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Which of the following best completes the passage below?

The computer industry's estimate that it loses millions of dollars when users illegally copy programs without paying for them is greatly exaggerated. Most of the illegal copying is done by people with no serious interest in the programs. Thus, the loss to the industry is quite small, because_____.

正确答案: B









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three questions

发表于 2004-6-29 06:40:00 | 只看该作者

three questions

Throughout the 1950’s, there were increases in the numbers of dead birds found in agricultural areas after pesticide sprayings. Pesticide manufacturers claimed that the publicity given to bird deaths stimulated volunteers to look for dead birds, and that the increase in numbers reported was attributable to the increase in the number of people looking.

Which of the following statements, if true, would help to refute the claim of the pesticide manufacturers?

(A) The publicity given to bird deaths was largely regional and never reached national proportions.

(B) Pesticide sprayings were timed to coincide with various phases of the life cycles of the insects they destroyed.

(C) No provision was made to ensure that a dead bird would not be reported by more than one observer.

(D) Initial increases in bird deaths had been noticed by agricultural workers long before any publicity had been given to the matter.D

(E) Dead birds of the same species as those found in agricultural areas had been found along coastal areas where no farming took place.

Teenagers are often priced out of the labor market by the government-mandated minimum-wage level because employers cannot afford to pay that much for extra help. Therefore, if Congress institutes a subminimum wage, a new lower legal wage for teenagers, the teenage unemployment rate, which has been rising since 1960, will no longer increase.

Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument above?

(A) Since 1960 the teenage unemployment rate has risen when the minimum wage has risen.

(B) Since 1960 the teenage unemployment rate has risen even when the minimum wage remained constant.

(C) Employers often hire extra help during holiday and warm weather seasons.

(D) The teenage unemployment rate rose more quickly in the 1970’s than it did in the 1960’s.B

(E) The teenage unemployment rate has occasionally declined in the years since 1960.

   Which of the following best completes the passage below?

The computer industry’s estimate that it loses millions of dollars when users illegally copy programs without paying for them is greatly exaggerated. Most of the illegal copying is done by people with no serious interest in the programs. Thus, the loss to the industry is much smaller than estimated because______

(A) many users who illegally copy programs never find any use for them

(B) most of the illegally copied programs would not be purchased even if purchasing them were the only way to obtain them

(C) even if the computer industry received all the revenue it claims to be losing, it would still be experiencing financial difficulties

(D) the total market value of all illegal copies is low in comparison to the total revenue of the computer industryB

(E) the number of programs that are frequently copied illegally is low in comparison to the number of programs available for sale

Why the answer are D,B,B

发表于 2004-6-30 08:57:00 | 只看该作者
Q1: D is pretty obvious because if D is true, the pesticide manufacturers's explanation won't stand.
Q2: If B is true, then there must besome other factors driving the increase in teen unemployment rate,therefore simply reducing
lower legal wage for teenagers may not stop teen unemployment rate from raising.
Q3: If most of the folks who copy illegally won't buy the programs anyway, then claimed loss mostly doesn't exist.

 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-30 20:08:00 | 只看该作者

I can't understand,

For Q1,even the fact as D is true. the claim can still stand after the first publicity, it seems right,more publicity, more people other than agriculture workers know the dead birds?

For Q3,Who won't purchse the programs? If the folks who copy illegally won't buy the programs, how they copy illegally? if they have no interest on the programm, they won't buy real programs, and then copy them illegally. But Q3 said Most of the illegal copying is done by people with no serious interest in the programs. That means they have buy the programs adn copied  them illegally even they have no interest on the program. Why?

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