E说的是“不抽烟也不喝酒的年轻人中结婚的和不结婚的活得一样长”,所以对文章的argument “This dose not show that marriage causes people to live longer”是起到了支持作用。
为什么会出现文章第一句话中的情景-“年轻人中结婚的比不结婚的活得长”,文章中其实有交待-“young adults who are about to get married have fewer of the unhealthy habits that can cause a person to have a shorter life”。如果要加强这个argument的话,只要证明那些虽然没结婚但也have fewer of the unhealthy habits的年轻人跟结婚了也没有坏习惯的人活得一样长就可以了。
In the argument, the author has stated that marriage is not the cause of long life. Both B and D revealed that the long life has coonection with the marriage. In E, the statement shows that the youg adults is more healthier than other groups, supporting the main idea in the argument.