从我搜索的结果来看,compare to, compare with在表示比较的意思时,都可以用,根据几个美国英文写作网站的解释,而compare to 更多了一层比喻的意思,而compare with 没有。 as compared to,从搜索到的用法看来,更多用在不完整的短语中,例如Use of Wikis as Compared to Other Tools , Influence of fish protein as compared to casein and soy protein , 而compare to/with常常都说明一个什么问题,一个结果,一个结论,如This gives a pretty good clue how much higher prices, and wages, were in the United States compared to most of the rest of the world., Earth is tiny compared to everything else in the universe 好像有点胡说八道。。。。 |