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[备考日记] 每日一听 60-second-science 《听写营》

发表于 2011-11-22 09:48:40 | 只看该作者
This is Scientific Americans' 60-Second Science. I am Cynthia Graber. This'll just take a minute.

How frequent are nightmares for toddlers and what causes them? Those are questions researchers at the University of Montreal hope to answer. They asked parents of about a thousand children to estimate the occurrence of their child's nightmares from age two and a half through age six. The parents were also questioned about their child's disposition. First, it turns out that nightmares aren't so frequent. About a third of the parents reported no nightmares at all. And then there is the second result: kids who are called difficult as early as five months were more likely to suffer from nightmares as toddlers. And ones who at a year and a half for more anxious, more likely to cry, and more difficult to calm down were also more likely to have bad dreams. The study authors say this means children maybe, well, like little adults. It's already well-established that adults tend to express real life stress and emotional problems as nightmares. The researchers suggest that focusing on the kids day-time issues and on parenting techniques may help banish night-time demons.

Thanks for the minute for Scientific Americans' 60-Second Science. I am Cynthia Graber.


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发表于 2011-11-22 09:59:13 | 只看该作者

How frequent arenightmares for toddlers and what causes them?Those are questions researchers at the University of Montreal hope to answer.They asked parents of about a thousand children to estimatethe occurrence of their child's nightmares from age two and a half through age six. The parents were also questionedabout their child's disposition. First, it turns out that nightmares aren't sofrequent. About a third of the parents reported no nightmares at all. And thenthere is the second result: kids who are called difficult as early as fivemonths were more likely to suffer from nightmares as toddlers. And ones who at a year and a half for more anxious,more likely to cry, and more difficult to calm down were also more likely tohave bad dreams. The study authors say this means children maybe, well, likelittle adults. It's already well-established that adults tend to express reallife stress and emotional problems as nightmares. The researchers suggest thatfocusing on the kids day-time issues and on parenting techniques may help banish night-time demons.

Banish: forbid,abolish, or get rid of (something unwanted)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-22 23:46:06 | 只看该作者
今天完成:1、 单词复习----1h
2.   写作135句子复习30 ---0.5h
3.   口语真经12题复习,背诵---3h
4.   听力分类5个《生物》---2h
5.   大作文一篇---1h
6.   复习2010JJ作文整理1/2---3h


China Daily 的Opinion板块真的很不错。。。写作可以参考,发现晚了==
发表于 2011-11-22 23:47:43 | 只看该作者
小A占了222~ Rp爆发
发表于 2011-11-23 07:20:42 | 只看该作者
This is Scientific Americans' 60-Second Science, I'm Steve Mirsky, got a minute?

If you're invading meat-eating Argentinian ant and you run out of prey,there's only one thing to do if you want to keep on invading-become a vegetarian.And that's just what the carnivorous Argentinian ants that have invaded California did,they switched and began to eat vegetable matter. No, these 2 millimeter-long critters didn't develop moral qualms about eating meat,they aren't trying to save the planet,they just ran out of their first choice-native ants. Researchers writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences say that these ants gobbled up the native ants, which can be 10 times their size.The new comers then had no choice but to carbo-load, switching over to such sweet treats as honeydew nectar produced by aphids.The ants which are believed to have arrived in California on ships carrying coffee and sugar from Argentina in 1890s, have caused problems for big creatures as well. The coastal horned lizard which dined on dometic ants has declined the numbers by about half recently, apparently because the lizard doesn't particularly care for Argentinian food.

Thanks for the minute for Scientific Americans' 60-Second Science,I'm Steve Mirsky.


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发表于 2011-11-23 07:24:43 | 只看该作者
今天完成:1、 单词复习----1h
2.   写作135句子复习30 ---0.5h
3.   口语真经12题复习,背诵---3h
4.   听力分类5个《生物》---2h
5.   大作文一篇---1h
6.   复习2010JJ作文整理1/2---3h


China Daily 的Opinion板块真的很不错。。。写作可以参考,发现晚了==
-- by 会员 ashlie888 (2011/11/22 23:46:06)

发表于 2011-11-23 07:25:01 | 只看该作者
今天完成:1、 单词复习----1h
2.   写作135句子复习30 ---0.5h
3.   口语真经12题复习,背诵---3h
4.   听力分类5个《生物》---2h
5.   大作文一篇---1h
6.   复习2010JJ作文整理1/2---3h


China Daily 的Opinion板块真的很不错。。。写作可以参考,发现晚了==
-- by 会员 ashlie888 (2011/11/22 23:46:06)

发表于 2011-11-23 23:53:08 | 只看该作者
红牛…… 我提倡身体自然休息,大家不要太拼啊==哈哈 身体是本钱~ 加油加油
发表于 2011-11-25 04:16:13 | 只看该作者
38 我的听写稿.这篇没听懂,因为不少单词不认识.

If you're invadingmeat-eating Argentinian ant and you run out of prey,there'sonly one thing to do if you want to keep on invading-become a vegetarian.Andthat's just what the carnivorous Argentinianants that have invaded California did,they switched and began to eat vegetablematter. No, these 2 millimeter-long critters didn'tdevelop moral qualms about eating meat,theyaren't trying to save the planet,they just ran out of their first choice-nativeants. Researchers writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy ofSciences say that these ants gobbled up thenative ants, which can be 10 times their size.The new comers then had no choicebut to carbo-load, switching over to such sweet treats ashoneydew nectar produced by aphids.The ants which are believed to have arrived inCalifornia on ships carrying coffee and sugar from Argentina in 1890s, havecaused problems for big creatures as well. The coastalhorned lizard which dined on dometic ants has declinedthe numbers by about half recently, apparently because the lizarddoesn't particularly care for Argentinian food.
Critter: noun (informalor dialect) a living creature; an animal.
Gobble up: eat(something) hurriedly and noisily
Aphid: a minutebug that feeds by sucking sap from plants.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-25 21:16:38 | 只看该作者
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