The passage suggests that organizations’ movement to the “new paradigm” (line 11) is based in part on the expectation that wrongful discharge suites against employers are?
A. less likely to be filed by non-managerial employees than by managers
B. less likely to be filed by leased employees than by contract employees
C. less likely to be filed by contract employees than by permanent employees
D. more likely to be filed by employees with a long history in the organization than by newer hirers
没有说到长期雇员和正式雇员 无关选项
E. more likely to be filed in small organizations than in large ones
没有提到小组织和大组织 无关选项
The enormous rights in wrongful discharge suites has created incentives for organizations 14
to use temporary, contract, and leased employees in order to distance themselves from 15
potential litigation problems. |