LZ你好 谢谢你无私地分享! 请问一下 1.你们这届里面PRE-MBA就是IB背景的多吗? 这些同学MBA之后的就业方向是不是主要集中在加州的PE/VC或者自己创业? 换句话说... 会不会背景雷同(PRE-MBA IBD 3YEARS)职业目标雷同(POST MBA PE/VC)的人集中在STANFORD相对较小的CLASS里比较多(相较于COLUMBIA那种学生背景很DIVERSE的) 无形之中增大就业压力呢? 能简单介绍一下你们这届或者上届找BUY SIDE工作的就业情况吗? 2. 我之前是在英国,MBA之后想过度到香港工作 不知道你们CLASS SIZE比较小, 中国校友网络在香港怎么样呢? 3. 我还有23年才申MBA。 主要是想通过MBA转到BUYSIDE。 我知道STANFORD在这一块是比较强的, 所以很感兴趣。 请问一下申请S家最看重的素质是什么呢?因为我现在还有时间, 想提前准备。 不知道在工作中或者其他方面可以怎样提升背景呢? 谢谢你啦! -- by 会员 elva2sam (2011/11/7 20:06:41)
1. very few who has only IB experience - many did VC or PE after IB before MBA; post MBA very diverse: some start-up, some back to PE, some to VC, some to Tech and other area. 50% of class will stay in Bay area, and the rest all over the world. It's not about your prior experience but what you want to do after, and nothing can prevent you from pursuing your dreams. Not many of us are into buy side- this year only 2 did PE for summer, and 2 did asset management. Last year only 1 did PE post-MBA. 2. Last year one MBA went back to Hong Kong. Compared to Harvard or Columbi, we don't have a large class size and smaller alumni base everywhere, but the bond formed among classmates are very strong everywhere. 3. There is no magic formula for what kind of candidates Stanford like. If after research, you like the school and think it could be a good fit for you, you should just apply. I think being authentic to whom you are and what you want is most important. |