1.22s J: S will not win the governor since he has no political experience MS: J is wrong since S's business experience is valuable for the task of running s statement government. MP: MS believes S is likely to win the governor position 2.P: F 的理论是在一些科技发展之前。现在科技已经进步了,有了很多新的发现 C:我们没有必要再继续沿用F的理论 MBT: F的理论不适用于现在的技术环境? 3.49s P=Plan:一个health insurance公司要贷款并购某某、某某、某某企业。 C:虽然这个计划会让公司在前五年蒙受损失,但是最终会给公司带来利润和收入的好处 Strengthen:这些企业有很大的市场需求,OR本公司有能力经营这些企业并使其获益 4.38s (Stultifying是什么意思?) P:high school学生的数学和英语成绩没有下降,孩子们在这段时间开始接触电脑 C:电脑对孩子们的学习能力有好的影响 逻辑错误:同时发生不等于因果关系 Weaken:children use computers mostly to entertain themselves instead of solving their study problem; OR the tests of maths and English for students became more and more easier for high students so that more and more students will enter a university
1. 31'
J: a businessman cannot win election
S: businessman have experience of running a corporation so that he can running a government.
2. 45'
3. 50'
4. 40' other excuse
test be easier,