1 32s
P:in order to keep safety, the manufactures produce cigarette lighters with levers.
C: there still many fire accidents caused by children.
Guess: chlidren learn how to use levers quickly.
2 35s
p: airport want to solve the problem of congestion, they try to provide...apart.
c: the plan will reduce cost and solve the airplane clogging problem.
Supprot: the things they provide will cost less than expanding the airport
A: B
3 1'07S
P: when watching TV set, the set will send a wave to the audience and than reflect back to the TVsets.
the sets will count how many audiences are in the watching area.
P: some worry about the wave will send with radiation and harm people.
C: the wave will no harm to the audience since its affect will be less than X-ray.
E: 比x-ray小并不意味着没有伤害,到底多少才能算对人体有害?
4 30s
p: what price the government will pay the weapon sellers is decided by a method called"historical costing".
p: the price of the weapons is based on the inflation of this year and the price of the previous year.
c: the method sound economically.
weaken: other factors will effect the price and make the real price lower than the selling price. 就是说答案一定是讲政府的政策不经济的,甚至赔钱的~
A: A(别的都不对,但其实A 也有些看不明白~)
1 因果关系:没有证据表明师资和图书馆的大小是生源不好的决定性因素。
2 样本不具代表性:这些学生可能只是部分,不能代表全部的学生。
3 就算学校这么做也不能保证生源上升。。。
-- by 会员 bananazoo (2011/9/26 23:28:55)
bana,其实第4题就是说government要付很多不必要的钱,contractual price+inflation rate,如果是这样的话,contractual price this year就会增加,再加上inflation rate就是增加,所以weaken。