以下是引用debbiejada在2006-2-1 15:42:00的发言:C为什么不可以呢? 如果消息是假的,那就根本没这回事了嘛 想不通的说 我也同意这个观点,虽然大家都在讨论B和E,但是我认为C是更好的答案。 Journalist: Well-known businessman Arnold Bergeron has long been popular in the state, and he has often talked about running for governor, but he has never run. However, we have just learned that Bergeron has fulfilled the financial disclosure requirement for candidacy by submitting a detailed list of his current financial holdings to the election commission. So, it is very likely that Bergeron will be a candidate for governor this year. 原文说AB这个人一直都说自己要进入政界,但是从来没有真正的run过。 再看看C的选项, Did the information recently obtained by the journalists come directly from the election commission? 也就是说如果Journalist的信息本来就来自AB自己的talk,而不是election commission,那不就可以evaluate argument了吗? Let's Fight, Demon Hunter
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-1 18:17:24编辑过] |