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No senator spoke at the convention unless he or she was a Democrat. No Democrat both spoke at the convention and was a senator.

Which one of the following conclusions can be correctly drawn from the statements above?

正确答案: D









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Question on LSAT-1

发表于 2004-6-23 00:01:00 | 只看该作者

Question on LSAT-1

Section 1-6

No senator spoke at the convention unless he or she was a Democrat. No Democrat both spoke at the convention and was a senator.

a. No one but senators spoke at the convention

b. No Democrat spoke at the convention

c. Only Democrats spoke at the convention

d. No senator spoke at the convention

e. Some Democrat senators spoke at the convention

Answer: D

Section 4-8

Dr. Sheila Porter plans to run an experiment using nursing students. Each student will be shown either a pleasant nature film or a disturbing horror film. Each student will be observed by someone who---looking only at the student's facial expressions--- must ascertain which film is being shown. Students shown the horror movie are told to hide their feelings in order to convince the observer that they are watching a pleasant film. Dr. Porter hypothesizes that all the students in the experiment who are convincing will be among the best at working with patients. The hypothesis will be tested by comparing the convincing students and unconvincing students in terms of their performance with patents.

Which one of the following incidents best illustrates Dr. Porter's hypothesis?

C. After graduaing, Kim, a nursing student in the experiment who watched the nature film, was removed from the staff of a hospital for unacceptable performance in patient care.

D. Daria, a nursing student who was convincing in the experiment, later received "A's " in those classes in which working with patients in a teaching hospital was the sole basis of her grades

Answer: D (but I chose C)

Section 4-19

There are at lease three people in the room. At most two people in the room recognize each other. At least one person in the room recognizes everybody else in the room.

Which one of the following is NOT consistent with the above?

A. Four people are in the room

B. No two people in the room recognize each other

C At most one person in the room recognizes everybody else in the room

D Anyone in the room who recognizes any other person in the room is also recognized by that person.

E Two people in the room recognize every one else in the room

Answer: D

Secion 4-21

A low-pressure weather system is approaching Plainville; rainfall results from about 70 percent of such systems in the Plainville area. Moreover, the current season, spring, is the time of year in which thundershowers, which sometimes result from low-pressure systems, are most likely occur in Plainville.

Knowing which one of the following, in addition to the information ablve, would be most useful for determining the probability that Plainville will have a thundershower soon?

A. the percentage of the thundershowers in Plainville that occur in the spring

B. the percentage of spring rainfalls in Plainville that are thundershowers

Answer: B (I chose A)


发表于 2004-6-23 12:51:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-24 02:46:00 | 只看该作者

oh, terrible! i couldn't type chinese here.

my questions: 1, why do I need to choose those answers? Pls tell me the cracking tricks. 2. some of my answers are wrong, which I listed in the brackets. So I didn't list all of the options, but the correct one and the one I chose. But why my answers are incorrect?

Hope someone NN could help me! Thx

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-24 2:47:50编辑过]
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