When demand for a factory's products is high, more money is spent at the factory for safety precautions and machinery maintenance than when demand is low. Thus the average number of on-the-job accidents per employee each month should be lower during periods when demand is high than when demand is low and less money is available for safety precautions and machinery maintenance.
Which of the following, if true about a factory when demand for its products is high, casts the most serious doubt on the conclusion drawn above?
81 When demand for a factory’s products is high, more money is spent at the factory for safety precautions and machinery maintenance than when demand is low. Thus the average number of on-the-job accidents per employee each month should be lower during periods when demand is high than when demand is low and less money is available for safety precautions and machinery maintenance.
Which of the following, if true about a factory when demand for its products is high, casts the most serious doubt on the conclusion drawn above?
(A) Its employees ask for higher wages than they do at other times.
(B)Its management hires new workers but lacks the time to train them properly. B
(C) Its employees are less likely to lose their jobsthan they are at other times.
(D) Its management sponsors a monthly safety award for each division in the factory.
(E) Its old machinery is replaced with modern, automated models.
对于答案选择没什么疑问。 但是对于题目中红色的两个部分理解不能这不是矛盾的2句话吗? 第一句是说当demand高的时候,对safety precautions and machinery maintenance 的花费高,但第二句又说demand高的时候可供于safety precautions and machinery maintenance 的花费比demand低的时候少?? 意思是demand高的时候已经花费的开支多所以剩下可分配的开支少吗?? 请各位解答!谢谢~~~!
well, u just,honestly, misunderstood.... 第一句大意是说,当需求高的时候,会有更多的资金投入对机器的保养维护(你想想也是啊,需求高的时候,机器运作强度也大) 而关于第二句,“ less money is available for safety precautions and machinery maintenance.”是说“when demand is low "的时候,楼主读题有偏差,其实,第二句划红线的句子这样单独抽出来不是那么好,因为Thus the average number of on-the-job accidents per employee each month should be lower during periods when demand is high than when demand is low and less money is available for safety precautions and machinery maintenance.才是句 子,拆开了难免对句意造成误解。 hope it helps
谢谢你回答我!!! 可能是我的表述有问题我想问的是 第二句中Thus the average number of on-the-job accidents per employee each month should be lower during periods when demand is high than when demand is low and less money is available for safety precautions and machinery maintenance 这个and是连接的句子是Thus the average number of on-the-job accidents per employee each month should be lower during periods when demand is high than when demand is low 和 less money is available for safety precautions and machinery maintenance 还是连接demand is low 和 less money is available for safety precautions and machinery maintenance?? 我感觉我的错误是把and理解成了第一种连接?所以我以为题目说的是demand is high 的时候,员工出错少且safety precautions and machinery maintenance 开支少
感觉楼主可能SC做多了对and特别敏感呵呵。。。 你没有表述不清,我已经说了,这里的less money is available 是指demand is low 的时候,换你的话来说,就是指“第二种链接”:) 读逻辑题的时候个人觉得应整体把握,若只着眼局部,像这个题,多读几遍之后就会出现你现在这种情况。。。
get the big picture and u will see the bright side.