants Fear Bees

Habitat destruction raises the risk of unhappy interactions between elephants and people. But harnessing elephants' natural fear of bees may be a solution. Cynthia Graber reports.


Elephants squeeze into ever smaller habitats as people move into their territory.  And this causes problems.  Hungry elephants can charge into villages and towns, destroying crops and buildings. Sometimes people respond by shooting. But these conflicts between humans and elephants may soon get some help from a simple, low-tech solution: bees.  It turns out elephants are afraid of them.

It was known that elephants went out of their way to avoid bees. So scientists in Kenya decided to test whether bees could be used deliberately to scare elephants off. They recorded sounds of disturbed hives. Then they placed those recordings near trees around known elephant families. In other trees they placed a control, a white noise buzz. Within just over a minute, sixteen of seventeen elephant families had fled the scene of the bee sounds. Half of them split within only the first ten seconds. In contrast, none left the white noise in the first ten seconds, and only four moved away after a minute. Scientists believe that beehives may be one more tool to help avoid elephant-human clashes,- not to mention the money to be made from selling honey. A winning solution all around.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-9 23:49:52 | 只看该作者
1. low-tech solution 听成了low-tax 2. a white noise buzz. 类似white lie
3.fleed away 近义词split
4. A winning solution all around.  
    Eg: This is a winning solution all around.
        Settling Debt can truly be a winning solution all around by avoiding...
发表于 2011-11-10 00:40:07 | 只看该作者
to Rose:那你为什么不起名叫rose呢~呵呵 不过selfmotivated这个名字的确比较激励性啊~
发表于 2011-11-10 00:42:29 | 只看该作者
小A加油、加油~ 我在听2011年的…… 保持来这儿逛逛~也顺便拣点SSS听
发表于 2011-11-10 03:24:22 | 只看该作者
to Rose:那你为什么不起名叫rose呢~呵呵 不过selfmotivated这个名字的确比较激励性啊~
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2011/11/10 0:40:07)

发表于 2011-11-11 06:23:28 | 只看该作者


27. Garlic's Malodorous Medicinal Magic

Garlic's cardiovascular benefits may be due to the chemical that smells like rotten eggs--hydrogen sulfide, which acts as a chemical messenger. Karen Hopkin reports.


Various studies have suggested that eating garlic can be good for you. It’s been credited with lowering blood pressure, protecting against heart disease, preventing blood clots, even fighting off colds. Now researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham think they have a better idea how garlic might work its medicinal magic.

The Alabama team exposed red blood cells to the juices pressed from a standard, supermarket-issue clove of garlic. And they found that the garlic-soaked cells started giving off hydrogen sulfide, which is the gas that gives rotten eggs their delightful bouquet.

Ok, I know you’re probably thinking that smelling like sewage seems even more odious than reeking of garlic. But on a molecular level, a pinch of hydrogen sulfide can be just what the doctor ordered. Because hydrogen sulfide serves as a chemical messenger that helps relax blood vessels and increase blood flow. Which could explain some of garlic’s cardiovascular benefits. Of course more studies are needed to show whether a clove a day really does keep the doctor away. In the meantime, enjoy your garlic bread. And don’t worry about the garlic breath. Just think what the insides of your arteries must smell like.
-- by 会员 ashlie888 (2011/11/8 23:57:25)

昨天听了这篇.第二段听的不是很清楚.有些专业单词比如molecular,hydrogen sulfide,听到还是反应不过来.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-11 23:04:46 | 只看该作者
30. Fireflies' Flash May Make Them Meals

Fireflies who announce their availability with lots of light also risk becoming fast food. Karen Hopkin reports.


When it comes to courtship, females do favor flashier males. Just take a look at the peacock and his brilliant come-hither tailfeathers. And when it comes to fireflies, females are drawn to males whose flash is rapid and strong.  But if the gals like bigger brighter displays, what keeps males from evolving a light show as luminous as a guy in a convertible with a dozen gold chains around his neck?  Well, it turns out that male fireflies that are too obvious are more likely to get eaten. Or so say scientists at Tufts University, in the November issue of American Naturalist.

To determine why fireflies don’t go all out when it comes to illumination, the Tufts team set out to uncover the hidden costs of producing light. They found that flashing doesn’t put much of a strain on a firefly’s energy reserves. So it’s not that they’re trying to avoid burn-out—they’re trying to avoid becoming take-out. Because bugs who flash too fast tend to attract more than the light-of-their-lives. They attract predatory fireflies looking for a snack. And, sad to say, their last thoughts probably are something like, “Look at me!  Look at me!  Look at me!  [CHOMP] Look at…”


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