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发表于 2004-6-24 17:55:00 | 只看该作者


1. In the years since the city of London imposed strict air-pollution regulations on local industry, the number of bird species seen in and around London has increased dramatically. Similar air-pollution rules should be imposed in other major cities.

Each of the following is an assumption made in the argument above EXCEPT:

(A) In most major cities, air-pollution problems are caused almost entirely by local industry.

(B) Air-pollution regulations on industry have a significant impact on the quality of the air.

(C) The air-pollution problems of other major cities are basically similar to those once suffered by London.

(D) An increase in the number of bird species in and around a city is desirable.

(E) The increased sightings of bird species in and around London reflect an actual increase in the number of species in the area.

答案选A, 我选E.

我认为a可以作为一个assumption, 因为题中给出regulations on local industry. A取非, 如果空气污染并非主要发生在local industry,那么该措施岂不是无效?

2.     The burden of maintaining the U.S. highway system falls disproportionately on the trucking industry. Trucks represent only about 10 percent of the vehicles on U.S. roads. Yet road use taxes assessed on trucks amount to almost half the taxes paid for highway upkeep and repair.

Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument above?

(A) The trucking industry has enjoyed record after-tax profits in three of the past four years.

(B) Because of their weight, trucks cause over 50 percent of the damage sustained by highway surfaces each year.

(C) Without an economically viable trucking industry, the cost of goods in the United States would rise significantly.

(D) Road use taxes paid by trucking companies have decreased by 3 percent over the past five years.

(E) Due to years of neglect, U.S. highways today are badly in need of major repairs and rebuilding.


我不太理解b的意思, 原以为它要说卡车重,所以缴费也多,b像在说卡车造成的路面损失的主要原因,不是成了support?

3.    The upcoming presidential election in the West African laceType>republiclaceType> of laceName>GanelonlaceName> is of grave concern to the U.S. State Department. Ganelon presently has strong political and military ties to the United States. However, the Socialist party is widely expected to win the election, leading to fears that Ganelon will soon break away from the pro-American bloc and adopt a nonaligned or openly anti-American stance.

Which of the following is an assumption made in the passage above?

(A) A Socialist party government in Ganelon is more likely to oppose the United States than is a non-Socialist party government.

(B) The people of the United States recognize their nation’s interest in the political stability of West Africa.

(C) A weakening of U.S. political ties with Ganelon could have serious consequences for U.S. relations with other African nations.

(D) The Socialist party leaders in Ganelon believe that their nation’s interests would best be served by an alliance with anti-American forces.

(E) The Socialist party will win the upcoming election in Ganelon.

答案选a, 为什么非c? c取非, 老美也不用害怕啊!

4. In the effort to fire a Civil Service employee, his or her manager may have to spend up to $100,000 of tax money. Since Civil Service employees know how hard it is to fire them, they tend to loaf. This explains in large part why the government is so inefficient.

It can be properly inferred on the basis of the statements above that the author believes which of the following?

I.     Too much job security can have a negative influence on workers.

II.    More government workers should be fired.

III.               Most government workers are Civil Service employees.

答案选I. 我不太理解原题中最后一句话infer的意思, 如果政府没有效率,用给出的理论推断,是否可以说大多数公务员工作不努力, 应该被炒?

5. The U.S. census is not perfect: thousands of Americans probably go uncounted. However, the basic statistical portrait of the nation painted by the census is accurate. Certainly some of the poor go uncounted, particularly the homeless; but some of the rich go uncounted as well, because they are often abroad or traveling between one residence and another.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument above depends?

(A) Both the rich and the poor have personal and economic reasons to avoid being counted by the census.

(B) All Americans may reasonably be classified as either poor or rich.

(C) The percentage of poor Americans uncounted by the census is close to the percentage of rich Americans uncounted.

(D) The number of homeless Americans is approximately equal to the number of rich Americans.

(E) The primary purpose of the census is to analyze the economic status of the American population.

答案选c. 为什么b不对.如果b取非, 结论也不能成立啊?

我还有10天要考试了, 逻辑还是没感觉, 肯请高手帮我分析一下我的问题, 剩下的时间怎样复习更有效呢? 多谢各位指教!

发表于 2004-6-24 18:26:00 | 只看该作者

1  A不对,我想问题出在entirely。

2 trucking造成的伤害大,所以交的税多,所以征收比例并非不合理。

3 我觉得选a很自然。

4 infer就是推论啊。推到b,那实在是太generalize了一些,出了题意

5 这个题目的conlusion是尽管不精确,但这个census还是比较准确的反应了美国人口的基本情况。所以如果普查的缺陷可以不造成整体情况的扭曲的话,这个结论就成立,和原本应该是什么情况没有关系



发表于 2004-6-24 20:59:00 | 只看该作者

Pretty much all of the questions have been discussed before. You should search before you ask. I will explain them briefly since you are close to taking the test.

1. agree with l-m-a

2. You misinterpreted the argument and conclusion.

3. C is out of scope. You assumed yourself that if the election of socilist party does not have the bad consequences, US has nothing to fear. You are thinking too much as this assumption is unwarranted. CR requires that you think using what is given in the argument. Even if you work for State Department of US and know exactly why US wants to maintain the tie, you cannot use it if it is not given in the argument and not common sense to other people, who might be a butcher having no clue about foreign policies.

4. The problem is with "most". When you see "most", "majority", you should ask yourself, does the argument warranty such words? 1 has the same problem.

5. You have to realize that this is more of a quant question when you read the conclusion "However, the basic statistical portrait of the nation painted by the census is accurate". I do not like B but I have to think about how to dispute this choice. Can you post your reasoning?

You should think about "out of scope". It is the basic. Stick to what is given in the argument.

 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-25 10:58:00 | 只看该作者


第一题我明白了! 第二题确实是我理解错了题意, 我理解反了!

第三题我写错了,我原来选d, 今天又看了一下, 觉得问题是否出在by an alliance with上, 而没说自己是否是anti-American stance.所以不能作为假设! 我的理解对吗?

第四题我觉得mindfree大哥的解释对. 如果将most 改为some 是否可以作为答案?

第五题的解释让我恍然大悟.  我原来的推理是, 因为如果对于poor和rich没有一个合理的区分, 那么下面的推理根本就没有意义. 因为之后author的推理是建立在这两个概念之上的. 我的推理合理吗?

感谢mindfree大哥的提醒. 我是个CD新手,以前都是一个人闭关复习, 在前几天才发现这个好地方, 我看了一些帖子, 觉得大家都非常真诚, 非常热情, 让我很感动! 只是因为就要考了, 以前的帖子真的没时间仔细读, 其实我真想好好读读你的帖子! 我7月5号考, 您能给我点建议吗?


发表于 2019-8-14 18:01:23 | 只看该作者
发表于 2019-8-23 18:29:43 | 只看该作者
hope_forus 发表于 2004-6-24 17:55
1. In the years since the city of London imposed strict air-pollution regulations on local industry, ...


Spot the question type: Necessary Assumption or Sufficient Assumption ( Except )

Core of the argument:

Cause: Air pollution regulation on local industry
Effect : Bird population increase

So the same cause could cause the same effect at the other city.


沒有其他因素會阻止這個cause 的發生

來, 看答案

A. 誰說一定要當地的工業製造這樣的環境問題?環境問題難道不能是其他因素創造? 不必要, 直接為答案

B. " 其他環境會有這個cause發生的需求 ” 為假設

C. " 其他環境會有這個cause發生以及effect發生的環境“ 為假設

D. " 其他環境會有這個effecy發生的環境 ” 為假設

E. 迷惑選項, 這選項取非後再告訴你有沒有可能倫敦看到的鳥不代表鳥的數量上升? 意思是, 取非後, 推翻看到鳥不代表鳥的數量上升的結果。 那既然鳥的數量不必要必然上升, 那是否直接推翻原文?

发表于 2019-8-23 19:03:51 | 只看该作者
hope_forus 发表于 2004-6-24 17:55
1. In the years since the city of London imposed strict air-pollution regulations on local industry, ...


Spot the question type: Weaken

Conclusion: The burden of maintaining the US highway system falls disproportionately on the trucking industry.

Premise: Trucks representing only 10 percent of the vehicles on US " ROAD "

Premise: " ROAD " use taxes assessed on trucks amount to almost half the taxes paid for highway upkeep and repair.


1. The relationship between ROAD and HIGH WAY

2. Any other criteria could determine the amount of the tax paid, beside the percentage of the trucks of all the vehicles ?

A. so ? it does not prove anything.

B. ok, If that's the case, how " disproportionately " it is ? 10% caused 50% of the road damages ? - Correct answer.

C. It does not even relevant to the argument.

D. ok, but is the fact be able to prove anything ?

E. Not relevant.

這題考什麼? 考數字概念, 高速公路維修的責任一面倒的都是由卡車的稅金負責, 為什麼一面倒為不均衡? 因為只有十趴的車子是卡車, 阿幹, 十趴的卡車就讓高速公路壞一半了, 這樣有什麼不均衡?
发表于 2019-8-23 19:09:10 | 只看该作者
hope_forus 发表于 2004-6-24 17:55
1. In the years since the city of London imposed strict air-pollution regulations on local industry, ...

5. Spot the question type: Necessary Assumption

結論不是第一句啊, 第一句是來迷惑你的啊, 結論是第二句



就是誤判的流浪漢比率跟誤判的富人比率要為一樣啊, 千萬不是數字一樣 !  是假設原有的比率為真, 但是誤判的比率兩者為相同。
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