注意英语中的倍数表达和汉语稍有不同,下面三个句子表达同样意思: A is N times as much as B. A is N times more than B. (和汉语不同,也是N倍!不是N+1倍!) A is N times the amount of B. A是B的n倍或A比B大N-1倍. 这题答案应该是B。以前一直以为compare只能是用被动,看来不对。查了一下Google News,用“compares to”的有2080条,加上“compare to”还有1650条,用“compared to”的有38700条,最多,“as compared to”有4440条。有许多类似B的例子用来表示数字比较的,尤其用于财务报告中。一个公司的PR,有这么一句话:(yahoo.com) “Net revenue for the fourth quarter of 2004 was $347.6 million, a record that compares to $173.4 million in the fourth quarter of 2003. ” 如果ABC中compare的用法都可以的话,那大家应该都会承认B最好罢。 |