as someone analysis Laura's reasoning provable --> not (either lying or mistakenly) that is A -> B Laura's reasoning is not A --> not B why notA--> not B i don't understand those options (C) It mistakes something that is necessary for its conclusion to follow for something that ensures that the conclusion follows. thank u! -- by 会员 Ellen影子 (2011/11/19 22:03:17)
The original post had some typos. The following would be a better explanation:
Laura's premise is that the theory is provable. The fact that the theory is provable is necessary for the conclusion that Fermat has indeed proved the theory before his death. But this fact alone does not conclusively prove or sufficiently points out that Fermat has proved it. In other words, this fact alone is not a sufficient condition for the conclusion that Fermat has indeed proved the theory.
C points out this error in Laura's argument.
In terms of logic chain:
Joseph: Theory not provable --> Fermat might be lying or mistaken. Contrapositive: Fermat might not be lying or mistaken --> Theory provable
Laura: Theory provable --> Fermat was not lying or mistaken