携隐,看了你写的大大小小的贴子,很受启发。也很佩服你的坚持。我在逻辑区上贴了几题我不太明白的题,是有人回答,但我仍感觉没说到位。可不可以转贴在你的教室里,向你请教。你是我偶像。相信你也有我同样的困扰,相信你是个热心人。相信你的小教室是个风水宝地,我也来蹭蹭。我渴望进步。 大全20 2-8 和2-16.在两 个混淆选项中,我为何总选了错的那个 16. Advertiser--The revenue that newspapers and magazines earn by publishing advertisements allows publishers to keep the prices per copy of their publications much lower thanwould otherwise be possible. Therefore, consumers benefit economically from advertising. Consumer--But who pays for the advertising that pays for low-priced newspapers and magazine. We consumers do, because advertisers pass along advertising costs to us through the higher prices they charge for their products. A. By alleging something that, if true, would weaken the plausibility of the advertiser's conclusion B. By questioning the truth of the purportedly factual statemnet on which the advertiser's conclusion is based. 在两 个混淆选项中,我为何总选了错的那个。 看看这此例。因为消费者的反驳中,有一个问句,所以我选有B,B说有质问之意。我左看右看,其实AB选项差不多,差别在哪呵.到这种关键时刻,脑袋就晕 8.Teenaggers are often priced out of the labor market by the goverment-mandated minimum-wage level because employers cannot afford to pay that much of extra help. Therefore, if Congress institutes a subminimum wage, a new lower legal wage for teenagers, the teenage unemployment rate, which has been rising since 1960, will no longer increase. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument above A. Since 1960 the teengage unemployment rate has risen when the minimum wage has risen. B. Since 1960 the teenage unemployment rate has risen even when the minimum wage remained constant. D.The teenage unemployment rate rose more quickly in the 1970's than it did in the 1960. 我好不容易排除了其它错误选项,但 我的思路是—选A比B 好,因为当最低工资已提高,儿童失业率也在提高,这样说不是比B 说保持最低工资,但失业率仍高更具削弱性吗,况且C说70年代的失业率比60年代增长得更快,似乎更具削弱性。我不明白,正确答案为何是B。ABC为何B 是对的。AC更具杀伤力呵。 6.To entice customers away from competitors, RL supermarkets have begun offering discounts on home appliances to customers who spend 50 dollars or more on any shopping trip to RL.RL executives claim that the discount program has been a huge success, since cash register receipts of 50 dollars or more are up thirty percent since the beginning of the program. which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the claim of the RLexecutives D. Since the beginning of the discount program,most of the people who spend 50 dollars or more at RL are people who have never before shopped there and whose average grocery bill has always been higher than 50 dollars. E.Almost all of the people who have begun spending 50 dollars or more at RL since the discount program began are longtime customers who have increased the average amount of their shopping bills by making fewer trips. 我排除了其它选项,在DE 间犹豫。两者都有削弱作用,为什么答案是E呢。 |