Hi Tiler, Let me try to answer your questions: 1. According to the admission director, the number of Chinese admits was normal last year, while the year before last was "abnormal" simply because every candidates who got the offer decided to "Go Duke". 2. I would say we have average five years of working experience. The age range for the admitted students is large (24-37) and industry background is very diverse, ranging from banking, manufacturing, telecommunications, government, aviation to name just a few. 3. I think you can find this info in Fuqua website. -- by 会员 toprunning (2011/9/29 11:34:54)
This is the BS that the school is feeding people. Not only are there fewer Chinese, but fewer Asians (Thai, Korean, Indian) in general. I find it hard to believe that all of sudden the yield dropped that significantly. If it did, and I was on the AdCom, I would be very concerned about the development. In contrast, the admit from Latin America and Europe have gone up. This is a clear policy change. I know the former dean, Blair Sheppard, faced a lot of criticism for the Kunshan campus. The pressure was the unofficial reason for his resignation.