1. 45s 我想了很久这道题啊,还回去看了看prep,感觉答案仍不是最佳的呢?好诡异的答案,大家discuss下? Conclusion: It is the substance in T that inhibit fertility Premise: THose who have been injected T shows lower fertility rates Evaluate: 我的第一想法是:Is there any 犀牛 that does not got injection but still show low fertility rates? 答案这个想法,相对于其他四个选项是最优的,但是我觉得仍然解决不了这个问题啊。除了装collar外,还有很多用途”或者说“除了装collar外,没有其他用途”,对结论的影响是一样的啊。。。 2. 30s Conclusion: THe decline in sales is largely caused by the tax Premise: Before tax 1% sale decrease, after the tax 10% decrease Strengthen: No other changes.. 3. 28s Conclusion: Even if the increased number of people just offset the cost of providing carts, it would be profitable for the market to offer shopping carts Since: They got other ways to boost sales. 4. 我败了……我一直在想过去和原来怎么不一样呢,没想到是直接说,永远被打压了。。 -- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/8/31 15:27:18)
我觉得楼上纳丁对第一题解释的很好啊。。 |