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GWD 1-2

发表于 2005-1-20 01:31:00 | 只看该作者

不妨把the country换成China来看看两个句子有没有歧义。

(B) from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in China, which ranges

In China既可以修饰book market,也可以修饰share,整个句子来看产生的意思我不一样。怎么不一样,我说不大清楚,看谁能补充一下。
(E) to 10 percent from 6 percent its share of China's $21 billion book market, which ranges


发表于 2005-2-4 09:53:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用haibinyouli在2005-1-20 1:31:00的发言:

不妨把the country换成China来看看两个句子有没有歧义。

(B) from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in China, which ranges

In China既可以修饰book market,也可以修饰share,整个句子来看产生的意思我不一样。怎么不一样,我说不大清楚,看谁能补充一下。
(E) to 10 percent from 6 percent its share of China's $21 billion book market, which ranges


支持 its share of the $21 billion book market in China

可是指它(这公司)在中国的$21 billion 的图书市场的份额(即公司的市场份额价值 21 B)

也可是说是它(公司)在中国21 B图书市场的份额(即这个图书市场总价21 B,公司的份额



发表于 2005-2-7 13:48:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-3-12 12:03:00 | 只看该作者

首先我们要看到在原题干中已经给出的提示:a market ranging ....  即证明从逻辑意义上which应该修饰market,因此B中的in the country是作为定语来修饰market,它并不是which修饰的对象。另外再看OG114:

From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage yet was so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids.

如果按照我们对于B选项的理解(即N+which ,则which 修饰N),恐怕OG114这道题中的which也会被理解为修饰前面的with.....短语的!所以,从OG114可知,which 是可以跳跃修饰的,最根本的原因也是判断正确与否的方法,就是逻辑意思的准确、无歧义。而逻辑也正是ETS所考查的重点!明白了在这道题中which修饰的是market 而不是country 后,B也就不会有歧义。


“the company will increase from 6 percent its share of the country’s $21 billion book market, which ranges from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks, to 10 percent.  因为from后引出的成分太长,所以将to 10 percent提前。这种手段ETS经常使用。”

ETS确实经常使用倒装,但一般都是将修饰动词的状语提到宾语前,或者定语从句放后面。例如GRE中的:“to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower"。我们讨论的这句话也是如此。这句话正常的语序应该是:“某公司increase       its share          from .... to .... ”, from... to ...作状语。因为its share 后面有很长的of 定语,而of 定语中又带了一个which 定语从句,所以才要把提到its share前面,from后面是不跟its share的,正常而言也不应该把from.... to .....拆开。


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-12 13:00:46编辑过]
发表于 2005-3-13 01:58:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用ringcheng在2005-3-12 12:03:00的发言:

首先我们要看到在原题干中已经给出的提示:a market ranging ....  即证明从逻辑意义上which应该修饰market,因此B中的in the country是作为定语来修饰market,它并不是which修饰的对象。另外再看OG114:

From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage yet was so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids.

如果按照我们对于B选项的理解(即N+which ,则which 修饰N),恐怕OG114这道题中的which也会被理解为修饰前面的with.....短语的!所以,从OG114可知,which 是可以跳跃修饰的,最根本的原因也是判断正确与否的方法,就是逻辑意思的准确、无歧义。而逻辑也正是ETS所考查的重点!明白了在这道题中which修饰的是market 而不是country 后,B也就不会有歧义。


“the company will increase from 6 percent its share of the country’s $21 billion book market, which ranges from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks, to 10 percent.  因为from后引出的成分太长,所以将to 10 percent提前。这种手段ETS经常使用。”

ETS确实经常使用倒装,但一般都是将修饰动词的状语提到宾语前,或者定语从句放后面。例如GRE中的:“to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower"。我们讨论的这句话也是如此。这句话正常的语序应该是:“某公司increase       its share          from .... to .... ”, from... to ...作状语。因为its share 后面有很长的of 定语,而of 定语中又带了一个which 定语从句,所以才要把提到its share前面,from后面是不跟its share的,正常而言也不应该把from.... to .....拆开。





还有,from to的问题,ETS在OG里面明确说过这是idiomatic。而google上面搜索的结果不足为标准,因为ETS的标准是规范的书面语,如果哪位可以从times或者Newyork times等等米国的大刊物中间找到to from的用法的话,那就说明to from不是ETS所反对的。

发表于 2005-3-21 11:18:00 | 只看该作者


21.   With its plan to develop seven and a half acres of shore land, Cleveland is but one of a large number of communities on the Great Lakes that is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract new businesses.

(A) is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract

(B) is looking at its waterfront to improve the quality of urban life and attract

(C) are looking to their waterfronts to improve the quality of urban life and attract

(D) are looking to its waterfront as a way of improving the quality of urban life and attracting(key:C

(E) are looking at their waterfronts as a way they can improve the quality of urban life and attract

在此句中,that紧跟在the Great Lakes后面,那么that定语从句是否直接修饰the Great Lakes呢?正确答案告诉我们不是的。很明显,on the Great Lakes 是作one of a large number of communities的定语,而that 定语从句是跳跃了great lakes 修饰communities。



By merging its two publishing divisions, the company will increase their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks.

  1. their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging
  2. from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges
  3. to 10 percent from 6 percent in their share of the $21 billion book market in the country, a market ranging
  4. in its share, from 6 percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges
  5. to 10 percent from 6 percent its share of the country’s $21 billion book market, which ranges

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-27 17:15:27编辑过]
发表于 2005-3-26 08:57:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用ringcheng在2005-3-12 12:03:00的发言:

首先我们要看到在原题干中已经给出的提示:a market ranging ....  即证明从逻辑意义上which应该修饰market,因此B中的in the country是作为定语来修饰market,它并不是which修饰的对象。另外再看OG114:

From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage yet was so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids.

如果按照我们对于B选项的理解(即N+which ,则which 修饰N),恐怕OG114这道题中的which也会被理解为修饰前面的with.....短语的!所以,从OG114可知,which 是可以跳跃修饰的,最根本的原因也是判断正确与否的方法,就是逻辑意思的准确、无歧义。而逻辑也正是ETS所考查的重点!明白了在这道题中which修饰的是market 而不是country 后,B也就不会有歧义。


“the company will increase from 6 percent its share of the country’s $21 billion book market, which ranges from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks, to 10 percent.  因为from后引出的成分太长,所以将to 10 percent提前。这种手段ETS经常使用。”

ETS确实经常使用倒装,但一般都是将修饰动词的状语提到宾语前,或者定语从句放后面。例如GRE中的:“to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower"。我们讨论的这句话也是如此。这句话正常的语序应该是:“某公司increase       its share          from .... to .... ”, from... to ...作状语。因为its share 后面有很长的of 定语,而of 定语中又带了一个which 定语从句,所以才要把提到its share前面,from后面是不跟its share的,正常而言也不应该把from.... to .....拆开。


我觉得逻辑常理来推测有无歧义在SC中是无效的。OG中多少例子已经告诉了我们这一点 (如OG164)。这里which前有三个单数名词(share, market, and country),而且中心词是share,which ranges怎么能无歧义?如果把market in the country改成market of the country还能好一点点。另外OG未划线部分只能作为参照,不能作为语法标准。就是划线部分,很多时候也不能作为语法标准,因为ETS明白地告诉我们,SC的规则是:不求没有错,只求最少错。

我的结论是:B肯定是有歧义存在的,我们要讨论的是比起increase to Y from X来,那个错得更厉害一些。如果我支持选B,我的理由会是:E里的which反正也有歧义,是修饰中心share呢,还是market?这样大家都歧义,B更顺口,就B了。

突然觉得不知这个句子能不能支持E一下:I'm going to City B from City A.


164.The commission proposed that funding for the park’s development, which could be open to the public early next year, is obtained through a local bond issue.
(A) that funding for the park’s development, which could be open to the public early next year, is
(B) that funding for development of the park, which could be open to the public early next year, be
(C) funding for the development of the park, perhaps open to the public early next year, to be
(D) funds for the park’s development, perhaps open to the public early next year, be
(E) development funding for the park, which could be open to the public early next year, is to be

Choice B is best. Choice A attaches the relative clause which could be open... to the noun development, when, in fact, it is the park that could be open. Choice C omits that, the object of proposed that is needed to introduce the clause describing the proposal. C also uses to be unidiomatically where be is correct: the commission proposed [that] funding... to be obtained is wrong. Choice D incorrectly uses perhaps open to the public... to modify development; the phrase should modify park. Choice E, which seriously distorts meaning, says that the commission proposed development funding and that such funding could be open to the public....

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-26 9:02:09编辑过]
发表于 2005-3-27 15:41:00 | 只看该作者



164.The commission proposed that funding for the park’s development, which could be open to the public early next year, is obtained through a local bond issue.

(A) that funding for the park’s development, which could be open to the public early next year, is--which应指the park, 但是the park's是所有格,不能做为指代对象,也就是说在which之前没有一个词符合条件二(逻辑意思明确),所以按照条件一(就近指代原则),which 只能就近指代the development。该句错

(B) that funding for development of the park, which could be open to the public early next year, be--which即符合条件一也符合条件二,最佳答案

(C) funding for the development of the park, perhaps open to the public early next year, to be--perhaps open ....就近修饰the park, 正确,但一来perhaps太口语化,二来propose后应接句子,所以此句也错

(D) funds for the park’s development, perhaps open to the public early next year, be--错误同A,the park's 是所有格,不能做为指代对象;

(E) development funding for the park, which could be open to the public early next year, is to be--最初大家对于OG的解释有疑义(Choice E, .......that such funding could be open to the public),后来在ETS给的官方回复中这点进行了修正,原话如下:In option E, however, the problem with the relative clause
is less clear. While the referent for "which" is slightly ambiguous, it is
overstating the case somewhat to claim that this phrasing "seriously
distorts meaning," and we should have chosen another aspect of the option to
emphasize in explaining why it is incorrect.
In this case, the use of "is to
be" creates a more obvious and important grammatical error. We will consider
revising this explanation when a new edition of the Guide is produced, and
we appreciate your bringing this matter to our attention.

所以E的which 是就近修饰具有合理意义的the park



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-27 15:50:58编辑过]
发表于 2005-3-28 03:43:00 | 只看该作者





我们先来看看og113 (B),一个ETS认为错误的修饰:

Visitors ... saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs were hanging like socks on a clothesline.

从逻辑意思说讲,whose显然是修饰monkeys,别的名词不大会干hang like socks的活,可ETS说monkeys离得太远。如果有以下这么一个选项,是不是就好些呢:

Visitors ... saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, monkeys whose arms and legs were hanging like socks on a clothesline.


...M crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons ...


...M crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, a vehicle that could carry four persons ...



发表于 2005-4-7 16:07:00 | 只看该作者


to... from...的颠倒实在没有很好的理由,一般我觉得from后面如果有很长的修饰成分才可能为了句子平衡颠倒一下,这里如果说是为了加强TO的内容,未免牵强...


A IN B OF C这种结构真的没有发现过是有修饰A的情况,虽然他是中心词,因为离的太远. 所以修饰B的可能更大一点.

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