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OG12 74请教

发表于 2013-10-21 12:19:58 | 只看该作者
A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump into the Great Lakes.

(A) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump
(B) reduced the phosphate amount that municipalities had been dumping
(C) reduces the phosphate amount municipalities have been allowed to dump
(D) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities are allowed to dump
(E) reduces the amount of phosphates allowed for dumping by municipalities

From 1972, we know that it should be past tense, so we elinimate C,E

And we elinimate B, because reduced the phosphate amount is weird...

In A: this sentence means (municipalities had been allowed to dump into the Great Lakes) this stuff happened before the is impossible, right?
D: You can only reduce something that is currently being done. Therefore, “are allowed” is correct.

发表于 2013-11-16 12:49:47 | 只看该作者
Indigolove 发表于 2013-10-21 12:19
A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of phosphates that municipa ...

请问下 这里如果D用 have been to 现在完成时可以么
发表于 2013-11-20 19:42:08 | 只看该作者
ljwqlcl881703 发表于 2013-11-16 12:49
请问下 这里如果D用 have been to 现在完成时可以么

用have been allowed to是想表达什么意思呢?一般有明确的过去时间点的话是不能用have done的
发表于 2013-11-20 19:50:25 | 只看该作者
木木和猫猫 发表于 2013-10-19 19:29
其实这道题我有一个问题。。。搜帖子也没有搜到,为什么OG上面说, phosphate amount is not idiomatic呢? ...

我觉得phosphate amount是中国人的表达方式:磷酸盐量。其实应该是磷酸盐量,这里是有从属关系的。
发表于 2013-11-20 20:26:05 | 只看该作者
兰心寒 发表于 2013-11-20 19:50
我觉得phosphate amount是中国人的表达方式:磷酸盐量。其实应该是磷酸盐的量,这里是有从属关系的。 ...

这个问题解决啦  能帮忙看道逻辑么  第一道
发表于 2014-3-28 20:17:44 | 只看该作者
The past perfect (had + VERB) implies an action COMPLETED BEFORE ANOTHER PAST EVENT.
In other words, an action that STOPPED HAPPENING at some point in the past.
Thus, the amount that HAD BEEN ALLOWED implies an amount that NO LONGER WAS ALLOWED at the time of the 1972 agreement.
This meaning makes no sense: if the amount no longer was allowed, how could the agreement reduce it?
这个解释我感觉比较靠谱 had done已经是过去的过去了 在句子里表示这个动作在agreement enact的时候就已经结束了 既然已经结束了 再reduce又有什么用
发表于 2014-5-18 00:37:50 | 只看该作者
总结一下大家的观点和og上的观点。其实og上说的很明白:since the dumping continued after the date of the agreement, the past perfect verb had been allowed should be the present or the past. 我们以制定法规为一个时间点,had been allowed说明这是发生在制定法规之前的事情,制定了之后就不允许dump了,这显然是不符合逻辑的,而且就像之前有人说的,法规的内容必然是法规制定之后的事情,现有制定法规,然后才有法规的内容。照这样来看的话,had been allowed 显然不符合原文要表达的意思。

如果用have been allowed强调的是continued action or continued effect of a completed action to the present,常和in the past, since..., for...years 这些时间状语连用,原文中是阐述法规的内容,而且allow这个词本身没有持续的意思,并且对现在的影响不是重点,所以用一般时即可。希望可以帮助到理解。
发表于 2014-10-2 12:50:28 | 只看该作者
....为什么我还在纠结把答案换成 "have been allowed"...觉得用present prefect 指dump 1)持续到现在2)这个amount allowed是以前就制定好了的
发表于 2014-10-2 15:22:03 | 只看该作者
a 1972 agreement between canada and the united states reduced the amount of phosphates that municiplities had been allowd to dump into the great lake
A. reduced the amount of phosphates that municipaliteies had been allowed to dump
D.reduced the amount of phosophates that municipalities are allowed to dump


(A)過去完成式:時間順序上:had been allowd to dump(過去完成式)>agreement(1972)會導致這個P都倒完了,怎麼減少呢?!如果都倒完了,就不用agreement啦~
(B)現在式:時間順序上:agreement(1972)>are allowed to dump(現在式), 這樣agreement才會有意義,可以減少之後P的傾倒
发表于 2015-2-2 03:33:02 | 只看该作者
这个题错了两次 翻来覆去说服了自己 始终很久没看再做又开始鬼打墙

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