By merging its two publishing divisions, the company will increase their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks.
- their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging
- from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges
- to 10 percent from 6 percent in their share of the $21 billion book market in the country, a market ranging
- in its share, from 6 percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges
- to 10 percent from 6 percent its share of the country’s $21 billion book market, which ranges
答案是E。但是我有疑问。E中有两个问题:一是from....to...结构好象不能倒过来用,大全里有一题,正确选项与其中一个错误选项的唯一区别就是:from...to....用成了to....from.....。另外,the country's $21 billion book market这种所有格的表达法也不是太好,因为非人名词的所有格ETS一般倾向于用sth. of sth.结构。
我知道E的最大好处是,根据就近修饰原则,可以使得which从句的被修饰对象更清楚,但就近修饰原则并不是唯一的判断被修饰对象的依据,OG里也有很多跳跃修饰的例子。我觉得这里根据句子的意思很难让人误解为修饰country, 一般都能知道是修饰market,所以我觉得B是最好的答案。
请NN们多指教,我的思路是不是不对? |