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发表于 2011-8-24 16:17:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
On Pacific islands, a newly arrived gecko species, the house gecko, is displacing the previously established mourning gecko in urban areas, but populations of the two species are more stable in rural areas far from human settlement.  The house gecko does not attack the mourning gecko, but in areas where insects congregate it prevents the mourning gecko from feeding on them.

Which of the following contributes most to an explanation of the difference between gecko populations in urban and rural areas?

(A) In urban areas, geckos are valued because they eat so many insects.
(B) Geckos defend territories against other members of the same species.
(C) House geckos that arrive on islands are carried there in boats and planes.
(D) In places where there are lighted buildings, insects tend to gather around the light.
(E) Mourning geckos are all females and reproduce asexually, but house geckos reproduce sexually.

Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

A new machine for harvesting corn will allow rows to be planted only fifteen inches apart, instead of the usual thirty inches.  Corn planted this closely will produce lower yields per plant.  Nevertheless, the new machine will allow corn growers to double their profits per acre because __________.

(A) with the closer spacing of the rows, the growing corn plants will quickly form a dense canopy of leaves, which will, by shading the ground, minimize the need for costly weed control and irrigation
(B) with the closer spacing of the rows, corn plants will be forced to grow taller because of increased competition for sunlight from neighboring corn plants
(C) with the larger number of plants growing per acre, more fertilizer will be required
(D) with the spacing between rows cut by half, the number of plants grown per acre will almost double
(E) with the closer spacing of the rows, the acreage on which corn is planted will be utilized much more intensively than it was before, requiring more frequent fallow years in which corn fields are left unplanted
Traveler:  Southern Airways has a far worse safety record than Air Dacentaria over the past few years, in terms of both the frequency of accidents and the severity of accidents.  Therefore, although Air Dacentaria is slightly more expensive, I will choose it over Southern Airways for my flight from Pederton to Dacenta, since it is worth paying extra to have a safer flight.

Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the traveler's argument?

(A) Air Dacentaria's flight from Pederton to Dacenta is nonstop, whereas Southern Airways' flight touches down in Gorinda on the way.
(B) Most Southern Airways flights, but not its flight from Pederton to Dacenta, use Sarmouth airport, which because of its mountainous location is one of the world's most dangerous.
(C) For its flights from Pederton to Dacenta, Southern Airways uses a different model of airplane, with a smaller capacity, than the model Air Dacentaria uses for its flights on the same route.
(D) Only in the last few years has the cost of flying from Pederton to Dacenta been more expensive on Air Dacentaria than on Southern Airways.
(E) Although the frequency of accidents is greater on Southern Airways, on both airlines the proportion of flights that have accidents is very small.
To improve the long-term savings rate of the citizens of Levaska, the country's legislature decided to implement a plan that allows investors to save up to $1,000 per year in special accounts without paying taxes on the interest earned unless withdrawals are made before the investor reaches age sixty-five.  Withdrawals from these accounts prior to age sixty-five would result in the investor's having to pay taxes on all the accumulated interest at the time of withdrawal.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction that the legislature's plan will have its intended effect?
A. The money saved in the tax-free savings accounts will be deposited primarily in those banks and financial institutions that supported the legislation instituting the plan.
B. The majority of people choosing to take advantage of the tax-free savings accounts will withdraw their money prior to age sixty-five.
C. A significant number of the citizens of Levaska will invest in the tax-free savings accounts well before they reach the age of sixty-five.
D. During the ten years prior to implementation of the plan, Levaskans deposited an increasingly smaller percentage of their annual income in long-term savings accounts.
E. People who are not citizens of Levaska are not eligible to invest in the tax-free savings accounts, even if their income is taxable in Levaska.

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发表于 2011-8-24 16:25:21 | 只看该作者
第一题,答案方向一定要解释urban 和 rural 的不同。
B说Geckos 会抵御同类,无关啊,这怎么会导致urban 和 rural 的不同呢?
发表于 2011-8-24 16:54:58 | 只看该作者
第一题 b选项没有说明为嘛在城市和乡村的不同 如果按b说的 那么为什么在乡村地区就相对stable呢 而且文章给了昆虫聚集的地方 前者不让后者吃 d选项说城市灯光能聚虫 而乡村没有 这类有两者明显对比的题目 也要选答案中表明两者差异的

第二题 题目中说了 30变15 那么按d的说法 本来种十个 现在种20个 是文中说了每亩地产出少了 那么无论如何都不可能double的 列式一下就知道了 这种题目 一般就当explain题型做 因为大都横线前面都是because和since 当然了也不全是

第三题 因为安全所以选贵的 所以要攻击安全这一说法 这样才能削弱结论 b说前者不安全是因为集中在某一个机场 而他要去的不是那个机场 所以之前说的不安全就被削弱了 d选项压根没提安全 就在说钱 无关

第四题 support的题 你就直接看对文中内容的重写 有的话必对 这题support the prediction that这个计划会有效果 那么所有人都这么干 都参与这个计划 那不就有效果了 c就是说大家都会在65岁前去存这种 那不就是支持了

 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-24 23:47:55 | 只看该作者
非常感谢~我还想问下,关于 句子没说完的题,应该怎么做呢 ?难道全当explain类的题型处理吗?我觉得有的也不适用吧。 另外,如果有的题很多专业名词,题目还不短,这样记不清楚他们之间的逻辑关系,导致做题无从下手怎么办?有没有比较好的读一遍题目就能记清楚各个元素之间的逻辑关系的有效方法呢?  谢谢!
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-24 23:49:04 | 只看该作者
第一题 b选项没有说明为嘛在城市和乡村的不同 如果按b说的 那么为什么在乡村地区就相对stable呢 而且文章给了昆虫聚集的地方 前者不让后者吃 d选项说城市灯光能聚虫 而乡村没有 这类有两者明显对比的题目 也要选答案中表明两者差异的

第二题 题目中说了 30变15 那么按d的说法 本来种十个 现在种20个 是文中说了每亩地产出少了 那么无论如何都不可能double的 列式一下就知道了 这种题目 一般就当explain题型做 因为大都横线前面都是because和since 当然了也不全是

第三题 因为安全所以选贵的 所以要攻击安全这一说法 这样才能削弱结论 b说前者不安全是因为集中在某一个机场 而他要去的不是那个机场 所以之前说的不安全就被削弱了 d选项压根没提安全 就在说钱 无关

第四题 support的题 你就直接看对文中内容的重写 有的话必对 这题support the prediction that这个计划会有效果 那么所有人都这么干 都参与这个计划 那不就有效果了 c就是说大家都会在65岁前去存这种 那不就是支持了

-- by 会员 ccronaldo (2011/8/24 16:54:58)

非常感谢~我还想问下,关于 句子没说完的题,应该怎么做呢 ?难道全当explain类的题型处理吗?我觉得有的也不适用吧。 另外,如果有的题很多专业名词,题目还不短,这样记不清楚他们之间的逻辑关系,导致做题无从下手怎么办?有没有比较好的读一遍题目就能记清楚各个元素之间的逻辑关系的有效方法呢?  谢谢!
发表于 2011-8-25 08:46:19 | 只看该作者
不会全是explain 还有比如要你类比的 关键还是得明白整个题目的逻辑链 什么推什么 since在哪里 理解了题目意思 像这题你选d其实你理解了意思了
有专业名词的话就用取首字母大写写下来 考试时候可以有草稿的语文的 首字母提炼然后用箭头表示什么推出什么 简单的写两笔会对整个逻辑链有帮助的 很多人都面临这个问题 包括我也是 看一遍题目 不知道在说什么 或者大致懂意思了 但是却不知道具体的逻辑链 于是只能随便凭感觉选 我觉得首先要看看清问题 然后就能知道题目要什么 很多时候不重视问题会让你觉得很多选项都对 所以 你去看看lawer的分类吧 看到题目就会分类 然后会发现很多答案都是可以直接排除掉的 加油啊 坚持训练 不断思考
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-25 14:37:09 | 只看该作者
不会全是explain 还有比如要你类比的 关键还是得明白整个题目的逻辑链 什么推什么 since在哪里 理解了题目意思 像这题你选d其实你理解了意思了
有专业名词的话就用取首字母大写写下来 考试时候可以有草稿的语文的 首字母提炼然后用箭头表示什么推出什么 简单的写两笔会对整个逻辑链有帮助的 很多人都面临这个问题 包括我也是 看一遍题目 不知道在说什么 或者大致懂意思了 但是却不知道具体的逻辑链 于是只能随便凭感觉选 我觉得首先要看看清问题 然后就能知道题目要什么 很多时候不重视问题会让你觉得很多选项都对 所以 你去看看lawer的分类吧 看到题目就会分类 然后会发现很多答案都是可以直接排除掉的 加油啊 坚持训练 不断思考
-- by 会员 ccronaldo (2011/8/25 8:46:19)

Many thanks ~
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-26 22:48:42 | 只看该作者
不会全是explain 还有比如要你类比的 关键还是得明白整个题目的逻辑链 什么推什么 since在哪里 理解了题目意思 像这题你选d其实你理解了意思了
有专业名词的话就用取首字母大写写下来 考试时候可以有草稿的语文的 首字母提炼然后用箭头表示什么推出什么 简单的写两笔会对整个逻辑链有帮助的 很多人都面临这个问题 包括我也是 看一遍题目 不知道在说什么 或者大致懂意思了 但是却不知道具体的逻辑链 于是只能随便凭感觉选 我觉得首先要看看清问题 然后就能知道题目要什么 很多时候不重视问题会让你觉得很多选项都对 所以 你去看看lawer的分类吧 看到题目就会分类 然后会发现很多答案都是可以直接排除掉的 加油啊 坚持训练 不断思考
-- by 会员 ccronaldo (2011/8/25 8:46:19)
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